Welcome to AMPLE, please submit your ride if you are interested!

Welcome to AMPLE. This site is devoted to the customization of large vehicles. Please sign the AMPLE Guestbook.

I bring you AMPLE, a site devoted to the customization of large vehicles. AMPLE is not anti-euro or anti-hod-rod aor anything of that sort. AMPLE is just to highlight some of the best and best-to-be larger than average automobiles in the car show/cruising circuit. AMPLE will only display station wagons, mini-vans, full-size vans, crew cab trucks, and Sport Utility Vehicles with four (or more) doors. Limos and Land Yachts are also under consideration, granted I find any. I am matt-X and I will surf the web to fill the pages of the AMPLE site. Everyone on this site will either be someone I communicate with or someone that wishes to appear on AMPLE.

NO ONE will just be put on here (i.e. magazine pix, web site download, etc.).

EVERYONE that wants to be on this page can be, provided that person fits into one of the categories. Their is an Under Construction site for all categories, so all entries will be posted, and done so as soon as possible.

If you would like your rides submtted and logged amongst great clubs like Local Minis, Negative Camber and many others, please E-mail me or sign the Guestbook if you would like to submit your ride. I have personally contacted each of these people or their webmaster and all rides used with permission. Thanx for visiting.

Station Wagons


Crew Cabs

Sport Utilities
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All images possesion of AMPLEĀ© and/or respective pages webmasters.
Images not to be used w/o expressed permission.
AMPLEĀ© online since May 10, 1998.
Authored by matt-X
.Last Updated June 26, 1998.