Sun Apr 13 1997
Subject: *Dreams of so may stars above*


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The * Files
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*Dreams of so many stars lost above Part 1*

Ok I just wanted to write this because I just had one line stuck in my head and I wrote it
down and then all of the sudden a story sprang from it and here it is, yeah it might be crappy,
but I'm only 14 not like I'd be some kind of master novelist. So I decided to send this in even
though I may look like a fool, but I thought, heck why not? I had fun doing it and maybe someone
might like it. Don't mind the spelling or the format just try to read it to the best that you
can. I hope to some day get better at this and do some some more. I guess this is even more
proof to my friends who say day in and day out that I am obsessed with the x-files. (not that I
deny it) Suggestions are always welcomed to me. Well here it is.
Summary: Mulder finds a devistating truth to his past, and is reunited with one he has spent
years looking for. While Scully searches for her partner, she meets a mysteroius man who leads
her and Mulder out of trouble.
Ok here is the thing I guess I got to put down: X-files is owned by Fox network, thirteenth
productions and all characters are owned by Chris Carter.(Too bad he thought of them first).
*Dreams of so many stars lost above*

Area 11:51
Mulder's thoughts:
I used to fantasize the stars above and believe that one day they would take me too and I
would see her again. I would believe on those warm summer nights out on the patio when I was
little that they would come and I would finally know what became of her. But now I know that I
will not go, and perhaps never know as I lay here wishing to be free. I look about myself and
all looks gray and wonder if Scully wonders what has become of me. Oh how I wish I knew what has
become of her! Yet I am not comforted and am now in silence except for the low hum outside in
the abyss. I know now that the thought of escape is just an illusion and that struggle is
useless. Yet I still fancy Scully and Skinner hovering above me and dragging me out of this hole
like so many times they have gotten me out of situations like this. But it has been awhile now
and I feel that they have given up hope themselves that is if Cancerman and his many allies have
not done the same to them as they have done me.
I stare at the space ship again, and wonder if it will be the last thing that I will see
before I go. I had been so foolish to be fooled to come here and to be so easily rid of for
Digorians final plan. Knowing it and being here able to do nothing made it fifty times as bad.
I can only pray that Scully my dear partner will be able to put the pieces together in time. I
had left some of my notes at home on my computer, if she were to go back there she just might be
able to find it. But it has been two days now and tomorrow will be the day it will all go down
with me and there will be nothing left to save.. My throat is dry, my stomach empty, and my head
aches with a crow bar mark on the side were I had been struck that leaves me hardly able to
move at all. Ah yes, CancerMan was clever to slowly feed me information on the conspiracy group
the Digorians through certain people giving it struggle to get it so not to be suspicious and
then to lead me close here of a secret meeting when I then ventured in this odd room filled the
gigantic space ship. How stunned I had been at first but that all washed away when the door shut
behind me and locked and the meeting began.
Yes I could hear everything of what they said, along with familiar voices. I believe they
let me hear just to torture me further knowing that I could do nothing. So I heard how certain
people would be taken and a clone would be put in place slowly over a certain course of time
starting tomorrow with the President of the United States. CancerMan I believed was a clone, and
why they have trapped me I am not sure, I believe that they want something from me, what, I do
not know yet. All I know is that they are out there and I am in here. Suddenly I hear a noise
coming from outside, and they gray door with the handle colored brown with ancient rust starts
to turn. In walks the man I have become to believe is pure evil, that is if it really is him or
has he been a clone all his life? Dressed in a black trench coat, clashing with his graying hair
he stepped in looking about him and then smiling down open me.

"How has been your day so far Mr. Mulder, I know it's not the Hilton, but I think it will do",
said Cancer Man with his flashing green eyes.

"How what, How?", asked Mulder realizing that not one of them has move their lips the whole

"Ah, yes Mr. Mulder you wonder how this is happening, well we have the power, we are of course
not human so it is very easy for us to do so", said Cancer Man.

"Not human?, I do not understand, I am human.", said Mulder.

"Well yes some what, but not completely, you are half human, half alien, of course you have been
altered a bit when you were very young as I have to look fully human, but other than that you
are as alien as I", replied Cancer Man.

"How am I alien, I had two human parents, and how are you alien?", said Mulder struggling to get
up, but only to bring himself down again with a grunt.

"You don't look so good Mr. Mulder", said Cancer Man curling his lips again into his evil smile
that sent a shiver down Mulder's back.

To Be Continued...

From Sun Apr 13 00:38:45 1997
Subject: *Dreams of so many stars lost above* 2/5

*Dreams of so many stars lost above* Part 2
disclaimer: see part one

Mulder looked into Cancer Man's eyes searching for answers but could find none, "Who am
I", said Mulder.

"You are, said Cancer Man, my son".

"No, how could you?", asked Mulder sounding worried.

"I had an affair with your mother, she and I knew, and we decided to hide it", said Cancer Man.

"You are alien, and since my mother was human, I am half human, half alien?", asked Mulder,
rubbing his brown eyebrows.

"Yes, Fox we had you changed and altered as the hive had done to me and made you likeness to
your believed father", said Cancer Man.

"Why do you tell me this now, and what do you want from me, what purpose could I possibly
serve?", asked Mulder, as the feeling of shock over took him.

"What purpose, ahhh my son you will serve a great purpose to us", said Cancer Man as he fed
information from his head to Mulder's.

Mulder's eyes grew wide as he began to see things, himself as his blood is being taken ,
hundreds of clones of himself working in hive plants as clones of his sister had. Yet there was
nothing more than that, nothing of what would happen to him after being cloned or what happened
to his sister.

"Samantha, what have you done to her, what will become of me, and why me?", asked Mulder in his
pleading eyes.

"All in time Fox", said Cancer Man as he pulled out a needle. Mulder struggled to crawl away yet
his side stung out in pain and very quickly he was injected and was in deep sleep as Cancer Man
exited the vault.

"He knows now", said Cancer Man to Samantha.

"You did not tell him anything about me have you?", asked Samantha with cautious eyes.

"No, yet he knows about the clones , and who he really is", said Cancer Man staring into the
vault. "He will be unconscious until we need him, what do you suggest we do with after we are
done?", asked Cancer Man.

"Leave that to me", said Samantha.

Washington DC. FBI Headcorters

"Sir, I'm very worried about Agent Mulder I have not been able to get a hold of him for two
days now", said Agent Scully as fear crept into her. Mulder had not been there at his apartment
when she came to see him at their scheduled time. His cellular phone did not work and she had
receive no calls from him.

"Agent Mulder has been known to disappear like this before", said Assistant Director Skinner.

"Yes, I know sir, but he did not tell me he was going anywhere and he had been acting strangely
a few days before his disappearance", said Agent Scully.

Skinner moved from his chair to the window and looked out and then turned back to Scully. "I'll
send some of my most trusted men, have you checked out his place or office for any possible
clues where he might be?", asked Skinner.

"I was going to stop over there now to look through his apartment for clues to where he might
be, I think it would be a good idea to hold off getting anyone else involved on this", said
Scully hesitating, glancing at the ground and then back at Skinner. " I think that we should
watch our backs a little closer for a while I've got a bad feeling about this", said Scully.

"I agree, you are dismissed Agent Scully", said Skinner returning to his chair to shuffle some
papers that were spewed across his desk.

As Agent Scully walked down the hall she ran into Pendrell, and as he was about to speak Scully
replied not now I don't have time and began to walk faster. She just had to figure out what had
come of her partner. Yes he had disappeared unexpectedly before, but for some reason this time
it felt different. Scully believed that he might be in more trouble that he had ever been in
before. He had given no clues to her at all that he was going somewhere, she had to get to the
bottom of this.
As Agent Scully reached the parked black Taurus she heard a strange noise behind her in
the shadows she looked over holding her gun steadily as sweat went down her forehead. She looked
for about five minutes and resolved to go. The traffic was thick and she turned on the radio,
passed by a station and heard "Hey man nice shot", and kept turning the dial and landed on a
song, "stacks of green paper in his read right hand", "ah!", "no!", she said as she quickly
turned off the radio. "I have a feeling this is not going to be my day", she mumbled to herself.
As she entered Mulder's complex, she noticed that not many people were around so she
parked in his parking space since he was obviously not home. There was shattered glass on the
sidewalk in front of the building as she stepped in and started to climb her way up the beige
faded steps. As she reached his door she popped out her key that Mulder had given her for these
sort of situations.
As she entered the room she gave out a low gasp. The place was trashed, a chair was broken
in the back of the kitchen, along with one of the yellow tacky lamps she told Mulder that he
should really get rid of. Papers were tossed all over the place, obvious that there was a
struggle or someone had been searching for something here. She cautiously made her way around
the papers, some sticking to her leather black shoes. She decided that it would be best to start
by looking at what X-File he had been researching on his computer to give her a clue to his
whereabouts. "Hmmm, I would not be surprised if who ever raided this place took his hard drive
too", Scully thought to herself. Yet the computer still booted up just fine, and she continued
to search the hard drive until she came across a constricted area, which required a password to
enter. "Dang it Mulder why do you always do this?", Scully thought to herself while trying to
think up possible passwords.
"Well I'll be damned", Scully thought when she typed in TrustNo1, the password that she
had used way back when Mulder had first pulled this kind of stunt on her. As it opened up
government files flashed across the screen. Looks like Mulder has been busy, and found himself a
gold mine of confidential government papers. As Scully scrolled through she found a file marked
hive and clicked on it. Soon on the screen was a list of names, one of them was Mulder's. She
clicked on it and a profile of Mulder came up on the screen, there, there was a DNA segment of
something that she had never seen before that just did not look human. As she went further down
there was written hive to intercept president March 30, 1997. Further down was written Mulder to
be adjoined with hive March 29, 1997. "My God that's today and tomorrow", Scully mumbled out
load as a black gloved hand was squeezed around her mouth and her hands pulled behind her back.

To Be Continued............

From Sun Apr 13 00:40:00 1997
Subject: *Dreams of so many stars lost above* 3/5

*Dreams of so many stars lost above* Part 3
Disclaimer: see part one

Area 11:51

All the sudden the door opened again bringing in sunlight to the dark room. Mulder lifted
his arm to cover his eyes as the light blinded him. Once again he saw CancerMan, enter the room,
and the feeling of dread washed over him. He did not know when the process was supposed to
start, but did have the feeling that it was supposed to be today. "Why have you come back, did
you decide to do something with me now?", asked Mulder sounding sarcastic. "Indeed we have son",
said CancerMan. "Ha! you lying jerk, I don't care if you can talk through my head that does not
make me your son", said Mulder. "Well I guess it does not matter if you believe it or not I
believe that your time will end today my son", said CancerMan. "If you were my father I do not
believe you would do that", said Mulder in a intelligent voice. "That is were you are wrong, now
get to your feet we have work to do", demanded CancerMan in a firm voice.
Mulder struggled to get on his feet but about halfway there he fell down.
"This will not do", said CancerMan a little annoyed as he left the room. A minute later he
returned with two other people Mulder had never seen before "Get him on the cart!", instructed
CancerMan while taking out a cigarette and lighting it. Mulder screamed as he was lifted up.
"Such a shame for you to be half human, human bodies are just so fragile", said CancerMan.
Mulder was a little relieved to be out of the vault and off the cold ground until he saw
Samantha clones going down the halls. Mulder shut his eyes until they had came to a stop, were
he was in a what looked like a white operating room. "Well so much for chit chat Mr. Mulder, we
have work to do", said Cancer Man as he lowered the gas mask upon Mulder's head.
Mulder's Apartment:
"Let me go!", was muffled from underneath Krycek's hand. Krycek had decided that he could
not hold her no longer without putting her out. But just as he reached into his pocket for the
drug Scully kicked him away from her. He went flying across the room and struggled to get his
gun with his one good hand. "Krycek?", Scully asked eyeing him as he held her in his view point
blank with his gun. "What happened to your arm?", Scully asked as she tried to see if it was
plastic or wood. "No arm no test", Krycek mumbled to himself. "What?", said Scully. "I said
take out your weapons slowly and follow my order or get your head blown off", said Krycek.
Scully slowly pulled out her gun and then quickly pointed it at Krycek. "What do you think you
are doing?", asked Krycek as him and Scully were staring at each other keeping each other
pointed in front of their guns. "Drop the gun", demanded Scully. "You think I'm going to let you
get away?", scoffed Krycek keeping strait eye contact with Scully. "Tell me what you have done
with Mulder!", said Scully staring at Krycek's gun. "Come with me and I'll show you", said
Krycek flashing Scully a smile that made her feel sick to her stomach. "I'm not going anywhere
with you, just tell me what has become of him", said Scully as her hand began to tire. "Scully
I'm warning you, put down your gun!", screamed Krycek.
Scully began to lower gun, but then pulled the trigger fast hitting Krycek in the knee.
"Ahhhhh!", cried Krycek as he pointed his gun to shoot Scully. Scully quickly moved out of the
way just as the bullet hit the computer desk. "I swear I'm going to get you for this", shrieked
Krycek as he held his knee, balanced on one leg looking for Scully to shoot again. As Scully hid
behind Mulder's couch, Krycek let another bullet go off hitting the couch. She could here
Krycek moving around the couch to meet her and shoot her, Scully knew that she had no choice. As
Krycek made his way to meet Scully, Scully jumped up pointed her gun and shot him right between
the eyes. Just as the happened Krycek had his gun pointed and shot at the ceiling as he went
down and was dead. Scully at first was startled and a bit shock, but she got over it fast
knowing that time was running out like quick sand between her fingers.
Again Scully turned back to the computer and noticed a article saved along with Mulder's
file on a secret base called Area 11:51. Scully was pretty sure that this was the place were she
would most likely find Mulder. She would get Mulder and get more details and the rest later.
Area 11:51 was located in Arizona and if Scully left right now she could make the plane. She
called on her cell phone and ordered tickets and then decided to call Skinner. "This is
Skinner", said Skinner sounding tired. "Sir it's me Scully, go to Mulder's apartment, I think
you will find it quite interesting I can't tell you anymore for it's too risky on a cell
phone''. After that Scully broke the line and continued to drive to the air port just praying
that it wasn't to late. Her mind lingered back to Mulder's apartment, she wondered how bad it
would look when Skinner found Krycek's dead body on the floor.
Area 11:51
"Mulder I would like you to meet the new legacy of the Digorians and the hive", said
CancerMan. Mulder looked up from where he lay and there he saw a clone of him-self. "There is no
technology out, that enables you to clone me that fast", said Mulder looking bewildered at his
self image standing in front of him. "Well none that you know of about until now", said one of
the other workers standing next to CancerMan. "Oh this is just great, and I thought I had a one
of a kind smile", said Mulder meekly. Just as he said this the door handle began to turn and
soon stepped in a lady. Mulder stared for a minute rubbed his eyes and mumbled something.
"Samantha?", asked Mulder in a trembling voice. "Yes", replied Samantha, which startled Mulder
expected to hear her 9 year old voice from years ago, yet only heard a stone cold voice of a
ruffly 32 year old lady.

To Be Continued......

From Sun Apr 13 00:42:05 1997
Subject: *Dreams of so many stars lost above* 4/5

*Dreams of so many lost stars above* Part 4
Disclaimer: see part one

Washington D.C. Metropolitan Airport 5:00 p.m..

Scully took a fast sweep over the passengers in the plane, looking for suspicious signs.
She had no idea how many people might be on the lookout for her after they found out that Krycek
is dead. She took a seat up by the cabin a stared out the window. She wished that they would
take off already, and wished she was already by Mulder's side, telling him how close they came
this time. Scully hailed the stewardess and asked for some bottled water. Five minutes later a
man boarded the plane and took a seat next to Scully. Scully was startled at first but relaxed a
little when he smiled at her. He looked to be in his early 50's with graying hair, gray eyes,
and large hands. Scully smiled back a little uneasily, she still had to be cautious.
"So, why are you going to Arizona", the man asked. "I'm just going to go see some
relatives of mine", lied Scully. "Ah yes it is always nice to see the people you love", said the
stranger. "So why are you going to Arizona?", asked Scully trying to sound casual as possible.
"Well I'm supposed to find a FBI agent who's last name starts with an S to help save her
partner". Scully froze and stared at the man, "Who are you, and who sent you here?", Scully
demanded in her authority voice. "Why myself of course", said the stranger. "Mr. just tell me
what you are really up to", said Scully sounding annoyed. "Well I used to belong to the group
that is holding Agent Mulder, until I got into an argument with them and started to question
their authority", replied the man peacefully. "Do you know why they are holding Agent Mulder?",
asked Scully. "Yes, but I do not think that it is safe to continue this conversation here, I
believe that we are possibly being watched", replied the stranger in a low tone of voice.
"Scully nodded and picked up a magazine and began to read as millions of questions and ideas ran
through her head..

Area 11:51

"So nice to see you again brother", said Samantha smiling at him in a odd way, not in the
friendly way Mulder had remembered his sister smiling. "I think you will find me quite changed
from when you last saw me. The hive has taught me so much over the years while I have been
gone.", said Samantha. "Taught you what Samantha?", asked Mulder and then adding, "Why didn't
you ever come back?" "They have taught me what the human race is really about, that it is the
hives destiny to rule us and that I should be thankful to take a part in it, and that you should
too", said Samantha coolly. "Why on earth would I ever want to take part in such an event,
Samantha what has happened to you?", asked Mulder while he felt his heart turn to shreds. "Fox I
dreamt for years that you would find me, take me from these beings and when you didn't I
realized how corrupt the human race really was, that not even my own brother would save me",
said Samantha piercing Mulder with her sharp eyes. "That's not true!, I have dedicated my whole
life looking for you! They wouldn't let me find you! In your heart you know it's true!",
screamed Mulder looking at her with his blood shot eyes. "That's enough Samantha, Fox needs his
rest", said CancerMan taking Samantha by the arm. As they left the room Mulder shut his eyes in
grief, he had never expected seeing his sister again would be like this. He realized that he had
no idea what would happen to him if he stayed here and would have to get out of there.
He was not restrained at all in the hospital room, but he still felt like hell. He slowly
got up, and walked to the door, it was locked. There was not any windows and no other options.
He picked up the lunch tray that laid next to the bed. He then went to the door and screamed out
for anyone there. Soon he heard foot steps coming up to the door and heard the key turn the door
knob. "Let' s just hope there is only one", he thought to himself. As the man entered the room
Mulder hit him on the head with the tray and took his keys, ran fastly out of the room and
locked the man inside. "So far so good," thought Mulder, "except for this hospital gown."


"How do I know I can trust you?", asked Scully. "How do I not know that you are just not
one of your people to trick me into going with you?', asked Scully. "Because I know what they
have done to you", said the stranger as he touched the area were the doctors had found the
cancer. Scully flicked his hand away, "so what?, that does not mean I can trust you", said
Scully. The man reached into his brief case and pulled out a picture it was a picture of Agent
Mulder in some kind of vault with some kind of aircraft in the background lying on the ground
with his eyes closed. "Is he still alive?", asked Scully concerned. "Yes, but we must hurry if
you want him to stay that way, and that is why you must trust me Agent Scully!", pleaded the
stranger. Scully hesitated as she fingered the photo, "do you know where this is at?", asked
Scully. "Yes and I will take you there, but we must be very cautious", said the stranger as the
plane started to land. "OK but I'm going to be watching you," said Scully feeling for her gun as
they started to board off the plane. "I'm sure you will, and so will I", said the stranger.
"You bring any luggage?', asked the stranger. "No, you?", asked Scully. "Nope, except for
this bag, looks like we are on our way Agent Scully, let's get a rental car", said the stranger
as they made there way to the front entrance of the Arizona airport. There Agent Scully watched
as the stranger walked over to a parked black Taurus and unlock it. He signaled her to get in
and as Scully got in she remarked, "you had this whole thing planned didn't you?". "In a way
Agent Scully I have been planning this my whole life."

To Be Continued........ this thing will end soon honest!

From Sun Apr 13 00:42:15 1997
Subject: *Dreams of so many stars lost above* 5/5 The Final Chapter

*Dreams of so many stars lost above* Part 5 the final chapter

Disclaimer: see part one

Area 11:51

I got to find a way out of here, Agent Mulder thought to himself as he stared down the
winding hall. It would not be that long until someone would spot him. He started to run down
the hall and grabbed a broom that was leaning against the wall. Who knows if he might need some
kind of defense, Mulder thought as he approached a turn in the hall. Just as he did he ran into
a young Samantha, one of the many clones of her. Soon as she saw him she took off shouting,
"Mulder has escaped! I repeat Mulder has escaped!". Just great, just great, Mulder thought as he
dashed into the nearest room. There was a window to climb out of in the room, but he realized
that they were on the 5th floor. It just keeps getting funnier and funnier each passing moment
in this place?", thought Mulder as he peered out the door for coming people to catch him again
and as he looked out he saw men following CancerMan down the hall. Mulder's eyes swept the room
again once more for a escape and once again found none. Now CancerMan entered the room. "You
having a afternoon walk?", he asked sarcastically. "I guess you will now stay here, since you
have taken a liking to it", said CancerMan as he went to leave the room and locked the door
behind him. Mulder walked over to the window and peered down at the ground below.
Highway I-96
"Don't worry we'll be there soon, and we will get your partner out, and with luck
stop the replacement of your President", said the stranger. "I hope you're right", murmured
Scully quietly. "The area is hidden about 20 miles into the desert from this point", said the
stranger as they stopped in the middle of the highway starting off into a dirt road leading into
the middle of the desert. Scully swept the sweat from her brow, as she searched for her sun
glasses, and give up after a while. After some time of bumpy riding down the desert road, they
approached their destination. "We'll stop here, to leave some distance from them", said the
stranger as he motioned Scully to follow as he climbed out of the car. "How do you expect to get
through all the guards?", Scully said as she pointed to the front gate were various soldiers and
guards took alert. "There are ways Agent Scully, follow me and we'll be fine", said the stranger
as he smiled a slow smile . The stranger then started to search through his only bag digging
through it furiously. "What are you looking for?", asked Scully. "The thing that is going to get
us through those guards", said the stranger as he passed her what looked like to be a bit of
rock and told her to hold onto it no matter what.
The guards were alert as Scully and the stranger slowly approached. Scully's stomach
lurched more and more the closer they got. What if this man is insane?, she asked herself, what
if he is working for them? Never the less she would find out very soon. Surprisingly they went
by the guards unnoticed. "How could this be?", she thought to herself. She did not have time to
really be concerned about it at the time. "As we approach those that are of my kind it will be
harder to say hidden", said the stranger to Scully. Scully nodded as they entered the what
seemed to be a steal metallic building. "What is this place?", asked Scully in awe. "It is my
people's main center in the United States, were we do our research work, and hold important
meetings", replied the stranger while scanning the halls with his eyes and his mind. "We better
turn here", said the stranger as he sensed one of his own coming down the hall the other way. "I
believe I have been able to locate your partner", said the stranger while turning and leading
Scully down the hall. "How?, I don't see how you possibly could?", said Scully disbelieving.
"Never mind that now, you'll have plenty of time for explanation later", said the stranger as he
stopped at a door to one of the rooms in the hall. "Here", he said, "right here".
Mulder awoke from his sleep when he started to hear strange noises from the hall. "Who's
there?", asked Mulder. Suddenly Mulder felt a presence of some kind that he had never
experienced before, like someone had touched his mind, not in the cold way like CancerMan had.
Suddenly the door burst open revealing no one. Mulder felt puzzled and then shocked as he saw
the image of a stranger and Scully appear in front of him. "Come on let's go!", Scully shouted
at him as she started to tug him out of the room. "Wait", said the stranger as he once again
started to dig through his bag. He pulled out what looked like to Scully a short, thick, black
tube and pointed it at Mulder. "What are you doing?", asked Mulder alarmed as he moved out of
it's direction. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, we don't have time for this, stand
still!", demanded the stranger as he pointed the object a Mulder again. Suddenly a red beam
flowed over Mulder as he froze in awe from the warmth he felt from it. Then the stranger placed
the tube on the bed were Mulder was sleeping and a image of himself sleeping appeared. "Don't be
alarmed it's only a hologram", said the stranger.
"I think it would be wise to check up on Fox now, don't you think?", asked Samantha to the
smoking man in the business suit. "Ah yes, join me for a walk?", asked CancerMan. "Surely, I
would like to see how my dear brother is doing", spat Samantha bitterly. As they approached the
room CancerMan felt something odd like as if something was missing. Even through these feeling
as he looked through the window of the room and saw his son laying asleep on the bed. "All seems
to be in order", CancerMan said to himself more than Samantha as they departed to the meeting
room. As CancerMan entered the room he greeted the many other members around him with their
native greeting of alien tongue clicking. "I believe that we should prepare our new President",
said CancerMan as he went to sit in the chair at the head of the meeting table. "The main chip
has been finished with our instructions for the clone that is untranslatable by the humans if
they happen to find the truth about this clone and get curious", replied one of the high
commanders. "Very good, very good?, said CancerMan happily. "Have you heard anything from our
dear friends the greys?", asked CancerMan. "No, I feel that they are no threat to our plans so
far, them seem cooperative, even though they gave us the coordinates to this planet", replied
the commander.
As Scully, Mulder and the stranger ran down the hall trying to be undetectable as they
could, the stranger advised them to try to shut out thoughts and other such feelings that might
attract the guards. Scully seemed to be puzzled by this, but Mulder seemed to know what he was
referring to. "What are you doing?", asked Scully as the stranger stopped and started to
attached plastic explosives to the walls in the hall. "Making sure that their plans are not
carried out", said the stranger starting to run again. They stopped a few more times to add more
explosives. "We don't got much time!", shouted the stranger towards the others as he began to
run faster, they were almost out. Both Mulder and Scully were exhausted and Scully seemed to
notice the extreme pain her partner was in. As they scramble out the front entrance Mulder
remembered Samantha and her accusing words to him. "Wait we have to save my sister!", shouted
Mulder. "There is no time, besides Mulder your sister is completely corrupted and lost", said
the stranger sadly. "How do you do know? You don't know my sister.", said Mulder furious. "Yes I
do", said the stranger as he beckoned them to move faster. "This place is going to blow, and
soon", said the stranger hoping to get them moving faster.
As they reached the outside and ran out to the rental car Mulder gave a sigh. He supposed
he would now never know about what happened to his sister and his true relation to CancerMan.
Mulder's eyes swelled with sad tears as he watched the blasting of the building and an inferno
of fire spring up. He now took the responsibility of losing Samantha again, and this time he had
really done it. He could of gone back and got her. But if he did would he still be here alive
also?, he thought to himself. He knew the answer was most likely no, and refused to believe it,
believing that him and his sister could of lived happy lives once again together as a family.
Now Mulder knew for sure and certain that his long dream of being reunited with his sister would
never come. He even questioned if it was ever meant to be. He knew that, the sacrifice might of
saved this nation, but it still tore at his heart. Scully patted his shoulder silently, knowing
how he must feel, and that he would most likely not want to talk until it truly settled in.
Scully leaned against her seat as she watched the sun set leaving deep purple streaks in
the desert horizon. Mulder watched too, with sad eyes and then turned to Scully. "Well I guess
you saved my butt again", said Mulder with a weak smile. "With the help of a stranger", said
Scully glancing at the stranger with curiosity. "Now that this is over are you going to tell us
why you helped us and how you did all those little tricks?", asked Scully hoping he would. "I
already told you, I used to be one of them and disagreed with what they believed, and for the
tricks, some day your people will learn as much as we have", said the stranger. "And for seeing
me again, I highly doubt it", added the stranger. After a few hours of talking Mulder and Scully
fell asleep to the sounds of desert wildlife. It felt good to be back with his friend and away
from his enemy, thought Mulder in his deep sleep. He had decided to never think again of what
CancerMan had said, for to him if what he said was true it would be to unbearable for him to
face. So as the stars traced the sky the guardians of truth slept silently leaving all their
troubles behind for a brief moment in time.


The truth is out there:-------x-files
Anything comprehensible is possible....