King Eglon and Ehud the Judge:
A Villanelle on Judges 3

Then Ehud put forth his left hand and took the sword from his right thigh
and thrust it into Eglon's belly. And the hilt went in also after the blade,
and the fat closed upon the blade, for Ehud did not draw the sword out of his belly, and the dirt came out. (Judges 3: 21-22)
Old Ehud was a judge indeed!
And Eglon was a royal swine.
(This is a story you should read.)

A hidden sword would suit his need --
Bronze edges honed so keen, so fine.
Oh, Ehud was a judge indeed!

Fat Eglon gorged on dates and mead;
He never passed a chance to dine.
(This is a story most should heed.)

A clever ruse that would succeed:
To slay that hog was his design.
Yes, Ehud was a judge indeed!

There's Eglon, waddling fat from greed,
Alone, and stuffed with cheese and wine --
This is a story all should read.

A belly thrust! With lightning speed!
The sword was gone without a sign!
Damn! Ehud was a judge indeed!
This is the story you must read.

-- Warren F. O'Rourke, 2004