Ai Tenshi Densetsu
Wedding Peach
This page has been visited times since December 27th, 1997.
Last Updated: August 12th, 1998
Welcome to my homepage about the 1995 anime Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding
Peach (Legend of the Love Angel Wedding Peach). I found that
there isn't really that much information about Wedding
Peach on the English, that is. Wedding Peach seem to be quite
popular with the Japanese, but yet half of the English anime watchers
wouldn't know what you mean if you say, "Wedding Peach" (Or at least, they wouldn't
know what the story is about, except that it's a 'copycat' of SailorMoon)...which is
one of the reasons why I decided to put this page up. Besides the fact that I
adore this anime, I thought that maybe I could clear up some of the 'misunderstandings'
about Wedding Peach, and make anime watchers that Wedding Peach is an unique anime
of its own, and not a water downed version of SailorMoon. So browse around and enjoy ^_^

Wedding Peach DX (Deluxe)
Now playing: Yume Miru Ai Tenshi