Answers to Cultural Trivia Quiz #11

        1. Athens, Greece
        2. St. Augustine
        3. Dale Carnegie
        4. extrasensory perception
        5. The proletariat are the working-class members of a society who live by the direct sale of their labor.
        6. (a) 212 degrees Fahrenheit and (b) 32 degrees Fahrenheit
        7. magma (not lava) 8. clone
        9. the lungs
        10. one billion bytes
        11. Bathsheba
        12. the river that separates Hades from the world of the living
        13. perspiration
        14. The pastor was using church money for his own private pleasure and profit because, instead of being the trustworthy person we believed him to be, he turned out to have the same sinful and selfish nature that most other people have.
        15. Dostoevsky
        16. Macbeth
        17. a dead language
        18. John Barrymore, Lionel Barrymore, and Ethel Barrymore
        19. Demosthenes
        20. Israel
        21. Farragut
        22. Saigon
        23. against Jews
        24. Central Intelligence Agency
        25. Africa

        Scoring: 4 points for each correct answer. Subtract 2 points for each question you guessed at. Total your points and then give yourself a grade using the following scale:

        100-90 ("A"); 89-80 ("B"); 79-70 ("C"); 69-60 ("D");59-0 ("F")

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