Fred has just got his mock exam results for his A-Levels. Oh dear. He failed Maths, Physics and Chemistry, but got a "C" in General Studies. Not too good. Fred is a Chaos Magician however, and decides to use magick. He begins to think of a statement of intent. "I want to pass my A-Levels" was his first attempt, but this was rushed, and to make the magick work he would have to put in a lot of study. Its no good casting a spell and then not doing the ground work. You need to make sure you can set as many factors up in the spells favour in order to ensure success.(1) On reflection Fred realises that his marks in Maths and Physics are just too bad to recover from, being just 15% and 8% respectively. His mark in Chemistry was 30% which was only just a fail. After talking to his teachers he realises that he's never really wanted to do Maths and Physics anyway, he just did them because they went with Chemistry! Fred decides to concentrate on getting his Chemistry passed this year and his teachers agree that if he can put enough effort in to get at least a "D" then they'll let him do the subjects he really wanted to do next year. Fred thinks about his magickal course of action. "It is my will that I pass A Level Chemistry" is his new statement of intent. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than before. At least Fred has the ability to do the study required to get the Chemistry result, especially now that he's dropped Maths and Physics!
"IT IS MY WILL THAT I PASS A LEVEL CHEMISTRY" reduces to "ITSMYWLHAPEVCR" in the first method or to "WHAIPCHE" in the second method.
Next combine all these letters together to form some strange looking symbol. Now this symbol may look a bit of a mess, so spend some time tidying it up. Forget the letters it is came from, just play around with it until it forms a pleasingly occult looking sigil. Fig 1 below comes from the letters "ITSMYWLHAPEVCR" and Fig 2 is derived from the letters "WHAIPCHE".
The only thing left for Fred to do is to fire the Sigil in a state of gnosis. When in a state of gnosis you must then release the sigil. You could for example sit still for an hour holding the image of the sigil in you head and blocking out all other thoughts for this period, and then send it shooting into space. Or you could visualise it disappearing into space just as you climax in sex(2). It could be the trance like state that can be reached by the ecstatic dancing to shamanic drumming or the correct kind of dance music. If you used your sigilized letters to form a Mantra instead of an image, you could reach gnosis by the repeated chanting of this Mantra.
And that is all there is to it! No gods. No spirits. No rituals. Of course, you can if you desire use these things with sigils. In fact using sigils to create spirits is particularly powerful. These spirits are generically termed servitors.
(2) Presuming the Law permits the act of sex you are using. The Author of this page does not intend to encourage or support any unlawful activity. This does not mean he will not campaign to change laws he does not agree with however. Remember though, whatever your age, it is legal to practise sex by yourself