About 4 lbs. leftover venison bones;scraped clean of meat
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1 cup sherry
1 tablespoon salt
1 medium onion,choppe
3 stalks celery
3 cans black bean soup
3 eggs,hard boiled
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Place the bones in a large kettle; add the chopped onions,chopped celery,a tablespoon of salt,the thyme and water enough t cover the bones.Simmer for two hours.Drain off the liquid,allow to cool and skim or strain any fat.In aseparate kettle cook the three cans of black bean soup and the sherry.Add the venison stock to the soup andsimmer for a half hour.When ready,serve a dollop of sour cream,a sliver of lemon and a quarter of hard boiled egg.The same thing can be done with goose,duck,pheasant,groue,or quail carcsses.Don't throw them away;they make a delicious soup.Serves eight to ten.
4-6 venison chops
1/2 cup milk
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 cup flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
This recipe is just like chicken-fried pork chops.Cover chops with flour,salt,and pepper.Put chops in a mixing bag and shake.Take out and brown on both sides.Put in a casserole dish.Pour the milk over the four and dripping left in the skillet and make gravy.Pour the gravy over the chops and bake on medium heat for approximately 45 minutes.Serves four.
6 lbs.venison steak,cut 1/2 inch thick
1/8 teaspoon pepper per slice
1 cup flour
1/8 teaspoon per slice
A very simlpe recipe we both enjoy.Roll the steak in flour,salt and pepper,and put in ahot lightly greased skillet.You don't want them greasy.If it's good venison,the meat will be tenter you can almost eat it with a spoon. Serves six
10 lbs. hindquarter,rump
1/4 pound butter
3 bacon strips
1 tablespoon salt
4 cups red wine,preferably full-bodied
1 medium onion,quartered
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/2 tablespoon pepper
This recipe takes two days.The first night,marinade in wine,turning regularly.The following day,take the haunch and make three deep holes evenly spaced along the meat.Plug these with a strip of raw bacon and quarter a onion.This is called larding.Over this sprinkle salt,pepper,and paprika. Place the meat back in the marinade for a second night(refrigerate),adding the juniper berries to the marinade.The next day,roast 15 minutes per pound at 350 degrees in a preheated oven.Baste occasionally with the juice and rub on butter when halfway finished.If you want it well done,roast 20-25 minutes per pound.This will serve12,and is delicious with wild rice,brussel sprouts or broccoli,a tossed salad,and hot rolls.
12 pound venison haunch
1/2 lb. black pepper
1 lb. brown sugar
1 teaspoon sage
2 lbs. salt
1/4 lbs. paprika
1 lb. Morton's Tender Quick
Take a fresh haunch of venison that has lost all body heat,and put on a table covered with waxed paper.(You cannot cure or smoke a haunch or any other meat tha has been frozen.)Mix ingredients and rub the haunch well with them,abou 30 minutes worth of work.Cover haunch with what remains of the mixture.Allow to sit for four to five days,so that all liquid has drained from the meat.Hang the hunch and smoke with hickory or apple wood for 24 hours.When completed the meat can be served sliced,hot or cold.