
February 9, 2000



Natural Resources Commission

P.O. Box 30028

Lansing, MI 48909

Dear Commissioners:

In the interest of sound deer management and herd improvement, the Mid-Michigan Branch of the Quality Deer Management Association makes the following proposal.

Proposed Buck Harvest Guidelines:

Based on our estimates, the resulting adult sex ratios would be 1:1.6 in the Upper Peninsula, 1:1.7 in the Northern Lower Peninsula, and 1:1.7 in the Southern Lower Peninsula. Protecting 50% of the yearling bucks in the DMU 107 demonstration area creates an approximate adult buck-to-doe ratio of 1:2. Protecting nearly 100% of the yearling bucks along with 20% of the 2 ½-year-olds would result in an approximate 1:1 adult buck-to-doe ratio.

Proposed Doe Harvest Guidelines:

An adequate harvest of antlerless deer (particularly adult does) is often the most important component of a successful QDM program. Consequently, we make the following proposal:

Proposal Benefits:

Based on the introduction of similar guidelines in other states (e.g., Mississippi, Arkansas, Georgia, etc.), the following benefits could be expected if this proposal was implemented.

Our Branch believes this proposal is both scientifically and socially valid and would result in improved management and stewardship of the white-tailed deer resource in Michigan. Your consideration of this proposal is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,



Ed Spinazzola, President

Mid-Michigan Branch QDMA

January 25, 2000

Natural Resources Commission
Stevens T. Mason Building
530 W. Allegan St.
PO Box 30028
Lansing, MI 48909

Subject: Mandatory Statewide Quality Deer Management Proposal

Dear Commissioners:

I am sorry that I won't be able to attend the February 9, 2000 NRC meeting but am writing to share some of my thoughts regarding Quality Deer Management (QDM) and the Mid-Michigan Branch proposal that will be presented during this meeting.

I see the State working in a most positive manner on several important deer issues, including the TB and excess deer conditions. However, it continues to be somewhat puzzling that very little is occurring when it comes to having a more balanced sex ratio and even age distribution throughout our deer herd. This is basic deer management/biology and a desired goal that I think most if not all of us can agree upon.

While I've heard some say they don't think it's that important, I have not heard anyone come out and say, it would not be beneficial to the deer herd. And there are several studies out there advocating the importance of balanced buck/doe ratios along with an even age distribution.

We may not agree on how to go about it (voluntary, regulatory, etc.) but hopefully we can agree that it should be done and take action accordingly. The Mid-Michigan Branch QDMA proposal, that will be presented by Ed Spinazzola, represents a pro-active approach for improvement in this area. We need leadership and promotion, starting with the DNR, in order to accomplish balanced sex ratios and even age distribution for our deer herd. It's time to step-up to the plate!




Boyd Wiltse, Secretary Mid-Michigan Branch QDMA
10365 Winding Valley Rd.
Brighton, MI 48116-8840
(810) 231-95690; E-mail: bwiltse@123.net

cc: K. L. Cool
G. Burgoyne
R. Humphries
W. Moritz
P. Squibb
J. Urbain