*=copied-DO NOT use ANY designs that are copyrighted unless they are for yourself,or for a gift!!!
In other words, 'DON'T sell your finished work if it has Disney(who enforces this even at church craft fairs,lookout!),Pokemon,Peanuts,or any other that you know is copyrighted'.
...when you have printed out your design,trace it with the pen (if you go out of the lines it will come out when washed)...
...I get 2-3 GOOD ironings from just one tracing,so you don't have to retrace,if you want to reuse the pattern right away,or what I do,is save all my patterns in folders,organized by topic...
it on to your shirt,ink side down(or whatever you are putting it on).
DO NOT use steam. With an iron with settings that go to ten,put it between 6-7.
LIGHTLY go over the paper,being careful not to move it at all until you have covered each area of it for about 30-40 seconds.
Peel off & VOILA!-you should have a nice copy right on there!
...any fabric paint that you like can be used...
...there are a lot of brands out there...
...I like TULIP paint the best...
it has a pretty even consistancy & has a lot of color choices(my favorite)...
...it's around $2 a bottle...
...SCRIBBLES is another,cheaper kind(ususally $1 or less)with many great colors...
...my hands tend to cramp up easily when using these since the shape of the bottle makes it harder to squeeze out.
...JONES paint ($2-$4 depending on size) has the prettiest colors I've seen, but 'blobs' out very unevenly from the container...
...Deco Art also makes a fabric paint-have tried other paints from them,but not for cloth,as yet...
...most of the different types of colors come in SLICK,PEARL,PUFFY,GLITTER,& SHINY for some nice textures & effects.
WAIT at least 48 hours before washing or the paint will not stay adhered to the fabric!
MOST IMPORTANTLY, have fun! Let yourself relax,try something different like using a color that you don't usually have around; be creative & enjoy yourself!
...you are welcome to with any questions or ideas you might have...
...this is my printing page...
...you'll find all sorts of creative ideas here for your crafting...
...lots of transfers & wanabee images...
...(lots of other printables,too)
Don's 'Saved' List of Tee Shirt Links ...you'll find lots for makin' transfers here...
Webtv Printer Help Newsgroup
Funny Sayings ...you might want to use these on tee shirts,totes,aprons,or whatever...
August 11,2000