Please Daddy
Don't do this to me, I
Need you now more than ever.
Daddy I came from you
And now I need
To come to you
The sky is cloudy, getting dark
Moon, pain,
Eclipse the sun of my heart
But, Daddy, please don't be alarmed,
For this is just one of my charms
I am no longer the little girl
And I've forgotten how to smile
But I still need someone there for me
As a woman, not as a child.
And Daddy it seems you are the one,
The only one who cared
But I'm dying and you don't even know it
Just standing and standing and standing there
Please Daddy don't do this to me
Try to understand and let me be who I need
And want to be.

Copyright 1998 by _sPiDerBaBy_
Any comments? - mail me

...SoNGs...* ...HoMe...* ...PoeMs...

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