Las Vegas Concert: Part I

This is Mindi and I. She was nice about taking pictures. At first she was like "Without makeup?!", but she was cool with it anyway, and she was very nice, she gave us info on the meet and greet, even though we didn't go.

Ro was cool. When we first saw him he looked like he was in a rush, so we didn't get autographs, but we saw him like 50 milion times after!!! I didn't bother him because there was no point.

Again, Amy was nice, I recognized her first(how could you not notice her with her hair!!). She gave me advice on how to jump start my dance career and her advice was really helpful.

Now, this picture may look funny to you since their backs are turned. The reason why I took this picture was because Richmond(the one with the long braid) did want to take a picture, but I got a pic of him anyway!!!!

This is Bubba. Again, I noticed him first. We kinda interrupted a phone call (I think), but he was nice about taking pictures anyway, which I thought was very cool.

Las Vegas: Part II:
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