Jean Luc and Remy, circa 1991
(l-r) Questa, Gris-Gris and Fifolet
(l-r) Emil, Claude, Questa, Fifolet and Mercy
(l-r) Theoren, Emil, Zoe, Gris-Gris, Claude and Questa
Mercy, Emil and Remy
Theoren, Singer and Gris-Gris
Remy, Emil, Bella Donna and Mercy
Bella Donna, Remy, Tante Mattie, Mercy, Theoren, Gris-Gris and Emil
Claude and Emil
Mercy and Gris-Gris
(l-r) Emil, Remy, Bella Donna and Mercy
Tante Mattie, Singer and Genard
Bella Donna and Remy
Fifolet, Questa and Gris-Gris
(l-r) Mercy, Emil, Bella Donna, Zoe, Questa and Gris-Gris
Mercy and Bella Donna
(front) Questa, Theoren, Zoe (back) Gris, Mercy, Bella Donna, Tante Mattie, Fifolet and Emil
Theoren and Emil
Remy and Mercy
Claude and Emil (with Zaran the mercenary)
The Thieves Guild, circa 1991, at the start of Etinne Marceaux's tilling
Gris-Gris, Theoren and Emil
Mercy, Bella Donna, Remy and Emil
Mercy and Emil (with a hospital guard)
Singer with Tante Mattie and the Thieves
Theoren and Gris-Gris
Tante Mattie, Fifolet, Genard, Emil, Zoe, Gris-Gris, Questa and Mercy
Emil and Remy
Bella Donna, Mercy, Remy and Emil
Mercy, Remy and Emil
(front) Gris, Theoren, Bella Donna, Tante Mattie (back) Ministers Tome and Hoard
Ministers Tome and Hoard
Theoren, Minister Tome, Minister Hoard and Gris-Gris
Fifolet, Gris-Gris, Bella Donna, Singer, Deadpool and Questa
Claude, Tante Mattie, Mercy, Theoren, Genard, Zoe, Deadpool and Emil