A [Return to Top]
Adolescence of P-1, The ---- ---- ----
Animal Farm Orwell, George ---- ----
Art from A to Z ---- ---- ----
Art of War, The Tzu, Sun ---- Gutenberg E-Text
B [Return to Top]
Beginner's Chinese Ho, Yong 1997 Hippocrene Books
Barren the Promised Land May, Elaine Tyler 1995 ----
Beginning Visual Basic 6 ---- 2000 Wrox
Beijing Spring ---- ---- ----
Between Planets Heinlein, Robert ---- ----
Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book of Breads Clayton, Jr., Bernard 1987 ----
Bird by Bird ---- ---- ----
Blood Music Bear, Greg ---- ----
Blue Gate of Babylon ---- ---- ----
Book of Myself, The ---- ---- ----
Book of Us, The ---- ---- ----
Bread in Half the Time Eckhardt, Linda West and Butts, Diana Collingwood 1992 ----
Bringing Down the Great Wall : Writings on Science Culture and Democracy in China Fang, Li Zhi ---- ----
C [Return to Top]
Carrying the Fire Collins, Michael ---- ----
Cerebus Book 1 Sim, Dave ---- ----
Cerebus Book 2 (High Society) Sim, Dave ---- ----
Cerebus Number Zero Sim, Dave ---- ----
Childhood is Hell Groening, Matt 1988 Pantheon Books
Children of Dune Herbert, Frank ---- ----
Chinese Village Cookbook ---- ---- ----
Clarence The Curious Calf ---- 1997 Grandreams
Complete Book of Breads, The Clayton, Jr., Bernard 1973 ----
Complete Book of Camping, The ---- ---- ----
Complete Works of William Shakespeare, The ---- ---- ----
Cosmos Sagan, Carl ---- ----
Courts of Chaos, The Zelazny, Roger ---- ----
Cruel Shoes Martin, Steve ---- ----
D [Return to Top]
Daddy's Boy Elliott, Chris and Elliott, Tom ---- ----
Dark Star Foster, Alan Dean ---- ----
Detective Arthur on the Scent ---- ---- ----
Diary of Samuel Pepys, The - Volume 1 - 1660 Edited by Latham, Robert and Matthews, William 1995 ----
Dolphins of Pern McCaffrey, Ann ---- ----
Dragondreams McCaffrey, Ann ---- ----
Dragondrums McCaffrey, Ann ---- ----
Dragonfly - NASA and the Crisis Aboard Mir Burrough, Bryan 1998 ----
Dragonsongs McCaffrey, Ann ---- ----
Dune Herbert, Frank ---- ----
Dyskolos, The Menander; Moulton, Carroll translator 1997 ----
E [Return to Top]
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial and His Adventure on Earth ---- ---- ----
Empire Strikes Back, The ---- ---- ----
Enigma Kube-McDowell, Michael P. ---- ----
Eon Bear, Greg ---- ----
Ethan Fromm ---- ---- ----
F [Return to Top]
Fast Sofa Craven, Bruce ---- Morrow
Farmer in the Sky Heinlein, Robert ---- ----
Final Exit - The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying Humphry, Derek 1991 ----
First Men In the Moon Wells, H. G. ---- ----
Five Were Missing ---- ---- ----
Flipside of Memory ---- ---- ----
Future Shock Toffler, Alvin 1970 ----
G [Return to Top]
Give War a Chance - Eyewitness Accounts of Mankind's Struggle Against Tyranny, Injustice and Alcohol-Free Beer O'Rourke, P.J. 1992 ----
Gilda Radner Paper Doll Book, The ---- ---- ----
God of Small Things, The Roy, Aundahti ---- ----
God's Words of Life - From the NIV Women's Devotional Bible ---- 1997 ----
Goodnight Moon Brown, Margaret Wise ---- ----
Guide to an Incomplete Education, The ---- ---- ----
Guns of Avalon, The Zelazny, Roger ---- ----
H [Return to Top]
Harry Potter 2 ---- ---- ----
Hand of Oberon, The Zelazny, Roger ---- ----
Have Spacesuit Will Travel Heinlein, Robert ---- ----
Herman's New Friend Hendershot, Michael A. 1972 ----
High Fidelity ---- ---- ----
History of Italian Renaissance Art - Painting - Sculpture - Architecture, Third Edition Hartt, Frederick 1987 Prentice-Hall
History Laid Bare - Love Sex and Perversity from the Ancient Etruscans to Warren G. Harding Zacks ---- ----
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, The Adams, Douglas ---- ----
Home Movie Akins, Ellen 1988 Simon and Schuster
How to Go to Hell Groening, Matt 1991 HarperPerennial
How to Write for Television DiMaggio, Madeline 1990 ----
I [Return to Top]
I Love You Like Crazy Cakes ---- ---- ----
IBM Personal Computer Upgrade Guide Sandler, Corey; Badgett, Tom and Terry, Jim 1990 ----
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Space Technology, The ---- 1981 ----
Iron Joe Bob Briggs, Joe Bob (Bloom, John) ---- ----
Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott ---- ----
J [Return to Top]
James and the Giant Peach Dahl, Roald ---- ----
Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte ---- ----
Janes Pocket Book of Spacecraft ---- 1976 ----
Japan That Can Still Say No!, The ---- ---- ----
Japanese Rage ---- ---- ----
Journey to Beloved Whinfrey, Oprah 1997 ----
Journey to the Center of the Earth Verne, Jules ---- ----
Jurassic Park Crichton, Michael ---- ----
K [Return to Top]
---- ---- ---- ----
L [Return to Top]
Lando Calrissian #1 Smith, L. Neil ---- ----
Lando Calrissian #2 Smith, L. Neil ---- ----
Lando Calrissian #3 Smith, L. Neil ---- ----
Lathe of Heaven, The LeGuin, Ursula K. ---- ----
Life Nature Library ---- ---- Time-Life Books
Last Chance to See Adams, Douglas ---- ----
Life, the Universe, and Everything Adams, Douglas ---- ----
Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, The Adams, Douglas 1988 ----
Lost Books of the Bible, The and Forgotten Books of Eden, The ---- ---- ----
Lost World, The Crichton, Michael ---- ----
Lost Worlds of 2001, The Clarke, Arthur C. ---- ----
Love Ain't Nothing But Sex Misspelled Ellison, Harlan ---- ----
Love is Hell Groening, Matt 1986 Pantheon
Luke's Fate ---- ---- ----
M [Return to Top]
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Burton, Virginia Lee ---- ----
Mutant Message Down Under Morgan, Marlo ---- ----
My Father's Geisha Bennett, James Gordon ---- ----
Myst: The Book of Atrus (#1) (Hardback) Miller, Robin ---- ----
Myst: The Book of Atrus (#1) Miller, Robin ---- ----
Myst: The Book of D'Ni (#3) Miller, Robin ---- ----
Myst: The Book of T'iana (#2) Miller, Robin ---- ----
N [Return to Top]
National Sunday Law Crisis, The ---- ---- ----
New American Encyclopedia of Social and Commercial Information, The Homans, James E. 1908 P.F. Collier & Son
New Solar System, The ---- ---- ----
Nine Princes in Amber Zelazny, Roger ---- ----
Neuromancer Gibson, William 1984 Ace Books, The Berkley Publishing Group
O [Return to Top]
Of Mice and Men Steinbeck, John ---- ----
On Killing ---- ---- ----
Outdoor Survival Skills (AFM 64-5 Survival) ---- ---- ----
P [Return to Top]
Plane Geometry ---- ---- ----
Please Remember Me ---- ---- ----
Puppet Masters, The Heinlein, Robert ---- ----
Q [Return to Top]
---- ---- ---- ----
R [Return to Top]
Raiders of the Lost Ark Campbell, Bruce ---- ----
Red Planet Heinlein, Robert ---- ----
Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The Adams, Douglas ---- ----
Return of the Jedi ---- 1983 ----
Road to Hell, The Groening, Matt 1992 HarperPerennial
Roots Haley, Alex ---- ----
S [Return to Top]
Scale of Nature, The ---- ---- ----
School is Hell Groening, Matt 1987 Pantheon
Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies Mead, Margaret 1935, 1950, 1963 ----
Simpsons Xmas Book, The Groening, Matt 1990 HarperPerennial
Sign of the Unicorn, The Zelazny, Roger ---- ----
Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut, Jr., Kurt 1969 Dell
Snow Falling on Cedars Guterson, David ---- ----
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish Adams, Douglas ---- ----
Space Doctor Cory, Lee ---- ----
Space Shuttle Operators Manual ---- ---- ----
Spacecraft 2000 to 2100 A.D. ---- ---- ----
Speed-up Chinese - English Annotation ---- 1997 Peking University Press
Splinter of the Mind's Eye Foster, Alan Dean ---- ----
Star Trek Technical Reference Manual, The Franz, Joesph ---- ----
Star Trek: Resurrection ---- ---- ----
Star Wars Lucas, George 1976 ----
Starman Jones Heinlein, Robert ---- ----
Still Me Reeve, Christopher 1998 ----
Stowaway to the Moon Shelton, William R. ---- ----
Strange Ritual - Pictures and Words Byrne, David 1995 ----
Swiftly Tilting Planet, A L'Engle, Madeline ---- ----
T [Return to Top]
Tom Brown's Field Guide to Wilderness Survival Brown, Tom ---- ----
2001: A Space Odyssey Clarke, Arthur C. 1968 ----
U [Return to Top]
Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, The Adams, Douglas ---- ----
- One volume containing five full-length books plus one short story.
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
- Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The
- Life, the Universe, and Everything
- So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
- Mostly Harmless
- "Young Zaphod Plays It Safe"
Unix in a Nutshell ---- ---- O'Reily
Using Advanced Algebra ---- ---- ----
Using Algebra ---- ---- ----
Using Trigonometry ---- ---- ----
Up Through the Water Steinke, Darcey 1989 Doubleday
V [Return to Top]
V Crispin, A. C. 1984 ----
Virtual Reality Madness and More ---- ---- ----
W [Return to Top]
What Girls Learn ---- ---- ----
Work is Hell Groening, Matt ---- ----
World's Fair ---- ---- ----
Wind in the Door, A L'Engle, Madeline ---- ----
Wrinkle in Time, A L'Engle, Madeline ---- ----
Writing Down the Bones ---- ---- ----