this site now is undergoing a very,very
serious construction and updating process because the webplaster now has
finally come to her senses to pursue this project with more gusto. so pardon
the lost links owkay?
because this site is under constrcution...the
webplaster needs (desperately, though she wouldn't admit it) your help...input...relevant's happening to you people out there...please send her
email at with
your latest stories. She certainly can't do this alone without your help
ob, sob, the
good ol'days are over. (OK, maybe not that good, you can count Add Maths
brain-racking tests out). Now we're on our own, right? (OK I'm wrong. We
still rely on our parents, our indispensable financial resources).
ut anyway, the
dreaded SPM which could make Einstein cry, forget his continuum theories
and go wheat-planting is now the thing of the past. Phew, that's a HUGE
relief. But there's a catch (there's always a catch!), the NURANIANS are
not under one roof anymore. No more nasty jokes on each other when our
beloved teachers are shouting at the top of their lungs. No more calculator-racing
(we were desperate, weren't we?).
his is why this
site was brought up. (Another reason is that it sure looks cool, don't
you think?). Tak dapat real classroom, virtual pun jadilah, ye tak?
hope we can
still keep in touch with each other through this site, in order to keep .
rom womb to