Howie D.

Howie D.

Full name:Howard Dwaine Dorough
Born:22 August '73
Born In:Orlando,Florida
Lives In:Orlando,Florida
Family:Dad Hoke,Mum Paula,Sisters Angela,Caroline,Polly Anna and Brother John
Pets:Cat Oscar and dog Christopher
Can play the:Guitar(you can see him playing it in the "Quit Playin' Games Vid)
Fav. Food:Oriental
Fav.drink:Iced tea or Sprite
Fav.scent:Cool Water or CK One
What the others say about him:Pig Out King
Worst Secret That Has Been Revealed:About him wearing socks in bed at night.
Quotable Quote:"The only time I've been scared of heights was jumping off a high diving board,I was a bit worried that time,luckily I haven't discovered any phobias-yet!"(When asked if he has ever suffered from vertigo by TOTP magazine)

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