I have an interesting story to tell about the Louvre and the Mona Lisa.

I waited on a long line forever to get through the pyramid and into the entrance of the Louvre.

I had 3 "must sees" on my own personal agenda in the Louvre; The Winged Victory, The Piata and of course, Mona!!!

The Winged Victory was easy.....it just appeared as I was entering, somewhere it just appeared.....so far so good!

Then I went in search of Mona.

And I searched......

And I searched......

And I searched......

And I started seeing the same things......and the same museum guard sitting in a chair.....over and over again.....

I guess I was going in circles......over and over......

It was like the episode from the Twilight Zone!!!!!......

You know the one I mean, the one where the guy kept arriving at the rail station at Willoughby......

and I couldn't get off the train......

Well..........finally, and I don't know how it it happened......but,...... I saw a crowd off to the side somewhere, all gathered around and staring at something.

Well, you got it...............they were all staring at Mona Lisa!!!!!!

So I edged my way through the crowd, eventually.......and waited my turn to get closer......

.......and there was this one man was right in front of me........ blocking my view.........staring for what seemed like forever and not moving on........

and I began thinking........just how long can someone stare at the Mona Lisa for?........will he ever move along?........and he still didn't move along.......for the longest time........

Well, eventually he did of course.......and I snapped my photograph right away!

If you look closely at this photograph, you can see my reflection in the protective glass........holding up the camera..........there I am!!!!!

Well, at that point I had enough of the Louvre and I got outta there post haste!!!!!

So I took off and left the museum, because I was already museumed out for the day.

So I went for a beer in front of the Pompadou Center and had more fun, and practiced my French talking to some locals.

As for The Piata, I realized that I got to see that as a child......when it came for an exhibition at the New York World's Fair in 1964-1965 anyway!

So I didn't really miss anything.

Well, c'est la vie!!!

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