Georges Lessard
media AT web DOT net
Site Nav LinksPlease Freely Visit: the rest of my site... to learn even more yourself.. no pop quizes...So You Want to Learn More? Are you interested in learning about the use of e-mail and the internet for the benefit of your NGO and for your professional edification? If you are then I need to learn about the type and ammount of e-mail & internet connection and use you have access to. Then I can help you learn to use the medium you have to its limits. Please tell me if you; 1- Have e-mail only pay per message; pay by volume; pay to receive; 2- Have e-mail & internet access unlimited access; limited access; via internet cafe; 3- Have telnet access e-mail only; 4- Other access please explaine 5- NGO or employer pays for access 6- You pay for your access 7- Please tell me what computer system and programs you use to access your e-mail and / or the internet. 8- Please tell me what you would like to learn about or do with the new skills you wish to learn about. Give as much detail as you can... I look forward to working with you and your organization. Electronic and digital media Hands-on shot-term workshops; Internet & e-mail based; or live on-line workshops & mentoring. I like to help people learn, who want to have the chance to learn. So my fees for doing that reflect my feelings and are thus flexable and designed to take into consideration the differing social realities. The information displayed on this site is free for all with the where & what-with-all to perceive it. Please pass it on, but remember that in some instances the artistic licence and copyright belongs to others. The links are there to learn with, activate them. If you are interested in having me help you learn about the electronic and digital media, please get in touch. I am interested in presenting workshops for groups and mentoring individuals or organisations involved in community access communications media of all sorts. The learning opportunities can be created to suit the needs of individual learners or groups. I'll consider on location &/or distance education projects anywhere in the world. Hands-on shot-term workshops; Internet & e-mail based live on-line workshops & mentoring.