They're all around me!
They're under the bed!
The covers won't reach
to cover my head!

Whispering, "h e l p,"
Won't help a thing!
I know that they're ugly,
I know that they're mean!

The closet door's open!
I didn't do that!
Okay, just maybe...
MAYBE the cat...
Those monsters are "crawly"
They're slimey and goo
They're creepy and "itchy"
And stinky stuff, too.

If the sun doesn't
Rise out there soon,
I'll shake and I'll shiver
And cry like a loon

My teeth will fall out
From clacking so hard
And I'll jump through my window
And out to the yard

I'll run to the neighbor's
I'll scream for the cops!
I won't stop yelling,
Till this nightmare stops!!

shhh....the monsters might hear me
maybe I'll sleep
and when the sun rises
through the covers I'll peek

And then these old monsters
will be gone right away!
And I can be happy
Just to eat, laugh, and play.

The monsters are in here
Their secrets I'll keep
Maybe they'll leave now
If I go on to SLEEP!

©1999/2000/2001/2002 B.Stallman
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