Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998
From: Irene Baker <>
Title: Sensitivity Training
Author: Irene
Dislaimer: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, and Walter Skinner
are the property of 1013 Productions, Chris
Carter, Fox Network.
Not only that, but they never
behave the
way I have them act in this story.
No one is paying me to torture
I do it for free, out of love.
Rating: NC-17. No sex, but bondage and sadism
Thank you to David Duchovny,
Gillian Anderson, and Chris Carter, for
creating the characters I find so inspiring.
Summary: Tickle torture. Mulder gets his.
Skinner gave a single knock and walked into the conference room.
"Mulder!" he yelled sharply.
Mulder and Scully were on the
floor in some juvenile brawl. Not
surprisingly, she was completely overpowered. With one hand he
her two wrists pinned to the floor over her head. With the other
was tickling her relentlessly, under the arms, down her sides,
and on
her soft neck. Her desperate laughter and the noise from their
scuffling was loud enough to have drawn the AD's attention from
other end of the hallway. Now Mulder was pulling up her silk
to get to her sensitive stomach.
"Mulder!" Skinner's
voice was even louder. Mulder released his
partner and got to his feet. His face was flushed and he couldn't
rid of his silly grin. Scully's face was red with fury. He'd
on her without warning, and she'd been unable to free herself
from his
insistent torture. Skinner wondered if she was going to shoot
again. Mulder was oblivious to her rage.
"Sir, she got the time
wrong for that stupid Sensitivity Training
Class we have to go to. We were a whole hour early so we, uh,
to practise some close combat defensive moves," Mulder said,
Scully to back up his ridiculous story.
"You creep!" Scully screamed at Mulder. "How do you think that felt?"
"Scully, you were laughing
and smiling the whole time. Obviously you
loved it," Mulder answered.
"That's enough," Skinner said. He pushed Mulder back
against the
conference table, then pushed him down until he was on top of it.
a few quick moves, Mulder was as helpless as his partner had
with his arms outstretched and his hands pinned.
"Agent Scully,"
Skinner said, "Agent Mulder is woefully ignorant
about the human response to tickling. I would like you to expand
"Yes, sir," she said.
"Hey, no fair,"
Mulder protested. It was one thing for him and
Scully to fool around together privately, but quite another for
boss to get involved. He did not believe this would go very far.
Skinner was just trying to make a point.
Scully started by removing his
holster and tie and opening his
"Might as well take that
off too," Skinner said. While keeping
control of Mulder's upper body, Skinner sat him up enough to let
Scully get the shirt off one arm and then the other.
"I hope you remembered the
whipped cream," Mulder said flippantly.
Then Scully went to work.
She started with the area over
the lower ribs, trilling her fingers
over him. He jerked spasticly, trying to get away. He was
to stifle any laughter.
"Agent Scully, a good plan
is to move from side to side. Inevitably
he will move to protect the area you are attacking and that will
him more vulnerable on the opposite side," Skinner advised.
She nodded and placed her hands
on his unprotected underarms. As
she tickled under his right arm, he squirmed desperately to the
succeeding only in making his left side more open. Now the howls
laughter poured from him. Scully serenely continued tickling him,
alternating sides as it suited her.
"Slow it down just a
little," Skinner said. "We're going to be at
this a long time." Mulder was flailing and kicking.
"Mulder, you're
going to hurt someone. Agent Scully, I'm afraid you're going to
to stop long enough to get his shoes off."
"Sir, he's not ready for a
break yet," Scully said, at which Mulder
managed to utter an anguished roar in the midst of his gales of
laughter. Scully's tickling was so methodical that Mulder knew it
would continue for a long as she saw fit.
Finally Scully stopped. "You can think about what you did
while we
get you tied down better," she told Mulder. She used her
and his to fasten his wrists to the table legs.
"Please, Scully, no more," Mulder begged.
"But you love it," Scully answered. "It's obvious."
"We can use his tie to
secure one ankle, and his belt might work for
the other one," Skinner said. Mulder was less than
cooperative and
Skinner felt quite triumphant when he succeeded at last. He held
Mulder's shoes and socks aloft in a victory salute.
"Sir," Mulder began
penitently, "I'm sorry for what I did and I
understand that it was wrong and I will NEVER do it again."
Skinnerignored him. "I'm
just going to check how much range this
gives him," he told Scully. His wagging fingers prodded
Mulder in the
ribs, the abdomen,aand under the chin, and his squirming showed
how little he could move.
"That's so cute!"
Scully exclaimed. "Tickle him under the chin
again." Skinner demonstrated a few more times and then moved
down to
Mulder's bare feet.
"Please don't," Mulder said, his voice cracking.
Scully was down by his feet,
too, studying them. "I'm going to try
the arches," she said. "The skin is softer there."
She experimented
a bit, and it turned out that her fingertips worked well in this
Without even looking at what she was doing, she could stimulate
feet enough to keep him in a continuous wail of laughter.
"Let me have a turn,"
Skinner said after a while. "I want to try
something different." Scully stopped and took out a tissue
to wipe
Mulder's sweaty, tear-stained face. Enraged and humiliated, he
his head away but got his face wiped nonetheless.
Mercifully, Skinner's attempts on his toes were only annoying.
Scully addressed Mulder.
"Fox, look at me,"
she said. He turned away. "Well, I know how to
get your attention," she told him, and again he felt her
hands flutter
against him. The tickling remained leisurely and methodical, but
time she was tickling him on both sides at once. Her hands
up and down until she found his most vulnerable spots. At last
right hand settled on his left flank, where the ribcage ends, and
left hand took over the area of his flat belly to the right of
navel. She had located the two places where his body was the most
ticklish, and her little hands had taken up residence.
His laughter was continuous and
hysterical. Finally he turned his head
to her and let her make eye contact. In return she reduced her
efforts, letting him catch his breath.
Unfortunately for Mulder,
Skinner had just stumbled onto a secret
Mulder didn't even know he had. His knees. Even through his wool
trousers it took only a touch, a squeeze, a stroke, to drive him
fresh paroxysms of frenzy. Skinner was amazed he could produce
mayhem with so little effort, and he went on and on.
At last Scully stopped
completely. "Sir, he's had enough. We have to
give him time to get ready for the class."
Skinner took his hands off
Mulder's knees. "I'll get him some water,"
he said.
"How could you?" Mulder asked his partner when the were alone.
"Mulder, how was that different than what you did to me?"
"I didn't get the boss in to help."
"You didn't need to. And
you sure didn't stop when he came in the
room," she replied. She was unlocking the handcuffs.
Mulder's shoulder's ached as he sat up. In fact every muscle was sore.
"I want to hear you say
how that made you feel," Scully said as she
untied his feet.
Mulder's face told her how he felt, but she wanted to hear the words.
"I felt angry, frightened,
humiliated, and helpless," he said. "Is
that how I made you feel?" She nodded. "Then I'm
sorry," he
continued. "But Scully, you went too far. I would have
stopped in a
few minutes."
"Mulder, that was a few minutes," she said. "Check your watch."
Mulder had his shoes and belt
back on when Skinner brought the water.
The tie was trashed. Mulder watched Skinner warily as he drank.
"Why don't you skip the
class, Agent Mulder," Skinner said. "I think
you've had enough Sensitivity Training for one day."