Updates: February & March 1999

March 30th: Chapters Thirty & Thirty-One to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been posted. I (LeAndra) know it's been a couple days since I updated the other two stories, but I'll get to them as soon as I can. Thanks.

March 29th: Updated the 'News' Section, also added an anti-nsync banner. (Don't send hate mail to us about the banner, we have a right to express our opinion!) Chapters Twenty-Eight & Twenty-Nine have been put up to 'Angel Sent From Heaven'. Also, there are have been some lyrics added to "Lyrics" section (finally got started on the US album).

March 28th: Chapter Six for 'All My Love' has been put up.

March 27th: Chapter Five for 'All My Love' and 'Who Do You Love' has been put up.

March 26th: Chapter Twenty-Seven to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been posted.

March 24th: Chapter Four for 'All My Love' and 'Who Do You Love' have been added.

March 23rd: Chapters One, Two, and Three have been up to 'Who Do You Love'.

March 22nd: Chapter Twenty-Six to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been put up. Chapter Three to 'All My Love' has been put up. And the Prologue for 'Who Do You Love' has been posted.

March 20th: Chapter Twenty-Five to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been added. Also, Chapter One and Chapter Two to 'All My Love' have been posted.

March 19th: Chapter Twenty-Four to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been posted. Also, the Prologue for 'All My Love' has been put up. Hope you enjoy the new story!! I'll try to get started on 'Who Do You Love' as soon as I can.

March 16th: Chapter Twenty-Two to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been added.

March 14th: The "News" section has been updated.

March 13th: There have been some major updating going on the the "Pictures" section. First off, Nick's, Brian's, Kevin's, AJ's, Howie's, and the Group sections have new pictures in it. Pics 32-38 in Kevin's section are new, pics 51-57 in the Group section are new, pics 33-37 in AJ's section are new, pics 30-35 in Brian's section are new, pics 20-27 in Howie's section are new, and pics 40-53 in Nick's section are new. Also there is a new secion called "Concert Pics!!!" in the "Pictures" section. Click here to check it out.

March 12th: The "Pictures" section has been updated. Pics 32-38 in Kevin's section are new and pics 40-53 in Nick's section are new.

March 10th: Chapter Twenty-One for 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been posted.

March 8th: Added a new poll. Also, Chapter Twenty for 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been added.

March 7th: We thought you, the fans, would like to see who the Boys have chosen to be their the "love" of their lives. To check out the new "The Girlfriends" section, click here or go back to Main Page Do they live up to your expectations? Finally, the "Pictures" section has been updated: In AJ's section, pics 28-32 are new; in Brian's section, pics 26-30 are new; in Howie's section, pics 15-19 are new; and in Kevin's section, pics 29-31 are new. We'll be getting to Nick's section, and the Group section as soon as we can. And just so you know, the fact that Howie has the least pics in his section, doesn't mean we don't like him. We just didn't have that many pics of him. But we will soon.

March 6th: Chapter Twenty-Three to 'Promises' and Chapter Nineteen to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' have been put up.

March 5th: Added more articles to the "Articles" section. Also added two new banners. And Chapter Eighteen to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been posted.

March 4th: More lyrics have been put up in the "Lyrics" section and the "News" section has also been updated.

March 2nd: Chapter Seventeen to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been put up.

March 1st: Chapter Sixteen to 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been put up.

February 27th: Chapter Fifteen to the story 'Angel Sent From Heaven' has been added.

February 26th: Chapters 21 and 22 have been added to 'Promises', and Chapter 14 to 'Angel Sent From Heaven'. Any comments about the stories can be written in the guestbook or email the author at: morning_dove56@hotmail.com Also a new link, Backstreet Boys All Access, has been added in the "Link" section. It looks pretty good, so check it out.

February 25th: We updated our website!!! As you can see, we have a "updates" page now. We updated the news, the reviews, and we finally put up the articles. My fault! Sorry, People!! (Dalila). And we updated the lyrics. Have fun!!

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