There you are . Glad you made it.
This is my new updated mainpage. I seem to not be able to leave it alone and have to come back and change the layout once in a while.
We are but a spark in the universe.
Things are speeding up. Don't you find yourself feeling that there must be a deeper reason for our journey through life?
Many of us are looking for answers to their questions. But many don't know where or how to begin their search.
Are you?
If you're not, don't leave ... there is down to earth *normal* stuff on this page too :) Something for everyone! :)
There's much more to a person than his or her *outside*, believe me!
The difference between your Soul and your Personality ( in English, German and Spanish) and Energy! (Chakras) let you see what I am searching for, what I have been able to perceive and experience, and the answers I can give.
These articles I wrote will take you on the Journey towards perception and intuition.
There are some facts about me and some pictures as well. I would like you to check out my ART. I have just updated my Gallery.
Do come back once in a while: There will be new and interesting *things*....OH, and while you're at it ... I certainly would love to read your comments in my guestbook :)
Original Pastels
Hopi Indian Prophecies for this NEW Millenium
The 7 Thunders
Our Energypoints and their Activation
A blank page in our mind for:
OUR SOUL AND PERSONALITY (in English, German and Spanish)
This page has been visited 11.000 times until May 1st, 2000. Sadly the counter sunddenly started at 0 again. By clicking on the the little green box at the bottom of the page you can see who, when, where and why has come to this page.
Since May 1st, this
page has been visited