The Guild Family Album

As soon as my scanner is working again, I'll be adding more pictures to the family album, but for now, we'll have to live with the pictures that are here. ;) They all belong to Marvel (link is on the index page at the very bottom) and I am not trying to break any laws here. I just wanted to show everyone who doesn't have all the issues of Gambit like I do, what the members of the Guild look like and how they interact with each other. I don't really have the right to say "Please don't steal these pictures" because they really don't belong to me, but I would appreciate it greatly if you would show a little courtesy to the Marvel artists and myself and not put them on another website. Thanks.

Jean Luc and Remy, circa 1991

(l-r) Questa, Gris-Gris and Fifolet

(l-r) Emil, Claude, Questa, Fifolet and Mercy

(l-r) Theoren, Emil, Zoe, Gris-Gris, Claude and Questa

Mercy, Emil and Remy

Theoren, Singer and Gris-Gris

Remy, Emil, Bella Donna and Mercy

Bella Donna, Remy, Tante Mattie, Mercy, Theoren, Gris-Gris and Emil


Claude and Emil

Mercy and Gris-Gris

(l-r) Emil, Remy, Bella Donna and Mercy

Tante Mattie, Singer and Genard

Bella Donna and Remy


Fifolet, Questa and Gris-Gris

(l-r) Mercy, Emil, Bella Donna, Zoe, Questa and Gris-Gris

Mercy and Bella Donna

(front) Questa, Theoren, Zoe (back) Gris, Mercy, Bella Donna, Tante Mattie, Fifolet and Emil

Theoren and Emil

Remy and Mercy


Claude and Emil (with Zaran the mercenary)

The Thieves Guild, circa 1991, at the start of Etinne Marceaux's tilling

Gris-Gris, Theoren and Emil

Mercy, Bella Donna, Remy and Emil

Mercy and Emil (with a hospital guard)

Singer with Tante Mattie and the Thieves

Theoren and Gris-Gris


Tante Mattie, Fifolet, Genard, Emil, Zoe, Gris-Gris, Questa and Mercy

Emil and Remy

Bella Donna, Mercy, Remy and Emil

Mercy, Remy and Emil

(front) Gris, Theoren, Bella Donna, Tante Mattie (back) Ministers Tome and Hoard

Ministers Tome and Hoard

Theoren, Minister Tome, Minister Hoard and Gris-Gris

Fifolet, Gris-Gris, Bella Donna, Singer, Deadpool and Questa

Claude, Tante Mattie, Mercy, Theoren, Genard, Zoe, Deadpool and Emil