These petz are for Petz 3, Petz 4, AND Petz 5. So be sure to check what program it says it is for if you have 3 or 4 and not 5. All the petz will work in Petz 5, AND keep the colors when you import but you can't put a pup from Petz 5 into Petz 3. Also, when you bring your new friend home, be sure to look in their info as I will have added additional comments other than what you see in their listing in the adoption center.
1) You may only adopt 2 petz per week.
2) If you cannot keep the pet(s) for any reason, you may return them to me, or put them up on your own site.
3) Please keep the SoD prefix if you plan on showing.
4) When asking for a pet, tell me which site you're adopting from (IE. Sea of Dals for dals, Windswept for cats, Windrider for shelties ect. I tend to re-use names and this way I don't send the wrong pet!) No form, but I am always curious to know why you chose that particular pet... E-Mail
Pick a color, any color....