Q. I keep getting calls from people but don't know how to answer, what do I do?

A. You need to make sure that you are using the right frequency on your transceiver at the right point in the game. The following are a list of frequencies:

Character: Before roadblock: After roadblock:
Big Boss: 120.85 120.13
Diane: 120.33 120.91
Jennifer: n/a 120.48
Schneider: 120.79 120.16
Station KNK: 120.77 (After you've beaten the game)

Check the map for a full list of locations to call people and always keep an eye open at the bottom of your screen for incoming calls.

Q. What are those stupid cigarettes for, anyway?

A. When you get to the very end of the game, there will be a timer counting down how much time you have until the metal gear explodes. If you use the cigarettes, they will add another 1000 time units (they're not seconds) to the clock.

Q. I just started the game and I'm on a screen where there is a dog and four exits. How come the screen keeps repeating itself?

A. You can only go up or down.

Q. How do I get past that wooden gate on the bottom of the screen where you get key card #1?

A. My friend, you've just stumbled into the greatest mystery of Metal Gear. What's beyond that gate is completely unknown to me, but you can rest assured that I've tried everything I can think of to open it up. To answer your question, I think the area on the other side of the gate (including the corner of that building) was left out by the programmers, possibly for space reasons or maybe just to save time. Since you can't see onto that screen with the binoculars, I think it's a safe bet that there's nothing over there.

Q. I just walked into a room that has these little clouds on the floor. Why does my life start disappearing?

A. Those clouds are poisonous gas. You need to wear a gasmask to survive.

Q. How do I get myself captured?

A. Go to the extreme south end of the first building, first floor, and enter the truck next to the other cars.

Q. I just got sent to jail and now I'm stuck in a room with no doors. How do I get out?

A. Walk up to the center of the left wall and punch it (an opening should appear). There are a couple other places in the game where you will need to do this, so don't forget about it!

Q. No matter where I go, people always tend to see me. What's going on?

A. After you have been captured and have retreived your items, click on the transmitter to get rid of it. The enemies shouldn't predict your presence you from now on.

Q. I'm in the jungle and on a screen where there's six paths, two at the top and bottom, and one on each side. How do I get out of here?

A. Take the left path twice, the upper-left once, then the left again (you should hear the rank increase sound if you do it correctly).

Q. Now I'm on a screen with two paths on the left and right sides, one of the top, and one on the bottom. What do I do now?

A. Use the lower-left path twice, go up once, then the lower left path again (using the upper-left path instead of the lower left will put you in the dead end).

Q. How do I defeat:
1) The Shot Gunner?

A. Stand at the bottom right corner of the screen and fire radio controlled missles at him. You can also shoot him with a regular gun, just make sure that you're at an angle where he can't shoot you back.

2) The Machine Gun Kid?

A. Hide below one of the 3 walls and run out and fire 4 or 5 handgun rounds in his direction (he should walk into a few of them). Keep repeating this process.

3)Twin Shot?

A. Immediately run to the top-right corner of the screen and shoot 8 grenades over the wall to kill the right one. Then move over to where he was and do the same thing to the one on the left.

4)The Tank?

A. There's two ways to do this. The first way is to lay mines under it until it explodes (boring) or you can sneak around the side (fun...I guess). In order to go around it, you need to wait until the tank is at the top of the screen and press Snake up against either the left or right side of the building (I prefer left). When the tank starts moving downward, wait for it to hit you with it's machine gun and sprint to the top of the screen. As long as you're still blinking while you pass through the tank, it won't kill you. You'll then be free to move on to the next screen (but be careful, it's full of mines).

5)The Plow?

A. Stand at the very bottom of the screen and shoot 8 grenades on top of it (don't be afraid to run if it gets too close to you).

6) The Arnolds?

A. You need the rocket launcher. Fire a few rockets from the corner, and then run before Arnold hits you. Repeat this process until they are both dead.

7) The Flame Trooper?

A. Run up and stand to the right of him and unload with your handgun (the flames shouldn't hit you).

8) the "Final Boss"?

Run up and stand between the first two boxes in the room (he should run around at the bottom of the screen but not shoot you) and fire 10 rockets at him.

Q. How do I cross the desert?

A. You need to use the compass.

Q. How come Jennifer won't answer my calls?

A. Because she's a snob! (You'll need 4 stars first.)

Q. How do you find the Rocket Laucher and Compass?

A. When you're in the building with the Arnolds, there should be a few empty rooms. Before you enter these rooms, call Jennifer and she'll leave them inside for you.

Q. Why won't Dr. Pettrovich tell me anything useful?

A. You need to rescue his daughter, Ellen, first.

Q. What does it take to blow up that goofy computer?

A. You first need to have an intelligent conversation with Dr. P. (rescue his daughter Ellen first) and then put about 15 plastic explosives on it. Of course, you can just skip this room (see Quick Pointers)....

Q. How come when I beat "the final boss" and run out of one of the doors the elevator shaft never ends?

A. You need to make sure you take the first door.

Quick Pointers

-If you are in a room where there is an item/weapon that can be obtained more than once, (ammo, rations, mines, etc....) collect the item and then go to the transceiver screen. When you exit it, the item should reappear.

-When a pit begins to open, go to a selection screen. When you return to the game, the pit will stop opening (be careful though, it looks like it's completly closed even though it's not).

-You can skip the computer room just before the "final boss" without having to fight the four guards. As you enter the room, hold right on the control pad. Snake should warp on to the next room.

-This should be common sense, but never, ever shoot a hostage. You'll lose a star if you do.

Take me home, Stu