English Metal Gear 2 Development Committee
-A Japanese Metal Gear 2 page from people who appearantly know what they're talking about, even if their english isn't that great.
Metal Gear
A bunch of nifty MSX picts from the Japanese Metal Gear. I'm Shoot Gunner!!!
Ultra Game Player Metal Gear Solid Preview
A quick preview of Metal Gear Solid, written back in Sep. 97 (what do they mean "crusty, old 8-bit days"? Give me a break!!)
NateDawg's Metal Gear Solid Page
Contains some decent MGS info and a cool little animated gif of Solid Snake strangling a guy.
The Unofficial Metal Gear Solid Page
All of the latest news and information on MGS as soon as it happens. Nice layout too.
123 - windsor98's Metal Gear Solid Page
Also known as "Adam Moore's Metal Gear Solid page"
Ben's Punch-Out!! Home Page
Bionic Commando Headquaters
Blaster Master Underground
The CastleVania Dungeon
Destiny of an Emperor Unofficial Worship Temple
The Dragon Warrior Guild
The Kid Icarus Coliseum
The Mega Man Homepage
Metroid Database
Ninja Gaiden Homepage
The R-Type Home Page
RBI Baseball Page
The Ultimate Bomberman Page
Unofficial Strider Page
The Unofficial Zelda Headquarters
tsr's NES Archive
NES Nation
NES World
These are only a few of the available NES sites out there. Check out my main page, Big Stu's 8-bit NES Wonderland, for a full list of links.