Download Music off my "Big" album!
(You can LEFT CLICK if you wish, but for a sometimes FASTER DOWNLOAD, use your RIGHT CLICK BUTTON on the links on this page, then choose "Save Link As..." Then SAVE to your Computer as always.) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Ok! First thing you need to know is that my music is saved to MP3 FORMAT. So, the first thing that you need is a device that will play MP3's on your computer! If you don't have one, you can download the one I use right from this very page!
  Click on me for WINAMP20 (an MP3 Player) This is an EXE file! That means after you download it, it will install itself when you open it, just follow the instructions! Ok, now that you have you Winamp,(hope you didn't have any problems) now you can download my music!
Click on me for "War Machine"  
Click on me for "Ironmen"  

Look here, man!

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