How Good Are You At Space Quest?

The first place person!!

1. Space Quest Fan #1 ..................... 20 (guess I need better questions)
2. Kurtis ................................. 18
3. Roger Wilco ............................ 18
4. Slash .................................. 17
5. Gold guy ............................... 14
6. Peter Hue .............................. 11
7. Wilco Fan .............................. 10
8. Space Man .............................. 7
9. FAN MAN ................................ 4
10. Dustin ................................ 3

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Roger Wilco for Space Quest
come on back to the joint dude

Did you know that people have looked at the results to the quiz


This is a picture from space 
quest 6. The hand in this 
picture belongs to the one 
and only evil genius Sharpei.
I forget which part of space 
quest 6 it is from but I think
it is in the introduction or 
when the captain of Deepship 
86 hails her. It's cool dude. :)