Sam Robards
Date of Birth: 16 December 1961
Parents: Jason Robards and Lauren Bacall
Spouse: Suzy Amis (1986 - ?, divorce)
Children: One son.
21. A.I. (2001) .... Henry Swinton
20. The Warden (2000)
19. Black and Blue (1999)..................Mike Riordan
18. American Beauty (1999)..................Jim Berkley
17. Love From Ground Zero (1999)..........Henry (voice)
16. Dinner and Driving (1997).....................Frank
15. The Man Who Captured Eichmann (1996)..........David
14. Beautiful Girls (1996)...............Steve Rossmore
13. Donor Unknown (1995)...............Dr. David Bausch
12. Ready to Wear (1994).............Regina's Assistant
11. Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994).....Harold Ross
10. The Ballad of Little Jo (1993)..........Jasper Hill
9. Casualties of War (1989)..............Chaplain Kirk
8. Bright Lights, Big City (1988)..........Rich Vanier
7. Pancho Barnes (1988)
6. Bird (1988)...............................Moscowitz
5. Not Quite Paradise (1986)......................Mike
4. Fandango (1985)....................Kenneth Waggener
3. Into Thin Air (1985).................Stephen Walker
2. Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number (1983)
1. Tempest (1982)...............................Freddy