Dreams Come True

He drops to one knee.
My heart is racing.
I've never seen this look in him.
Just then he begans placing
something shiney and bright
on my finger.
My heart is racing;
My face is flush.
His eyes ask the question
I blurt out yes," and in my rush
I fall down to him...
His arms emcompass me;
I can hardly breathe.
He touches my hair and I can see
a single tear.
I love him so.
Must let him know;
and I can barely

My love spoils me with jewels;
with rubies red,
and diamonds bright.
My love spoils me with hugs;
With embraces gentle
and kisses in the night
My love spoils me with emotion;
with caring, concern
and unending devotion.
My love spoils me with jewels;
with rubies red
and diamonds bright
My love spoils me with love;
with tender arms
that hold me tight.
My love spoils me with passion;
with a kind of heat
that requires reaction.
My love spoils me with jewels;
with rubies red
and diamonds bright
And I will spoil
my love with My love
this very night.
Choose Another Dream