In recent months there has been a steady increase in the number of Tanzanians who are applying to this College. That has sparked an interest in Tanzania. Also, the recent bombings in Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam have captured the interest of many people. So here is a page of links that will help you to find out what Tanzania is really like.
"Hey! Here are some good links to Tanzanian topics!"
This site has all sorts of government-sanctioned information about the people and culture of Tanzania.
This site presents a general overview of life in Tanzania. It includes some good information on the Tanzanian economy and legal system.
This site has daily updates on events and stories from Tanzania. It includes the daily news, weather, and feature stories.
Islam is one of the major religions in Tanzania. Here is a quick introduction to Islam in General and Tanzanian Muslims is particular.
Mohammed Sabur's Report on Tanzania
A helpful discussion of Tanzanian politics, economics, and U.S. relations with Tanzania.
This overview emphasizes Tanzanian history and geography.
C.I.A. Factbook Entry on Tanzania
Basic factual information from C.I.A. files.
The wild and wooly adventures of a new Zealander trekking all over East Africa.
Current news coverage about Tanzania from the Associated Press and the Washington Post.
How to Get a Visa to Enter Tanzania"
Includes both useful information and links to other good Tanzania sites.
Another brief overview of Tanzania.
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