my friend's (online and in life) web sites

Hava Nagilla! and always know where your oranges are!
this is my friend, ashliye's site, it hasn't been updated, but she is looking for someone to take over her nirvana site
XMetalHeadX15's home page
my friend erikah's site. mostly talking about music and stuff, but under construction
The Ramps
my friend, lindsay's page. pretty kool, go to it if you're a sk8boarder, cos it's basically a skating page
Disconnected Thoughts
my online buddy, eric's page. he's pretty kool, into skinny puppy and kmfdm
tiler's page (doesn't reaLLy have a name)
my online buddy,tiler's page and sometimes online therapist j/ is pretty much under construction


hey-o. if you've been to my main page, you know who my friends are. but if you didn't, here are some of them: ashliye toliver, jessika abramson, erikah stamps, adam marchman, katie crumpton, lindsay bauer, ben seevers, tristan cunha, mandi dworkin, nicole cross, and some others

my online friends are: XDrAiNxYoU, PuNK10011, NNY7776, XFixxxerX1, TCaTdaBoSs, Skinnnyboy, RuDe DuDe, Benweezer, and umm...i dont really go into chat anymore, so, the list is kinda short

okay, that's really it, i might have pics of some of my friends up if i ever get a scanner

candy necklace hopes and strawberry pez dreams,


icq uin:4054780

aol instant messenger name: RBFishee (dont e-mail here, cos it's not aol)