Answers to Trivia Quiz XVI

        1. Treasure Island
        2. ears
        3. a metaphor
        4. Caruso was the most famous opera singer of his day, perhaps the most famous of all time.
        5. the Battle of Marathon
        6. Benito Mussolini
        7. General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
        8. Ronald Reagan
        9. KGB was the Soviet Union's international spy agency; it was the Soviet equivalent of the C.I.A.
        10. the donkey
        11. The capital city of Hungary is Budapest and it lies on the Danube River.
        12. Utah
        13. high places
        14. entrepreneur
        15. momentum
        16. six trillion miles
        17. magma
        18. mitosis
        19. preventing pregnancy
        20. an airframe is the main structure, that is, the wings, fuselage, etc., of an airplane; a mainframe is a large computer
        21. the Jordan River
        22. snakes
        23. Knute Rockne
        24. anonymous
        25. Mecca

        Scoring: 4 points for each correct answer. Subtract 2 points for each question you guessed at. Total your points and then give yourself a grade using the following scale:

        100-90 ("A"); 89-80 ("B"); 79-70 ("C"); 69-60 ("D");59-0 ("F")

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