SUMMARY: Mulder's having chemo, when things take a turn for the worst.
SPOILERS: Season 4/ Part 1 Last Moments

Mulder laid in the hospital bed, he had just had his first chemotherapy
session, he felt sick and dizzy, he was tired but he couldn't sleep,
Scully walked into the room
"How you feeling?" She asked
"Sick, dizzy and bored" He said smiling
"Scully, do you think this is going to work?" He asked in a more serious tone
"I don't know, I think it might" She said,
"Why hasn't my mom visited?" He asked,
"I told her you were having chemotherapy", she said She s coming in
later" Scully said.
"Where's Skinner?" He asked
"He had to work" She said,
"Fox" The doctor said walking into the room
"Yeah" Mulder said, sitting up
"I think that went very well" He said
"It might not be curing it just yet, but it's definitely stopping
it from getting bigger, we've measured the size of the tumor its
2 centimeters in length" He said
"So you'll know if it gets bigger?" Mulder asked
"Yes, if it does, it means the chemo drugs were giving you aren't
working and we'll switch to another type" The doctor said, suddenly
everything went blank, his head ached again, all he
could see was redness, he could see Samantha sitting on the bed
he walked over to her and sat beside her
"What's wrong?" He asked his little sister
"They're fighting over me" She cried,
"They're not Sam" Mulder said, hugging, her, he opened his eyes
he couldn't see
"Mulder, can you hear me?" Scully said loudly
"Is he ok?" The other doctor asked,
"I don't know, Mulder can you hear me?" She asked again
"Yes" He said, She looked at his pupils with a torch, his pupils
weren't dilating
"Scully, I can't see" He said
"Its ok Fox" The doctor said
"Its probably just temporary" He said
"I can't see" Mulder said again
"Its ok Mulder, you'll be fine" She said, holding his hand, he
tried to look round, if he was going to die, he didn't want to
be blind, he wanted to see things for the last time, he
was beginning to feel uneasy about the chemo, he knew the chances
of it curing him were slim, he was doing it more for his mom and
Scully, but now he felt there was no point
"What if its not temporary?" Mulder asked
"It will fade, when and if your in remission" The Doctor said,
"I'm gonna die aren't I?" Mulder asked,
"If we don't help you, yes you will" Scully said,
"I want to be alone" He said, closing his eyes
"I'll be outside" Scully said, taking her hand away from Mulder's


"I came as soon as I could" Skinner said, walking down the hall,
Scully was sitting in a chair outside Mulder's room
"He has either blindness or temporary blindness" Scully said,
"What does that mean?" He asked
"He's getting worse, the doctor gave Mulder another scan, the tumors
grown about half a centimeter since yesterday" She said
"It's pushing directly onto of his optic nerve, luckily, it's not
touching his cerebellum anymore" Scully said
"Does that mean?" He asked
"It could be getting better, but the doctor will only say he is
when it starts getting to anything between 1 and 2 cm" She said
"What if his optic nerve gets cancerous?" Skinner asked
"Me and the doctor talked about this, its possible, but I don't
want Mulder knowing" She said
"I think he should, he's already heard the worst news he could ever
have" Skinner said
"I know, I'm just about to tell him he could be getting better, I don't
want to spoil things by telling him he could have cancer in the
optic nerve" she said, walking into the room, Mulder was
asleep, he looked so peaceful, she walked over to him and
held his hand, he stirred a little, and woke up
"Scully" He said
"I can see again" He said smiling
"See, it was temporary" She said, smiling
"Do you have the results of my scan?" He asked
"I don't wanna tell you you're ok but, the tumor is moving away from your
cerebellum" She said
"So I might not die?" He asked
"If it gets an inch bigger, you'll get permanent blindness, until
we can get the growth of the tumor under control" She said
"The tumor, is pressuring the optic nerve, blocking any light that
might be let in by your pupils" She said
"Your having another scan next week, if it's gotten smaller, your
going to be ok" She said
"The truth is, the lump as got just under half a centimeter bigger" She said
"I thought it was under control?" He asked anxiously
"All it means is we'll try you on another drug, I need to give
you an injection of morphine for the pain" She said
"I'm fine, I don't feel any pain" He said
"Scully, I can't feel my leg" He said, he didn't realize when he woke up
but now he knew, he couldn't feel his leg, and his right arm seemed pretty
"What do you mean?" She asked worried
"I can't feel it at all" He said, crying
"I'm going to get the doctor" She said running from the room
"Mulder" Skinner said, walking in
"Sir, I can't feel my leg, or my arm" He said, a tear rolling down
his cheek, Skinner walked over to Mulder
"Your paralyzed?" He asked
"I don't know, Scully's gone to get the doctor, I'm scared" He cried out,
Skinner put his arms around Mulder
"Hold in there" He said, Scully and the doctor walked in
"Fox" The doctor said, Skinner unwrapped his arms from Mulder's body
Scully helped Mulder into a laying position, she felt his legs, the doctor took
a small needle from the metal trolley that was against the bed, he poked Mulder's
"Can you feel it?" He asked
"No, I cant" Mulder said, Scully wanted to cry as well, but she knew
Mulder would know something was terribly wrong, she tried to act
normal, but when a tear dripped down her face, she caught Mulder's eye
"I'm paralyzed aren't I?" He asked
"I'm afraid, you've lost feeling in your legs" He said, rubbing Mulder's hand
"And my arm" He said
"Which one?" Scully asked
"This one" He said trying to move his left arm, but he couldn't even feel it
"Were gonna give you another CAT scan and an x-ray" Scully said to Mulder
"Could it be temporary?" Mulder asked
"I don't know" Scully said, she didn't know at least she wasn't lying to him,
she felt so sorry for him, he might lose his sight and use of his limbs,
she couldn't tell him about the fact there might be cancer in his optic
nerve, but she might as well, she was still crying a little and Mulder
knew she was too


"Well?" Scully asked, walking over to the doctor
"There's two tumors" The doctor said, pointing to a small black blur on an x-ray of
Mulder's upper neck
"It's on his vertebrae" She said shocked
"One good thing, it's not permanent paralyzation" He said
"But what if it can't be treated? he'll die blind and paralyzed" She said crying
"Scully, I know that, we have to be strong for his case, we need to
try him with another chemo session, because he's just going to keep
deteriorating, until he dies" He said
"Scully" Skinner said, walking into the room, she could see he's been crying
because his eyes were all red and puffy
"What is it?" Skinner asked
"Bad news" Scully said, trying to hold back the tears she had inside
"What?" He asked
"He has another tumor, in his upper neck, it's pushing down onto his left
vertebra" She said
"That's why he cant feel the right side of his body" Scully said
"Were gonna give him another chemo session, maybe 2 a day will work" She said
trying to sound strong
"I'll be with Mulder" Scully said, walking out of the room, into Mulder's
he was awake looking up at the ceiling
"Scully" He said, turning round to face her
"Mulder, it's bad news" She said, he sluggishly moved his eyes from her
glance, and looked at the floor
"What?" He asked
"We've found another tumor, in your upper neck, its leaning on your left
veterbra" She said, holding his hand again, his touch
made her feel safe and warm
"Am I going to be like this if I do live?" He asked
"No Mulder, once that tumor disappears, the feeling will come straight back" She
she said
"I don't wanna be like this Scully, I'd rather not be alive" He said, crying
"Fox" His mom said walking into the room
"Ms Mulder" Scully said
"There's been a setback" Scully said
"What?" She asked, rubbing Mulder's forehead gently
"We've found another tumor, in his upper neck" Scully said,
"It can't be much worse than it is," His mom said
"Honey, have you been having chemotherapy?" She asked
"Yeah, I've lost the feeling in my left leg and my left arm" He said
wiping a tear from his cheek
"Oh Fox, it shouldn't be like this" She said, kissing him
"I can't stand the waiting, I'm going to go home and wait for
a while" She said
"Don't leave" Mulder said
"I have you, I'll go insane here" She said, Fox pulled his arm away
from his moms hand and looked up at the ceiling, he was angry at
his mom, she was always running out, just when he needed her
most, he wanted her there, he felt safe, but he had Scully
and Skinner, he felt extra safe with them, him and Scully
were so close, they had been through everything together,
he thought about it coming to an end, he didn't cry this time
maybe he was getting used to the idea, of dying, and he
guessed Scully had as well, she had stopped crying now, and she was
busily tidying the room
"Bye Fox" His mom said
"Bye Mom, I love you" He said
"I love you too honey" She said, walking from the room, Mulder
looked at Scully, she looked at him, there eyes met
"What?" She asked,
"I was just thinking, when am I having my next chemo?" He asked,
that was a decoy he thought to himself, but he had seen a side
of him that had never come out before, he started to stare
at Scully, her red hair, her light green eyes, she was
beautiful, he wanted to kiss her, make love to her at that moment
he didn't care what she thought, he probably wasn't going to
make it through, he wanted to die knowing he's shared that
experience with her, he wanted to caress her gently,
"Quit staring" Scully said smiling
"I can't help staring at something so beautiful" He said smiling
"Mulder" She said in a nagging tone, he sat up in bed
"Scully, I think.." He said
"What?" She asked, walking up towards him
"What's wrong?" She asked
"Nothing, I just think I...I love you" He finally got out, but
then he wished he hadn't
"Mulder, why?" She asked, feeling foolish what a stupid question
"I just do, I wanna kiss you" He said pulling her close, she got away
from his grasp, he reached out and touched her breast, Skinner came
in, he saw Scully trying to get away
"What are you doing?" he yelled at Mulder
"I wanna make love to her" He said,
"Mulder stop" Scully said, she finally pulled away, she walked out of
the room
"Why did you just do that?" Skinner asked
"Why did you make me stop? I would have gotten further" Mulder said
"Mulder, what's gotten into you?" He asked
"Well, cancer mainly, oh and a love I've never felt before" He said
"I'm not gonna take this" He said walking out the door, Scully sat in a
chair in the hallway crying
"It's ok" Skinner said, sitting beside her
"He was going to rape me" She said,
"He's not himself, you have to understand" Skinner said
"I know, I can't understand, he's a different person" She said
"Its the cancer, the doctor said he would act much differently, he's
gotten into his brain, its changing everything about him"
Skinner said softly
"I cant look at him again" She said,
"He touched me" Scully said crying, Skinner hugged her
"Remember what I said Scully, he's not himself, he'll probably
wake up later and apologize" He said, standing up, Scully stood
up and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes
"I have to go back to work" Skinner said, smiling
"Ok" Scully said, Skinner walked down the hall, Scully walked into
Mulder's room, he was asleep, at least he wasn't awake, Skinner
was right, it's not Mulder's thought he was acting like that,
its this dumb disease, she sat in the chair beside his bed
and closed her eyes

(LATER 8.16PM)

"Scully" Mulder whispered
"What?" She said, opening her eyes
"I can feel my arm" He said moving his arm
"That's good" She said standing up
"Scully, I can't remember what happened today, I only remember
last night" He said
"It's ok Mulder, you must be improving, if you can feel your arm"
She said kissing his forehead, Mulder smiled at her
"Tell the doctor" Mulder said, excitedly, Scully walked out of the
room, Mulder tried to think, of what had happened that day, but
he couldn't, he tried to remember but his memory was filled
with what happened last night
"That's extremely good news" The doctor said, shaking Mulder's hand
"I would like to give you a CAT scan in the morning to see what's going
on" The doctor said
"Obviously the tumor in your upper neck had decreased" He said, looking
at Mulder's chart
"Do you feel any pain?" The doctor asked
"No I feel great now, call my mom" Mulder said happily
"Sure" Scully said, walking from the room
"Fox, I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but, there might
not be any improvement on your brain tumor" He said
"I feel good, that means something right?" Mulder asked,
"Have you had any seizures?" He asked
"No, I can't remember what happened today though" Mulder said
"That's my point, I'm going to take you down for chemo" The doctor said


"You have to sleep" She said, tucking Mulder in
"I'm too happy, I might live Scully" He said with a smile
"I know, I'm over the moon Mulder, its the best news I've
ever heard, but you need sleep" She said
"I can't, I don't feel well" he said, with the smile fading
"What's wrong?" She asked, looking into his hazel eyes
"It's the chemo, I feel sick and I can't sleep" He said,
"I'll stay awake with you until you get tired then" She said, sitting
in the chair, Mulder looked at Scully
"Did you tell my mom?" He asked,
"Yes, she's coming in to see you first thing" Scully said
"Scully, do you think my sister was abducted me aliens?" He asked
"Mulder you know how I feel" She said
"Seriously, what's happened has made me change the whole
point of view on things" He said
"I can't believe I'm hearing this" Scully said
"Truly, I don't think I believe anymore, there's more to life
than little green men, I have you Scully, your my friend" He said,
Scully stood up and held his hand
"Never leave me Mulder" She whispered into his ear
"I won't if you don't" He said smiling, she kissed his cheek, she
was gently stroking his forehead, he closed his eyes and
drifted to sleep.


Mulder woke up, his eyes scanned the room, he could feel his left
leg, he wiggled it about, he looked over at the chair, Scully
was asleep, he wasn't going to wake her this time, she
had been restless the past 2 days, he wanted her to rest now,
she opened her eyes
"Your awake" She said
"Did I wake you?" He asked
"No Mulder, how you feeling this morning?" She asked
"I'm thinking a whole lot clearer now, my head feels clearer" He said
"I'm glad" she said,
"I need to do an eye exam Mulder" She said,
"Why?" He asked,
"Because I need to check your pupils" She said, taking a
torch from the metal tray, he knew the procedure, he opened
his eyes wide, while she shone the torch in.
"Mulder, there dilating" She said happily
"You mean?" He asked,
"The tumor, isn't blocking your optic nerve anymore" She said,
"It's gone?" He asked
"No, it's moved slightly, Mulder it's gonna take ages but I think
your getting cured" She said, kissing his forehead
"Fox" His mom said, walking in
"Mom" He said happily
"I heard the news" She said smiling
"Even better news" Scully said
"His pupils are dilating, that means the tumor has moved away
from his optic nerve, he won't lose his sight" She said, happily
"Its working? he's getting cured?" His mom asked,
"Yes" Scully said, the doctor walked into the room
"Did you so the exam?" The doctor asked,
"Yes, they're dilating" She said smiling
"That's great" He said smiling



"I really thought I was going to lose you" She said to Mulder
"I thought I was going to lose myself" He said
"By the way what I said in the hospital the other day about
not believing" Mulder said
"Yes" She asked
"Well, ignore me, I was an ill man, I was thinking straight"
He said smiling
"Now that sounds like the Mulder I know" She said, smiling