
Naked I stand
To count the scars
And run my fingers down the ridges on my arms

And naked I fall
When life gets too much
With each slice I make I lose my sense of touch

I run my fingers down my spine
To see if I can feel
I see my nipples harden
My own touch isn't real

Metal vs. flesh
I play the battle in my mind
Purely academic
As I know which will win
'my dear you have such thick skin'
but it's no match for the omnipotent blade
with each drop of blood my future is made

blood red blood
on milk bottle skin
I love to be naked
Enamoured with sin

Run my hands round my hips
Squeezing my waist
Tongue smoothing teeth,
Sweet salt water taste

Cup my breasts in my hands
to see what I've lost
As each rib appears
It seems worth what it cost

I want to be looked at
I want to be touched
For this work of art
I've given so much

Copyright 1998 by _sPiDerBaBy_
Any comments? - mail me

...SoNGs...* ...HoMe...* ...PoeMs...

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