My whole life seems just
One long wait
Until my dreams disintegrate
And the sky falls down on me
Crushed by
Clouds and misery
Heaven is far too far for me
And life is much much too cold
Angels don't fall from the sky to me
I'm too much of a cynic
Or just too old
I can't believe in anything
I wish I could be that naïve
My mind just questions everything
I know the truth but can't believe
I cannot go against entropy
And chaos is ruling all around
Just like I can't deny gravity
And pick myself up from the ground
Plastic, music, amphetamine,
And a world that can only fade
Abhorring the pit I am living in
But I'm destined to lie,
My bed is made
A flick of the wrist
Slash, slash of the blade
My future is made
I have no choice
But the illusion of such
I have no voice
I just talk too much
So what is there left that I can do?
I can hope and hope for better things
And I hope you will finally see the truth
That this fallen angel has broken her wings

Copyright 1998 by _sPiDerBaBy_
Any comments? - mail me

...SoNGs...* ...HoMe...* ...PoeMs...

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