verse 1
Wish I'd never wanted this so much
Wish I didn't keep losing touch
Try so very hard to make things clear
Scream so very loud but no-one hears

Think I tried to drown myself today
In confusion, fear and pain
Water, flow, take me away
Blindfold, backwards, feels the same

verse 2
Wish I'd never tried to cloud my eyes
Red wine and cigarettes, a great disguise
Try so very hard to keep my depth
Try not to sink as I've nothing left

verse 3
Wish I'd never tried to live the past
Love will decay 'cos nothing lasts
Try so very hard to gain control
Every time I smile I lose my soul

verse 4
Wish I'd never tried to make me smile
Wish I'd realised I'm still a child
So young inside I cannot feel
Then how come tears are always real?

Copyright 1997 by _sPiDerBaBy_
Any comments? - mail me

...BooKs...* ...SoNGs...* ...HoMe...* ...PoeMs...