Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998



SUMMARY: Scully finds out Mulder could possibly have a blood clot, after the
car accident, but things start to look up!

RATING: Mulder,ScullyTorture/Angst/


Scully fled the hospital room in anger. She found herself sitting in the
waiting room thinking about Mulder. If he did have a blood clot, he might
not even survive the operation. She dreaded even considering how she
would live without him; he was basically all she had. She and her mom
lived miles apart. Her job was nothing without him. She felt tear drops
roll down her cheeks.

"Scully," Skinner said, sitting down beside her. "The doctor means well,"
he said softly, trying to comfort her.

She managed a smile through her tears. "I know, but I just can't face
losing him."

"I know. Nobody can," he replied. They both looked up as Mulder's mother
walked up to them.

"My Fox, is he okay?" she asked worridly.

"He's doing fine, Mrs. Mulder," Skinner assured her.

"They rang and told me the good news, so I can't help wondering why
you're crying," she questioned anxiously.

"I need to speak with you," Scully said as she stood up. "It's looking
possible that he might have a blood clot due to the impact of the accident."

"But they said he just had severe bruising," his mother protested. One tear crept free to slip down her cheek.

"We don't know for sure, but it is a possibility" Skinner added.

Wordlessly, Mulder's mother turned and walked off into Mulder's

"What time is his scan?" Scully asked, looking at her watch.

"8:15" he replied.

"I'm going to talk to somebody," she said and walked out of the the
entrance to the hospital.


"The egmatic Agent Scully," Biers greeted her, casually setting down a camera he'd been holding onto his desk. Frohike and Langly spun round
from a computer screen and smiled. Scully smiled back.

"Long time no see," Langly added.

"I must admit I missed you," Frohike said with a smile.

"What brings you here? A sinister conspiracy?" Langly asked.

Scully looked down at the floor. "No. Actually I have some pretty
bad news that I think you should know about." She looked back up at
the three of them.

"What?" Langly asked.

"It's Mulder. He had a car accident yesterday morning," she said, trying
to swallow the lump that had been forming in her throat. She wiped away
a tear that had rolled down her face.

"Is he alive?" Biars asked anxiously.

"He's alive, but it's possible that he could have a blood clot in his brain."

Langly stared at her, then shook his head. He'll pull through guys."

Biars nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Mulder always pulls through."

"What hospital is he in?" Frohike asked.

"Washington D.C. Memorial," Scully advised them.

Frohike nodded, but Langly asked "Which ward?"

"Neurology," she said, then turned to walk out the door.

"Thanks for the information" Biars said as he sat down in a handy chair.
Scully tried to smile but settled for closing the door behind her.


"Scully," Skinner called to her, walking toward her with long rapid strides
as she entered the building

"What?" she asked.

"They did Mulder's scan." Skinner couldn't contain the smile that crept out.

"And?" she prompted.

"And he's going to be okay. The bruising is nearly gone."

Scully couldn't help it. She grinned and threw her arms around A.D.
Skinner and hugged him severely.

He looked down at her in surprise as she let go. "It's great news," he
said. Scully pulled herself away and walked into Mulder's room.

Mulder lay on the bed. He looked so peaceful, she thought. She
reached out to stroke his hair gently. She looked up as his mother
stepped into the room.

"My Fox is fine," she said.

Scully nodded. "I know," she said, turning back to Mulder.

"Thank you for your help, Scully. I don't know how I would have

"It doen't matter," Scully replied, smiling down at Mulder.

"Do they know how long it will be before he wakes up?" his
mother asked.

"A coma can last weeks, but in Mulder's case I wouldn't be
surprised if he woke up tommorow morning."

"I'm so happy about this," Mrs. Mulder smiled. "I really thought
I'd lose him," she said.

"Me too" Scully added.


"Scully," Biars called as he walked toward her where she sat in
the waiting room.

"Biars, I have some good news," she said.

The worried frown disappeared from his face to instantly be replaced
with a smile. "What?" he asked.

"Mulder is going to be okay," she told him.

"I'm gonna ring the guys," he said, and turned to walk over to a
phone box.

Skinner came back and sat back down. "Who was that you talking to?"
he asked, glancing at Biars who was now talking animatedly on the telephone.

"One of Mulders friends," she said.

"Oh, right," he said, raising his eyebrows.

Biars returned. "They're on their way," he informed Scully. "Can I see him?"

"The nurses are cleaning him and giving him medication," she said. Biars
looked disappointed, then sat down in the chair next to her.

"I havn't met you," Biars said, holding out his hand. After a moments
hesitation, Skinner shook it.

"A.D. Skinner," he said with formality as he introduced himself.

"Biars," was the simple reply as he pulled his hand away.

"Mulder's ready for visitors," a nurse informed them as she walked
down the hallway. Scully and Biars instantly stood up.

"Let's go," Scully said and walked quickly toward his room.

"I've never seen anyone in a coma before," Biars whispered, holding
Mulder's hand. "How soon until he wakes up?"

"Soon," Scully replied with obvious relief. "Very soon."

Mulder could hear voices. Two voices; Scully's and a man. But all
he could see was darkness. He fought to open his eyes. They opened
slightly. He could make out Scully's silhouette.

"Mulder," Scully yelped in surprise. "Mulder," she repeated a little
more softly. "Can you hear me?" Mulder managed a nod, then managed
to open his eyes a little more. Now he could see who the guy was. He
realised it was Biars. Scully was more important, though, and he turned his
blurry vision back to his partner.

"Do you know who I am?" she asked.

"Scully," he whispered.

"You're in a hospital," she said and he nodded. He'd seen rooms like this
before. Why was another matter, though.

"What happened?" he croaked. His throat felt dry and sore.

"I'll get him something to drink" Biars said and headed out the door.

"You had a car accident yesterday morning," she told him. "You
were speeding, and you lost control of your steering."

"Did anybody else get hurt?" he asked.

"No, yours was the only vehicle involved." she said. Mulder instantly
looked relieved.

"How serious am I?" he asked, closing his eyes.

"You were critical, but now you're fine. Just a few bruised ribs and cuts," she

"How long was I out?" he asked.

"Almost two days," she said. "You were actually in a coma," she added. Mulder's eyes reopened at that news.

"I was?" he asked. Scully nodded.

Biars entered the room and handed Mulder a cup of water.
Scully helped him sip a few drops.

"Where's my mom?" Mulder asked.

"She's been resting at my apartment, Mulder," She said. He nodded.

"How long until I can leave this place?" he asked.

Scully smiled at the predictable question. "Until they think your well enough."