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Overview of the 20th Century
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Significant  world events The Ecumenical Movement
1901 Death of Queen Victoria
1903 First powered flight
1900 1907 Rome World Council of Christian Education (WCCE) conference
1907 Foundation of United Methodist Church
Revivals in Los Angeles and Wales
Development of plastics
1914 - 1918 First World War
1917 Russian revolution
1910 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference
1920 League of Nations formed
1929 Start of Great Depression
1920 1921 Lake Mohonk International Missionary Council (IMC) conference
1923 Oxford IMC conference
1925 Stockholm Life and Work conference
1927 Lausanne Faith and Order and Commission (FOC) meeting
Establishment of World Student Christian Federation
1928 Jerusalem IMC conference
1939 End of Great Depression
1939 Start of Second World  War
1930 1937 Oxford Life and Work conference
1937 Edinburgh FOC meeting
1938 Utrecht Ecumenical conference
1938 Madras IMC conference
1942 First nuclear reactor
1945 End of Second World War
1946 First electronic computer
1948 First production Land Rovers built
1949 Chinese revolution
1949 Foundation of NATO
1940 1947 Whitby IMC conference
1948 Amsterdam Inaugural Assembly of World Council of Churches (WCC)
1952 Invention of contraceptive pill
1953 Discovery of DNA
1955 Warsaw Pact signed
1957 Sputnik
1957 Start of Vietnam war
1950 1950 Toronto WCCE conference
1952 Lucknow Asian Churches meeting
1952 Willingen IMC conference
1952 Lund FOC meeting
1954 Evanston WCC Assembly
1954 Frankfurt WCCE conference
1958 Tokyo WCCE conference
1958 Ghana IMC conference
1961 Berlin Wall built
1962 Nelson Mandella imprisoned
1962 Cuban missile crisis
1963 Assassination of President Kennedy
1968 Assassination of Revd. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
1969 First man on the Moon
1960 1961 New Delhi WCC Assembly
1962 Belfast WCCE conference
1963 Mexico World Mission conference
1963 Montreal FOC meeting
1963 - 1965 Second Vatican Council
1966 Geneva Ecumenical Conference
1967 Nairobi WCCE conference
1968 Uppsala WCC Assembly
1969 Pope Paul VI visits WCC in Geneva
1973 Opec oil price rise
1979 Mrs. Thatcher wins UK general election
1970 1971 Lima WCCE conference
1971 Louvain FOC meeting
1972 Bangkok IMC conference
1974 Accra FOC meeting
1975 Nairobi WCC Assembly
1978 Bagalore FOC meeting
1979 Cambridge (USA) Conference on "Faith, Science and the Future" at M.I.T. 
1981 First Space Shuttle mission
1986 Chernobyl disaster
1989 Collapse of Berlin Wall
1980 1980 Melbourne World Mission (WM) Conference
1980 Assassination of Archbishop Romero in El Salvador
1982 Lima "Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry" conference 
1983 Vancouver WCC Assembly
1985 Stavanger FOC meeting
1986 Larnaca meeting on diakonia
1988 Ecumenical Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women
1989 San Antonio WM conference
1989 Budapest FOC meeting
1990 Nelson Mandella released
1992 Collapse of USSR
1997 Dolly the sheep cloned
1990 1990 Seoul "Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation" (JPIC)
1991 Canberra WCC Assembly
1993 Santiago de Compostela, Spain meeting on "unity" 
1996 San Salvador (WM) "Vision" Conference 
1998 Harare WCC Assembly
2000 2000 Millennium celebrations