Independent Marketing Representative
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Now you can become a Distributor for the "Rags To Riches" Program

If you are not ready to purchase the "Rags To Riches" program right now, you may want to take advantage of our reseller program. It will enable you to get a feel for just how powerful this fantastic program really is without having to buy anything yourself. Soon you will see  the tremendous amount of responses you will get once you start advertising this incredible product. For every lead you generate we will pay you $10 for every customer who purchases a Manual from us using your special ID# we provide to you. Every additional Manual your referred customer purchases, we will pay you another $5 for each order. Remember, there are twelve manuals in all. You get $10 for the first, and $5 each for the remaining eleven. That's a total of $65 for only one customer! The more people you refer, the more money you make.


You will be an Independent Marketing Representative for the "Rags To Riches" training manuals. Once you become enrolled you will get a copy of our sales letter, and a special ID# to identify you to our accounting department. This number will be imprinted on the "Rags To Riches" order form along with a Notice to your potential customers to include it on all orders. When we receive an order with your special encoded number, you will be credited with $10 for the first order, and $5 for each additional Manual ordered by that customer.



Cheques or money orders are sent to Independent Marketing Representatives on the last day of each consecutive month. Payment is in US dollars. You have the option to decide if you wish to be paid by cheque or money order. There is a small fee of $1 for cheques, and $2 for money orders. This is to cover processing and postage costs. This will be deducted automatically from your credited account.

You are under no obligation to remain active in this program and may quit at any time. Should you decide to quit, all monies accredited to your account will be forwarded to you on the last day of the month.

To Become An "Independent Marketing Representative" Fill Out And Submit The Form Above