Cead Mille Failte Romhait!
(a hundred thousand welcomes)

I love St Patrick's Day. It's one of my favorite holidays. Meowmie's family is Irish in origin and we have traced one branch of the family tree back to when the left Ireland in 1793. I think that must be one purrty long branch. MOL. Anyway, Scully's part Irish, too, so we decided to take a little sight seeing trip to Ireland fur St Patrick's Day..

We went to Roches Point in County Dublin to see this neat lighthouse.


We also went to Powerscourt Gardens. Isn't the waterfall purrty?


We really enjoyed seeing all the old castles and monestaries in Ireland. This old castle at Kilkenny was one of our faforites. We also did lots of shopping and found some kewl purresents fur Scully's brofurs and my nephmews.

Of couse, as much as Scully and I enjoy the beach, we had to check out the beach in Killiney, County Dublin.

This is the thatched roof cottage we stayed at in County Claire.

And of course, what is a trip to Ireland with seeing the famous Blarney Castle and kissing the Blarney Stone?

This is the Gallus Oratory in Dingle. It's a 9th Century church that is furry well purrserved.

This is Kylemore Abbey. It is one of the most beautifur Abbey's in all of Ireland.

This is one of the famous round towers at a monestery in Ireland.

This is inside another monastery found in Cashel. It's called "The Rock".


Purrlease help mewrself to my card and a genuine Irish Shamrock. Just purrlease link it back here so offurs can visit too.

I hope mew enjoyed our trip to Ireland as much as Scully and I did! Come back and visit us again soon.


Some Graphics By:

© 2002 Midnight H.

Song is Wearin of the green.