Book list

Below is a list of the books we have read and used in creating this site. To find out more information about a particular book then see the book review section.

  • Silver Ravenwolf 'To Ride a Silver Broomstick' 1994 (ISBN 0 87542 791 X)

  • Scott Cunningham 'The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews' 1994 (ISBN 0 87542 128 8)

  • Dave Lee 'Magical Incenses' 1992 (ISBN 1 874171 01 7)

  • Janet and Stewart Farrar 'The Witches' Way' 1984 (ISBN 0 7090 1293 4)

  • Dion Fortune 'Psychic Self-Defence' 1988 (ISBN 0 85030 766 X)

  • D. J. Conway 'Celtic Magic' 1992 (ISBN 0 875420 136 9)

  • William Thomas and Kate Pavitt 'The Book of Talismans' 1993 (ISBN1 85170 947 9)

  • Scott Cunningham 'Earth Power' 1997 (ISBN 0 87542 121 0)

  • Elisabeth Brooke 'A Woman's Book of Shadows' 1993 (ISBN 0 7043 4367 3)

  • Starhawk 'The Spiral Dance' 1989 (ISBN 0 06 250814 8)

  • Scott Cunningham 'Spell Crafts' (ISBN 0 87542 121 0)

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