Coach's Corner Critique

February 5, 2000
A Coach's Corner During An All-Star Game!!!

This CC made the all-star game worth watching....lets face it, the game sucks, so hearing Don's rants make it worthwhile.  Kevin / Melvin / whatever he calls himself these days did a pretty good job describing this CC, so I'll make my comments short.  For the detail you can scroll down.

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Well Scott was over to watch the game and we figured there would be no CC for this one as Cherry hates these game. But low and behold there he was in the 1st intermission. I have a feeling that it was because the game was being played in Toronto.

Anyhow right away he slams ABC. Of course I think this is great cause I have this hatred for American media and the way they build up all their sports teams and players and talk as if they are the best thing since sliced bread. Don rants and raves about how he hates the style of this game and that they are out there floating and that is about it.

He talks about the junior prospects game and how those guys are playing for something. They show some clips from that game some good hits and what not. I didn't see this part but Scott was yelling enough for me to assume that the hits where good.

They talk about Barnaby and about how much Don and most of the players int he NHL hate this guy. Ask Scott how much I hate the F@#$ken guy. I have a great dislike for the guy. Anyhow they talk a bit about the round table discussion that went on Friday night with some of the GM's and some people from the League. Don asks Ron if they will invote him next year. Imagine Don there. Don mentions that at the round table talks they voted against the Instigator rule. Now for those of you that have read past CCC's from me.(when I do them that is) I like Don think that this rule should be taken right out of the game that is the only way to protect your "Star Players"

Anyhow I found this to be a great CC the fact that I didn't think there was going to be one at all made it good from the start but it was a good one all around. Don seemed to have a bit more time with this one and I enjoyed it. I will give this a 9 out of 10. If they had touched on the Barnaby issue a little more and ripped him a bit more then this would have been a 10 for sure.

Now a little note to the people that read this section. I have been unable to do a CCC for a while. This is not because  I don't want to it is more that I work every Saturday Night and it is real hard to do it. Plus I am so tired come Sunday that I dont' feel like sitting at the computer to do one. Anyhow Scott has been riding me about doing one and so I am doing one now. I hope this keeps him happy for a while now. Enjoy the second half of the season and "GO LEAFS GO"

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