Answers to Trivia Quiz #37

1. Shylock
2. the Panama Canal
3. Mark Twain
4. the Earth
5. Ruth and Esther
6. Jane Austen
7. Ireland
8. the Roman Senate
9. Russia
10. 625
11. sophomore
12. violins
13. a curse
14. Puccini
15. arsenic
16. Thailand
17. a vixen
18. to detect and measure the strength of radioactivity
19. the sister (since the Spanish word hermana means "sister.")
20. Morocco
21. the hammer and the sickle
22. Matthew, Mark, and Luke
23. they, their, theirs, them
24. Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard
25. The faithful wife of Odysseus who waited for his return from the Trojan War.

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