Author:Barbara Tucker
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:Mulder and Scully do not belong to me. Everyone who you recognize belong to Chris Carter,1013 Production and Fox Entertainment
Achive:Please do
Summary: Mulder is kidnapped by a woman who is obsessed with him.

Sunday night 11:00pm
Mulder sat on the bench in the park. He had gotten a call by someone who had some information that he needed to solve a case that he and Scully were working on. The person told him to come alone. While he was sitting and watching couples walking by, holding hands, he was thinking, just how lucky they were. That there lives were so carefree,and that his was anything but.
All of a sudden he heard a noise behind him, but before he could turn around, a hand gripped his shoulder and told him not to turn around.

"Agent Mulder, I have some very inportant information for you that might help you with the case that you and Agent Scully have been working on. But it will come to you for a price that you nor Agent Scully would want to pay", the voice said.

With that Mulder tried to turn around, but the grip became tighter. Tears begain to well-up in his eyes from the pressure on his shoulder. He tried to move to lessen the pain, but it only caused the pressure to get tighter.

"I told you Agent Mulder not to move. Please don't try that again or the pain you feel next, will become unbearable",
he said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, fine! What the hell do you want from me?",Mulder said with a tremor in his voice.

"I want the file you have?"

"What file would that be? I don't have any file".

"Don't lie to me Agent Mulder", and the grip on his shoulder got tighter, which caused Mulder to sink down lower on the bench. "I know that the file was put on your desk last night. I will give you 24 hours to bring it to me or your partner might be feeling the pain next".

"Don't you dare touch one hair on her head, or you will be the one feeling the pain". At that Mulder tried to turn his head, but all he got was a soft blow to the head, which caused him to sink to the ground. He was only out for a second, but by the time he came too and could see clearly, the person was gone. He picked himself up off the ground and sat back on the bench to catch his breath and clear his head before he went back to his car. He slowly got up and walked over to his car and went home.

Monday Morning 8:00am FBI Building:

Mulder was sitting at his desk going over some files that had been left on his desk the next before. Maybe one of these was the one that the man last night had talked about. So far, notheing looked like something anyone would want.
He layed the file down when he heard a noise, he looked up and saw Scully coming into the office carrying two cups of coffee

"Hope one of those is for me?", he asked with a smile.

"Sure, if you have enough money, you know coffee is expensive these days", she answered back with a smile of her own. "What are you working on?"

"Going over some files that someone left on my desk last night, after I left".

"Anything important, that I should know about?",she asked as she looked over his shoulder.

"Not that I can tell", he answered back.

"Well to change the subject, where were you last night? I called and only got your answering machine. You were out a little late were you not? I called around 11:00.

"I had a call from someone who said that they had some information about a case that we were working on, but it was a false alarm. The person never show up. "Why what did you want?"

"Someone also called me, with the same message", she replied.

"Did you go?" Mulder asked with a worried look on his face.

"No, my mother had called and I never got to go".

"Good, I don't want you to go off by yourself, it could be dangerous".

"Okay, Mulder but what is this all about. Dose it have anything to do with the files you are looking though right now?"

"I don't know Scully, but please watch yourself. Promise me, okay."

"Okay Mulder, but you will have to promise me the same
thing. Your life is just important to me, you know. Do you have any plan for the day?"

"No, I'm just going to finish looking over these files and then I'm going to call it a day. You can take the rest of the day off, if you like. You look like you need the rest, espeically after that hard case we just finished".

"Well, Mulder you don't look any better yourself, why don't you finish up the files tomorrow or I can stay a while and help out."

"No, that okay. It will take me about another half hour to finish and then I will call it quits myself. You go ahead and leave now, I promise I wont be long".

Scully looked at him with worried eyes, "Okay Mulder, I'll leave but you better be leaving soon yourself. I'm going to call you when I get home to make sure that you have left. And if you are still here, I'll come back and drag you out by the hair on your head."

"Is that a threat, Agent Scully," he said with a grin.

"No Agent Mulder, it's a promise", she answered back with a grin of her own. With that said Scully turned to leave the room and turned back around with a worried look on her face. "Mulder, are you sure everything is okay?"

"Yeah!" Everything is fine. I'm just tried is all."

Scully turned around once more to leave, as she went to close the door behind her, she caught Mulder looking out into space. She knew something was bothering him, but she knew he would never omit it. Well, she knew she would be there if he ever wanted to talk.

Mulder finished his work, got up, put his jacket on and went out the door. He wish he had left when Scully did. He did not relized how worn out he felt, until he got up to leave. When he got to the parking garage, he looked and then spotted his car. He normally checked the back, but today his mine was elsewhere. He got in, turned the engine on and started out. When he reach the exit to the garage and was about to turn out into the street, he heard a noise behind him, but before he could react a gun barrel was pointed at this temple.

"Keep driving Agent Mulder," a woman voice commanded.

"Who are you and what do you want?", he said with anger in his voice. He knew it was not the voice from last night.

"You will find out soon enough, Agent Mulder. Turn the next corner, go two block and pull into the alley. You will see a green van parked there, pull behind it,"

Mulder did as he was told. They drove the few blocks in silence. He stopped the car behind the van and turned the engine off.

"Okay, what now?", Mulder asked losing what cool he still had left.

"Get out of the car, slowly and wait for me."

Mulder did so. As he was getting out, the woman in back was doing the same. Mulder turned around to see who it was, who he saw made him gasp.

"YOU!....What is this all about."

"Never you mind Fox, just walk over to the back of the van and open the back doors", she commanded still holding the gun on him and followed him.

He slowly walked the short distance and after he had the doors open, he went to turn around, but before he could, he felt a sharp pain in the small of his back. Which caused him to lean back a little from the impact. Before he could catch his breath, the gun came crashing down on the back of his head. He then heard a voice say, "Sweet dreams", as everything went black.

He collasped half-way into the van. She pushed him the rest of the way in and by doing so he cut his leg on a piece of metal that was protruding from the back. Several drops of blood dripped onto the pavement. She never noticed it as she got into the back with Mulder. She pulled out her handcuffs and cuffed his hands behind his back and then retrived his and cuffed him to the van. She wanted to make sure, if he decided to come around before they could reach their destination, that he would stay put. She jump out of the back of the van and walked around to the front and climb into the driver seat. She took one last look at Mulder, before she started out.

Tuesday Morning 7:30 am FBI Building

Scully walked into the office expecting to see Mulder at his desk working as usual, but what she found was a empty office. Maybe he had a early appointment with Skinner this morning or maybe he just over slept. She was hoping for the latter. She would give him a couple of more hours of sleep before she gave him a call. God knows he needed the rest. He really looked ragged yesterday. She had also called him late last night to make sure that he had gone home, but never got a answer, only the answering machine, so she figured maybe he had turn down the sound and slept the whole night.
Nine-thirty rolled around and still no Mulder. Scully put down the file she was working on and dialed his number, still no answer, except for his machine. She left a brief message for him to call her as soon as he could. She waited a few minutes, just in case he had been in the shower. Her phone never rang. Then she decided to call Skinner's office, just in case Mulder had stopped by there.
She dialed the number and his secretary answered

"A.D. Skinner office, may I help you?"

"Yes, this is Agent Scully. Dose Agent Mulder have a meeting with Mr. Skinner this morning?''

"No, Agent Scully he dose not. Would you like to speak with Mr Skinner?", she asked.

"No, I will call back later, thank you", she answered back.

Scully hung the phone up and lend back in her chair and
thought, I wonder were Mulder is, something must be wrong. It's not like Mulder to go off and not tell anyone were he went....wait a minute I'm talking about Mulder here, he's always going off on some hairbrain mission of his own. At that moment, he heard a noise behind here, she spung around and said, "Well it's.... but when she turned around she saw that it was not Mulder.

"Oh!, hi Beth, I thought you were Mulder."

"Agent Mulder is not in?", asked Beth.

"No, he's running late this morning. What can I do for you?'', Scully asked.

"I have a file he requested yesterday and this is the first chance I have had to bring it to him, she answered.

"Agent Scully, can I ask you something?''

"Sure Beth, what?", Scully answered back".

"What's it like, working with Agent Mulder?", she stammered.

"What do you mean, Beth?", she asked, looking at her strangely.

"I mean with his reputation for being strange and all. You know spooky".

"Beth, there is nothing strange or spooky about Agent Mulder, he is just deadicated to his work and people label him with that name because they don't understand him. Sometime I think that they are just jealous. Maybe if they put as much time and effort into there job as he dose, maybe they would have a better slove record. And as far as working with him, I could not have had a better partner and friend. We trust each other with our lives".

"I never really thought of it that way. A lot of the stuff I have heard about him, has been around the water cooler.
And most of it has not been nice. I thought maybe I would get your opinion on him first. You know, straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. Have you and Agent Mulder ever been on a date?"

"No, we are just friend. Our relationship is strictly professional. Why all the question, Beth?''

"Oh! I was just wondering is all. I see you guys together all the time and I thought maybe it was more than just friendship. Cause he is a nice looking", she said with a sparkle in her eye.

Scully looked at Beth strangely,"Beth, do you like Agent Mulder?''

"Oh no Agent Scully, I just thought he was a nice looking guy and that he alway was nice to me as he would walk past my desk in the mornings. He always smiled. Well, Agent Scully I better get back to work before I'm missed and they send a search party out for me. Sorry to take so much of your time".

"That's okay Beth, anytime".

Just as Beth was leaving a man came to the door.

"Excuse me, Agent Scully, Mr. Skinner would like to see you in his office right away."

"Okay, I'll be right there", in answered in puzzlememt.

As she was walking to Skinner's office, her mind begain to race. What if something had happen to Mulder. She entered the outer office and secertary ushered her into Skinner's office.

"Sit down Agent Scully," he said.

"What's this all about? Has something happen to Mulder?, she asked with concern.

"We have come to believe that something has happen to Agent Mulder. His car was found several block from here in a alley way. It dose not seem to have been a struggle, so he might have know who the person was. There was some blood at the crime site, we are having it tested now to see if it could be Mulder's or not. It could have been from anyone or anything. Did Mulder say anything about going anywhere, when he left yesterday?"

"No sir, I left before he did. He did say something about going home and trying to get some sleep before I left though. Do you mind if I go check out the crime site myself?",she asked.

"Why don't you wait a couple of hours to see what the lab comes up with, Agent Scully,"he said to her knowning she would not.

"Okay, I will wait a while and then check with the lab,'' she answered back. With that she stood up and left the room. Like hell I will she said to herself as she walked back to the basement. I'm tired of waiting around for someone to do anything. She had to find out for herself, before anything was covered up as always. When she got to the office she collected her things and left.

Monday night:

Mulder stirred in the back of the van, he felt a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, he fought to keep it down. When he tried to move he found out that his hands were cuffed behind him and to the frame of the van. He felt something sticky on his leg. He tried to put his head down to see what it was but the sick feeling returned, plus it made his head hurt even more. He looked toward the front of the van at the driver and said, "Beth what is this all about?". Don't you know you could get into a lot of trouble over this. This is kidnapping".

Beth looked around when she heard Mulder stirring and grin, "Ah!, my sleepy friend has awaken. Sorry about hitting you over the head, but it was the only way I could have gotten you to come with me. Hope I didn't hurt you to bad."

"Where are you taking me and why?", with pain in his voice.
"Where Scully will never find you my love. You are mine.... all mine.

"What do you mean, Scully is my partner and friend and that is all. Is this what this is all about?", he question.
"Yes, I know she means more to you than that. I have seen how you two act around each other, it's more than just friendship. It gose deeper than that. But no more, she will never have you again. I would rather see you dead first. I will see to it that she dose not interfear at all.

"Don't you dare hurt her or you will answer to me," he said with anger in his voice.

" I don't think you are any postion to do anything at the moment Fox," she said with a grin on her face and then she turned back around and sped up.

Twenty minutes later the van pulled into a long winding
driveway, that lead to a farm house. She pulled to a stop in front of the house, causing Mulder to roll to the side of the van, hitting it hard. Beth looked around and said, "Sorry Fox, hope everything is okay back there?'' Mulder stirred a little, but made no effort to answer her. She got out of the van, went to the house and opened the fromt door. She returned several minutes later, she went to the back of the and opened the door and climbed in. She went over to him and looked down at him and thought, I will make you forget your friend Scully, even if I have to kill you to do it. Mulder was still laying on is side, she took her foot and nudged him.

"Are you awake Fox", she said as she lend over him. He showed no signs of wanting to answer her, so she nudge him a little harder with her foot, causing him to flinch. "Fox, it's time to go into the house. Please don't make it any harder on yourself and me."

He slowly tried to rise, but with the cuff done like they were he was going to need help. "I need help Beth," he answered back. She lend over and helped pull him into a sitting postion. "I'm going to undo the cuff from the frame Fox, so please don't try anything, cause I have your gun and I will use it If I have too." Mulder sat still long enough for her to undo the cuff and took the only chance he knew he would have. He bolted up and caught her by surprise, knocking her up against the other side of the van.
He didn't take the time to look back, he jump out of the van
and ran towards the road, or what he hope was the road. He had only ran several yard, before he heard the gun go off and then felt the sting as the bullet hit his side. He hit the ground hard. Before he could even move, Beth was standing over him and saiding, "Why did you run Fox? Why did you make me hurt you?

"Would you have expected anything less of me Beth?, he answered back with pain in his voice. Why don't you let me go Beth, before this become a more serious matter.

"I can't Fox, don't you understand, I love you!"

"You call this love Beth, you sure do show it in a funny way."

Beth looked at him with pain in her eyes and said, "Get up", still holding the gun in her hand. He slowly tried to rise, but when he did a terrible pain shot though his side and fell back onto the ground.

"Come on Fox, get up and stop playing around," she said losing her patients. She took her foot and nudge him. Mulder remained on the ground. She nudge him again a little harder, he never moved She bend down, close to his face, she could see the pain he was in, but she had to get him to the house.
She grabbed his arm and tried pulling him up, he was much to heavy for her and it did not seem like he was in the mood to help her out. "Well, Fox looks like I'm going to have to put you out of your misery right here, right now. Scully will surely miss you. It would be a pity that she will never know what happen to you."

When Mulder heard Scully name said, he moved his head towards Beth and said, "Okay Beth, you win this time, but your time is coming sooner than you think". Mulder tried to get to his knees, but the pain in is side was to much too bear, he grabbed his side and tried again. He finally made it to his feet and slowly made his way toward the house.

They finally made it to the steps of the house, Mulder went to climb the steps, when his foot caught on the bottom one and he went down hard on to the porch. Were he had landed, it left a blood stain. Beth came up from behind him and took hold of his arm and tried to help him up. He push her hand away and said, "I can get up myself, I don't need your help. He slowly regain his feet and slowly walked toward the front door. Beth rushed pass him and put the key into the lock and opened the door. He held the door for Mulder to pass though. What he saw when he enter, shocked him. On the wall, was hundreds of pictures of him. Small ones, large ones, pictures of him at work, at his apartment, but they all had one thing in common, Scully was in none of them. Some looked like they had been cut, like there than been another person in them. He guess the other person was Scully.

"Do you like what you see Fox? I've been taking your picture for months, I fell in love with you the moment I laid my eyes on you. I thought maybe you felt the same about me, by the way you treated me all those months."

"Beth, I was only being polite, you were the only person besides Scully who has ever given me the time of day. You can't think just because I was friendly toward you that it was love. If you think that way, than you really need help.
Beth, please let me go. If you let me go, I will see that you get the help you need, I will not press charges."

"No, I can't Mulder, I love you and I will never let you go, never," with that said she motion Mulder over tho the first door. "Open it,'' she said. Mulder walked over to the door and turned the knob and walked in. He saw a twin-size bed, a chair and a dresser. She pushed Mulder toward the bed, which caused him to lose his balance. Luckly, he was close enough to the bed, that he fell onto it. He would have hated to have to pick himself up off the floor. He clucthed his side which had started bleeding again, when he hit the bed. He turned around to Beth and said, "Beth, I'm going to need a doctor."

"I'm the only doctor you are going to need, Fox. Just sit down on the bed and I will check you out myself."

He laid down on the bed with some difficulity. His side was killing him. Sweat was streaming down his face from the excertion and the pain. Beth grabbed one of his arms and handcuffed to the headboard, "Don't want you to go anywhere while I go into the other room to pick up a few thing to clean your wound".

"Where would I go Beth," Mulder replied back. Mulder laid back on the bed, rattleing the cuffs against the bed, testing the strenght of the chain in between. No way of escaping here. A few minutes pass before Beth returning carrying a container of water and some bandages. She walked toward the bed and sat the water on the bedstand.
She then reach over and pulled a chair next to the bed. She opened his blood soaken shirt and gasped. "Oh, my god Mulder, look at what you have cause me to do." The bullet had went straight though. The entrance wound did not look so bad, but the exit wound had made a much larger hole. When Beth went to touch the surrounding area Mulder jerk away.

"Beth, I'm going to need a doctor."

"Why , you think that you are going to need Agent Scully. I'm the only doctor you are going to need." She bend over and washed the area around the wound, causing Mulder to try and move away from her. The pain was unbearable. Beth notice that Mulder was in a great deal of pain, but she kept on cleaning around the wound.

"You know Fox, if you had not ran, you would not have been in so much pain now, it your fault you know".

"Would you have expected anything else less from me, Beth?"

"No, I guess not Fox, but keep in mind, you will never escape from here, I will see to that. Scully will never find you here."

Mulder didn't like the way she kept bringing up Scully's name. He had to find a way to escape. He knew Scully would come looking for him.

Beth wrapped his wound, not being to gentle. She wanted to cause him pain for all the mean things he had say eariler. She finished and looked down at him. "Well Mulder that's the best I can do for now. I will check on you in the morning before I go to work. Sorry I can't take the cuffs off, I don't want you getting up and hurting yourself even more than you are. I don't know that much about doctoring, she said as she turned away from him and headed toward the door. She left the room and Mulder tried to find a position that would enable him to at least to try and get some sleep, but he knew it was going to be a long night.

Morning came, Mulder had not gotten much sleep. His side was really hurting him. He heard the door open and Beth walked in.

"How are we feeling this morning Fox?", she said as she walked towards the bed.

"I've felt better in my time", he answered back.

She lend on the bed, which cause the bed to dip with the weight, which in turn caused Mulder to move with it making pain shoot though his whole body.

"You don't look so good Fox". She put her hand on his forehead, he was burning up. You are running a fever, it must be from your gunshot. The only thing I have here is some aspirin. It will have to do until I can get by the store this afternoon after work." She left and then returned with some new bandages and a tray of food. She sat the tray down and then started to remove the old blood soaked one.
The wound looked bad, it had started to get infected, but there was nothing she could done for it now, it would have to wait until tonight. She placed a new bandage on his side, being none to gentle. He reacted by moving away from the touch. "Sorry, Fox don't mean to hurt you, but it's your own fault you know." Mulder just looked at her with hatred in his eyes. With the new bandage on, she threw the blooded one into the trash can beside the bed. She then reach over and handed Mulder 2 aspirin and a glass of water. "This is all I have for now, so that will have too do until I get back tonight. She left the room, shut the door and then lock it. They was no reason for that, but she did not want to take any chances. The next noise he heard was a car starting and pulling away. And with that he lost consciousness.

Tuesday 1:35pm... FBI Building

Scully went to her car and left the parking garage and drove to the crime scene. There were only a couple of uniformed officers walking around. She got out and one of the officers came over too her. "This is a police investigation, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Scully pulled out her ID and showed it to the officer. "I'm
Agent Scully and Agent Mulder was my partner, have they taken his car away?" "Yes they have, about a half-hour ago. We were just here to finish cleaning up the scene."
"Do you mine if I take a look around?'' "No , not at all. Hope you find your partner?'' "Thanks, me to", she answered back with a grin on her face. He watched her walk away and said to himself, some men have all the luck.

She went over to the blood spot. It was just a small amount. so who or what ever caused it, could not be that seriouly injuried. She looked around a little bit more and did not really see anything that would help her, so she went back to her car and returned back to work. She went to the impound before she went back to the office. She got the keys to his car from tha attentant and went over to his car.
She opened the door and searched the car. She was about to shut the door, when the light caught a glint of metal in the back floorboard. She reach down and to her surprise, it was part of an earring, the back was missing. She put it into her pocket and shut the door and returned the keys. She went back to the office, took the earring out and placed it on the desk. He had, had a girl in the car with him, cause it was not her's. She went into the other office to get a cup of coffee and when she returned Beth was standing over the desk, starting to pick up the earring.

"Hi Beth, can I help you?''

"Ah! no I was just wondering if you have heard any news on Agent Mulder. Where did you find this?", holding up the earring.

"I found it in Agent Mulder's car. Why? Is it your?"

"Yes, I think I lost it yesterday."

"Where you in Agent Mulder car yesterday Beth?"

"Yes, he took me to lunch," she said with a grin. He said he didn't want to eat alone."

"Beth, did Mulder say anything to you about going anywhere last night?"

"No Agent Scully, he just said he was going home to get some rest. He sure did look tried. He could hardly keep his eyes open during lunch."

"Okay Beth, thanks, Scully said.

Beth turned to leave, but before she did she said to Scully, "I hope you find him soon," knowning that he would never be found, not if she had anything to do with it.

"Thanks, Beth we will", she reply back.

Scully lend back in her chair and began to think to herself.
Something just don't jive here. Why would someone like Beth be so interested in Mulder well beging. She had only been with the FBI for such a short period of time. And it was not like Mulder to take someone to lunch like that. She turned to her computer and pulled up Beth's files. She had a apartment close by. Scully decided to check her out. She turned off her computer and than heard a tap at her door. It was Agent Striker from the lab.

"Agent Scully, I have the results to the test we ran. The blood did belong to Agent Mulder. There were also a trace of grease mixed in. It's the type that they use for trailer hitches. So he must have been put into a truck or van. I also have the prints from Mulder car. Of course we found his in the front and there was another set. They belong to Beth Harley. Was Agent Mulder seeing her?"

"I don't think so. Beth said something eariler about Mulder taking her to lunch yesterday. Why?"

"Dose he normally make his date sit in the back, cause that is where we found her prints. There were none in the front.
Do you think maybe she had anything to do with his disappearance?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to check into it right now. Thanks Agent Striker, I owe you one and so will Mulder when I find him."

Scully left her office to check to see if Beth had left for home yet. She had. So she decided to pay Beth a visit at home. There were a few question that Scully needed answers too. Scully left, it took her around twenty minutes to reach Beth's apartment. She went up to the door and knocked, no answer. She waited several minutes and then knocked again. Still no answer. She decided to give her a call. She took out her cell phone and punched in the number. Several second later she heard the phone ringing in the apartment. She let it ring around ten time and then decided that she was not home. Scully decided to check her apartment out seeing that Beth was not home. She took out the device that Mulder and her had use on several occasion to gain entrance to building. She drew her gun and slowly walked into the living room. She looked around and saw two doors, guessing that they were both bedroom. Mulder just might be in one of them hurt. She went into the closese one. She slowly enter, see saw no one. She closed the door and went into the next one. When she opened the door, the sight took her breath away. "Oh my god,"she said out loud. The walls were covered with pictures of Mulder. Some of the pictures looked like they have had another person in them, but was cut out. She slowly walked over to the closet and opened the door, relieve to see that Mulder was not there. Before she could close the door, she heard , what sounded like a key turning in a lock. She quickly stepped into the closet and closed the door. She heard footsteps, they were heading her way. She heard the door open and someone walked in. The footsteps circled the room, as if they were looking at all the picture on the wall, stopping a few time and then she heard the door open and shut. It sounded as if the person had gone to the other bedroom. Maybe she had Mulder somewhere else and had only come by to pick up a few items. She then heard the front door open again and then shut. Scully left the closet and slowly went over to the bedroom door. She opened the door and slowly walked over to the front door and looked out of the peep hole. She saw Beth get into her car and drive off. Scully left the apartment soon after. She didn't want her to get to much of a headstart. She kept several car between her and Beth. Beth left the city and got onto a secondary highway. They drove for about forty-five minutes, when Beth finally turned into a long driveway. Scully pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. She waited a few minutes and then exited the car. She knew she should call for backup, but she wanted to make sure that Mulder was there first before she did. The place had good cover, the house was hard too see from the road. She slowly made her way toward the house. There was a small clearning between the last stand of trees and the house. It would be dark, so she decided to wait.

Beth pulled into the driveway and drove up to the house. She got out and went into the house and straight to the room that was holding Mulder. She turned on the light, she noticed right away that he had not touch his food. His body was cover with sweat and he did not look good. His breathing was harsh and loud. She went over to him and touch his shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes did not have the same sparkle . The only thing she saw was pain. What had she done. She could not go for help, cause they would take him away from her and she could live with him. She was not prepared for this. She had to do something, but what!

She pulled the covers down and looked at his side, the bandage was soaked with blood. She remove it and was shock to see how infected it was. There was yellow and green slime coming from the hole. She raced to the bathroom and return with a bottle of alcohol. She removed the cap and poured some onto the wound. Mulder screamed with pain and almost lost consciousness. He had never felt pain like that before and never wanted to again.

"What are you doing?", he managed to get out.

"I'm sorry Fox, I had to do something. Your side is looking really bad."

"I need a doctor, Beth", he whispered.

"I can't Fox, I just can't. They will take you away from me and I can not have that."

"If you don't Beth, I'm going to die and you will still not have me."

"I will have to chance it", she replied. Then she left the room and went into the front room. She went to the door and looked out. She had thought maybe someone had been following eariler, but she saw nothing. She went back into Mulder's room and sat in a chair behind the door and waited just in case.

The sun finally went down and Scully was just about ready to dart across the clearing, when she heard a terrible scream coming from the house. It had to be Mulder. She stood for just a second, if it had been Mulder, he was going to be needing her help. She ran to the back of the house were it was the darkest and pulled out her cell phone. Now was the time for backup. She dailed 911 and requested backup and a ambulance. She gave them the address and then hung up. She went towards the front of the house were she noticed a light. This had to be were Mulder was beening held. She creeped up to the window and took a chance that no one would see her. She looked in and saw a body lying on the bed. Beside the bed was a trash can, that appeared to some some bloodsoaked rags hanging over the top. There was movement on the bed, someone was trying to sit up and then a long moan of pain erupted.

It was Mulder, my god what she done to him. From the area that Scully was, she did not see Beth sitting behind the door. But Beth saw her. She decided to stay put and wait until she entered the room. Then she would be rid of Scully for good.

Scully ran around to the front of the house and started up the steps. She could see the blood splatters on the steps and porch. From the looks of it Mulder had lost a lot of blood. She turned the knob and enter slowly into the house, with her gun drawn, ready for any sound of anyone coming. She went over to the door and opened it, the smell that omitted from the room would have dropped an elephant. It was the smell of infection. She saw Mulder on the bed, he looked terrible. She went to him and laid a hand on his shoulder, Mulder slowly opened his eyes and turned his head.

"SCULLY!! Watch out, behind you. Scully wheeled around just in time to squeeze off one bullet, but that all she needed. Beth slumped to the floor, she was dead before she hit the floor. Scully lowered her gun and turn around to Mulder and said, "Mulder you are going to have to pick your dates better than this."

Mulder forced a grin and said, "Next time I will let you pick them out for me."

Outside they heard sirens coming up the driveway. Scully went to the front door to let them in.

the end