Like a Turtle on Its Back (2/2)
by Jo-Ann Lassiter

Like a Turtle on Its Back (4/7)

Colebrook, New Hampshire
Police Station Basement
Friday, March 13
6:13 p.m.

The room shimmered, and Scully grabbed onto the edge of the table when she
felt her knees buckling. Jesus, where the hell had that come from? One
minute she was probing a soft patch on the victim's back, and the next she
was lightheaded and weak.

Glancing up at the clock she saw the reason: it had been nine hours since
she'd last eaten. Where was Mulder? On these cases with no X-File to hold
his attention, he usually stuck to her like glue, dogging her heels like an
obedient Labrador, and generally driving her to distraction. If nothing
else, he'd always made certain that she'd eaten proper meals at the proper

She had to admit that she missed his company. As annoying and obsessive as
he could be, he was never boring. And his strength and height came in handy
on many an occasion, as she'd found today when she'd had to turn the six
foot, 240-lb body from back to stomach by herself. She'd been trembling
with exhaustion when she'd finished, not even having the energy to walk to
the lone chair against the wall. She'd sunk to the cold concrete floor,
shaking and sweating and freezing, praying that no one would find her like

No one had. As she'd hoisted herself to her feet fifteen minutes later, she
imagined she could feel Mulder's gentle touch on her elbows, soft voice
whispering in her ear that she pushed herself too hard and that he was
taking her back to the motel. She'd actually turned to respond to him that
she was fine, and felt a little foolish that she couldn't even be truthful
with imaginary Mulders. Had he been here she would have snapped at him,
berated him for treating her like a member of the "weaker sex."

Is it any wonder he hadn't returned? But where the hell was he? Should she
be worried about him? Had he gone and gotten himself hurt again? She
stiffened. That had to be it. He was lying somewhere, bleeding, calling her
name, waiting for her to come and find him.

That had to be it. Otherwise, he'd be here. He'd have been here, risking
life and limb bringing her a burger, fries and a shake, telling her to live
a little, Agent Scully, just this once won't kill you. He'd be here now,
when she felt so faint, to lean on and let her draw on his strength, even
to the point of dangerously depleting himself. He'd be here to catch her
and keep her from landing on the floor, from feeling the icy fingers
penetrating her skin right through to her bones, from finally giving in to
the darkness.

He'd be here.


Colebrook, New Hampshire
Police Station
Friday, March 13
6:36 p.m.

Mulder had had a very fulfilling afternoon. After forcing down a bowl of
chicken broth and some saltines at the Moosehead Restaurant, he'd almost
felt like a human being again. Some of the other detectives were already
there, and they'd all expressed concern for his well-being. Although the
attention made him uneasy, it also afforded him the rare opportunity to
bask in the afterglow of concern from someone other than Scully. He'd never
been one for male camaraderie, mostly because he was never included in it,
but he'd begun to see the attraction.

He'd felt a part of a group, but more than that he'd also felt welcome,
like these officers were actually enjoying his presence, not merely
tolerating it. More than once he'd wondered why, then gave up and decided
to ride the wave while it lasted.

Once they'd eaten, talk naturally drifted to the case and Mulder's
findings. They'd been genuinely interested not only in his conclusions, but
the methods he used to reach those conclusions. The latter part of the
afternoon had been spent with his conducting an impromptu sermon on the
finer points of profiling. The detectives had been a rapt audience, and not
once did Mulder's thoughts stray to his partner's whereabouts.

The detectives had long since gone home, and for the last hour he'd been
debating with himself the best way to approach Scully. He knew she was
still working because their rental was parked outside. Now that he'd duly
impressed the officers with his abilities, both professional and personal,
he no longer felt the need to prove to them--and to himself--that he was
any less a man because he so readily accepted Scully as his equal. The
unspoken jeers were still there; he felt them every time he made a
reference to Scully's forensic talents or her burgeoning skills at regular
police work.

By the time he'd wrapped up his little lesson, although the detectives had
come away with a dollop more knowledge about the workings of the serial
killer's mind, they remained uneducated--by choice--in the merits of
professional women, and especially his partner. Mulder sighed. As much as
he liked these men and as readily as they'd accepted him, he felt rather
uncomfortable in their presence because of their attitude toward his

He grimaced when he thought of his own recent behavior toward her. Granted,
she hadn't treated him very kindly, but then he hadn't been the one on the
receiving end of the officers' disdain. Having been the recipient of his
fellow agents' taunts all too often, he should have been more understanding
of her anger, and why it had been directed toward him. And he definitely
should not have allowed it to be taken so personally.

Even with his years of experience at being a target, he occasionally lashed
out at her when the frustration got to him. And what had she done at those
times? Had she stalked away like a petulant child? Had she abandoned him in
favor of other, more socially appealing company?

He stood up. What an asshole he was.

Grabbing his suit jacket off the back of a chair, he pulled it on and
bounded toward the door to the basement. Finding it no longer necessary to
rehearse his speech--after all this time he had "I'm sorry" down pat--he
hurried down the stairs and through the maze of rooms to where they'd
situated Scully.

The door was closed, so he pushed it open slowly, carefully. "Scully?"

There was no sign of her, but the body was there, and from the looks of it
she was still working on it. Assuming she must have stepped out to use the
ladies room or grab some fresh air, Mulder stepped closer to the corpse.

"Jesus! Scully!" He rushed over to where she lay crumpled on the floor, and
didn't start breathing again until he felt her pulse, strong and steady.
Her hand wasn't hot with fever, as he'd feared; as a matter of fact, if
anything, she was cold from lying on the concrete. Shrugging out of his
jacket, he slid it beneath her, pulling it closed until it swallowed her.

"Hey..." He tapped her face lightly and was rewarded with a fluttering of
her eyelids. "Come on, Doctor Scully. Time to wake up."

"Mulder?" she mumbled, eyes still closed. She didn't seem to be asking if
it was him, but rather for reassurance that he was with her.

"Right here," he said, tenderly, rubbing his palm over the back of her

"What happened? Where are we?"

"In the basement of the police station. You were doing the autopsy--"

"Right; right. I felt dizzy." Her eyes opened, and she gazed up at him. "I
passed out."

He nodded. "That's what it looks like." She shivered and clutched at his
jacket, drawing it closer around herself. "How long ago?" he asked, very

"What time is it?"

"6:45," he told her, after a glance at his watch.

"About half an hour." A shudder ran through her, and it was killing Mulder
not to offer the warmth of his comfort. Scully Rule Number One, though,
was: the first move had to come from her. She was becoming more awake by
the second. As she struggled to rise, he pulled her up gently, then let her
go. "How do you feel?"

She leaned into him and he risked snaking first one, then the other, arm
around her. "Like I could use a good meal."

Mulder closed his eyes. That was his job. To see to it that she ate
something every few hours. Just as she'd taken it upon herself to make sure
he ate while all caught up in a case, he'd made it his job to do the same
for her when she got carried away with an autopsy. Except for when he felt
slighted or put out, of course. God, he was a selfish bastard.

"Do you want me to go get you something?" he asked, softly.

He felt her head shake against his chest. "I would like you to secure this
area, though, while I..." He actually felt the heat of her embarrassment
through his shirt. "...while I sit on that chair." She began moving toward
the single straight-backed chair against the wall.

"No problem." Following her lead, he walked her very slowly to the seat.
"Okay?" he asked, when she was settled in, reluctant to release his hold on

Her answer was a grateful smile, and he felt like the scum that floated to
the top of his fish tank every morning. Giving her a weak smile in return,
he set about covering the corpse and taking care of her tools. She was
sitting with her elbows on her knees, one hand covering her eyes. His
nerves were on edge; he kept expecting her to topple over at any minute.

When he was finished, he stood in front of her. "Done," he said, drying his
hands on his pant legs. "Scully?" he asked, when she gave no hint that
she'd heard him. Lowering himself to one knee, he very gently touched a
finger to her hand. "Scully."

"Hm?" Her hand fell away, and she looked up at him. "All done?" she asked.

"Yup." He stood up.

She started to rise, then blanched and sat back down; she pulled away when
he laid a hand on her arm. "I'm fine, Mulder."

"Scully?" He lowered himself again until they were eye to eye. A fine sheen
of perspiration covered her face, confirming that she was anything *but*
fine. "Will you listen to me a minute?"

Her slight nod indicated that she would.

"One of the things I admire about you is your fierce independence. It's
also the thing I find the most infuriating." One eyebrow raised in
surprised amusement. "Scully..." He covered the hand resting on her knee
with both of his. "Last night I was in one of the most embarrassing
situations a man can be in in front of a woman. Do you think less of me
because of it?"

"What?" Bless her, she actually looked pissed that he had the audacity to
even ask. "Of course not."

"At the time, though, you were repulsed by my actions, by my dependence
upon you, weren't you? You thought I should have been able to take care of
myself without any help from you. Isn't that right?"

She stared at him, betrayal written all over her face. "Is that what you
really think?"

He allowed a few seconds to pass before he shook his head. His hands slid
off her knee to droop by his sides. "It's what *you* think."

A slight twitch and a minuscule tilt of her head told him he'd hit the nail
right on the head. Shock was written all over her face, but was rapidly
being replaced by shame.

"You're my partner and I love you, Scully. Not only do I want to help you,
I *need* to help you." He cupped her cheek in his hand. "Can't you let me
help you just this once?"

"But I'm--"

"Maybe you are, but I'm not. I feel guilty as hell for leaving you here by
yourself all day long."

"Mulder, you're not my baby-sitter."

"No, but I *am* your partner, and I should have stayed to assist you. I
knew you'd get no help from the 'men' upstairs." He looked at the body.
When he'd left her it had been on its back; the corpse he'd just covered
was face down. "Do I want to know how you got the body onto its stomach?"

She shook her head slowly. "Probably not."

"You did this by yourself?"

"Yes, I did."

His eyes scanned her for any signs of injury. "Are you all right? Did you
hurt yourself?"

Smiling, she shook her head. "Not in the way *you* would have... no."

He winced at what she implied, then started at what she said. "In what way

If he wasn't staring at her so intently he would have missed her eyes
darting away from his for a millisecond before her, "In no way, Mulder. I
was trying to make a joke." She laughed, then looked at him expectantly.

He was truly sorry he couldn't oblige, but joking was the last thing on his
mind. "How long were you out that time?" he asked.

"I wasn't. I was just exhausted. I rested, and I was fine."

He wouldn't push it. He was as much, if not more, to blame than she was.
"Let's get you something to eat." Holding out an arm, he looked into her
eyes. "Let me help?"

He saw she had been about to refuse until he'd worded it so that she was
the one granting the favors. She placed her hand in his. "Thanks."

Pulling her to her feet, he smiled guiltily. "It's the least I can do."

As soon as she was upright, she swayed and threw both hands around his
middle. "Mulder..."

His arms encircled her almost as a reflex action. "I won't let you fall,

"Mm... thanks." He could barely make out her words, her voice was so soft.

"Can you walk?" he asked, trying to see her face.

"In a minute," she mumbled. "Just let me get my bearings."

Very tenderly, he brushed a hand through her hair. "Take as long as you

After thirty seconds where she was so still Mulder was afraid she'd passed
out again, he felt her pull away a little. "Mulder?"


"I know you weren't here before, but I'm glad you're here now."

He rubbed a hand along her back. "Me, too."

When she removed one arm from him, he followed her cue and did the same.
"I'm ready," she said.

"You sure?" He knew how she could push herself.

She surprised him by smiling up at him. "Yeah. I'm okay now. I'd even make
you let go if it didn't feel so good."

To say he was almost knocked flat on his ass would be an understatement. He
stared down at her, waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the moment when
Scully realized what she had said and for her expression of contentment to
change to one of complete and utter horror.

It never happened. Confused and wary and even a little scared, Mulder
continued to gaze into her eyes. Her countenance remained the same, except
for a hint of smugness and a tinge of fear around the edges. He allowed a
careful smile to break through. "Come on," he said, starting to walk. "We'd
better get you some food. You're becoming delirious."

That had to be it. Lack of food, lack of oxygen to the brain. She would
*never* come on to him otherwise. Yes, that was it. She mistook him for
someone else. Someone from her past, someone she could love, someone who
could love her back.

He swallowed hard. He could love her. He did.

"Why do you do that?" Her voice cut into his musings.

"What?" Oh, God, how had he responded after her bombshell? "Do what? What
did I do?"

"You didn't *do* anything, Mulder. Except put yourself down. Why do you do

He looked at her. She was serious. Oh, God, she was deadly serious. "I
wasn't," he protested. "You do need food. It could very well be delirium."
He stopped walking and cupped her face in both his hands. "I wouldn't want
to hold you to that later."

"What? That after lying on that cold floor, it feels good to be pressed
against a warm body? Even if it is *your* warm body." Twisting out of his
grip, she walked swiftly toward the stairs.

He felt like she'd whacked him in the gut with a steel beam. He was
infinitely relieved that he hadn't reacted more positively to her
statement, although he was certain his devastation couldn't be more
complete. "Hey, any warm body in a storm, Scully," he called after her. He
prayed his voice wasn't shaking. "Beggars can't be choosers."

He heard her sigh. "That's what I hear."

Halfway up the stairs, she slowed, then came to a stop, breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry, Scully," he said, gently, coming up behind her and slipping an
arm around her waist.

They made it the rest of the way up, and he helped her into the car,
without uttering a word. When they pulled up to the motel, Scully looked at
him accusingly. "I thought you were taking me to get something to eat."

He didn't look at her. "I thought you might want to lie down while I went
out and got you something." It hadn't escaped his notice how she was
practically melted into the seat.

She took a deep sigh, and he knew he'd made another major miscalculation.

"Scully, I didn't mean... You just don't look like you'd last too long
sitting up in a restaurant. If you want--"

"You're right." Her hand found his where it was lying on the seat; he felt
faint from relief when she intertwined her fingers with his. "I think
walking to my room is going to take all the strength I have."

Surprise, shock and awe. He was certain they were all clearly visible on
his face as he stared at her.

She chuckled, then closed her eyes. "I'm all right. Just really, really
tired." She squeezed his hand, and he swallowed. "Mulder?"

He squeezed back. "Yeah?"

"About this afternoon... What I said... what I didn't say. I didn't mean

"I know," he whispered, and in his heart, he did know. But it had hurt
nonetheless. It still hurt.

"All this time, all these years, I thought I knew how you felt. All those
'Spooky' comments, I thought they hurt me as much as they hurt you."
Opening her eyes, she turned her head and gazed at him. "I didn't even come

He reached over and brushed her hair with his hand. "I'm sorry you had to
experience that firsthand," he said softly.

Suddenly, he was very ashamed of himself for associating with the men who'd
tormented her. How could he have abandoned her to fraternize with people
who so openly scorned someone he loved? Yet that was precisely the reason
he'd done it. She'd hurt him, and he'd wanted to hurt her.

He looked at her now and felt absolutely no gratification to know that he'd

Castlenook Inn
Friday, March 13
8:01 p.m.

"Feeling better?"

"Mm," she said, nodding, wiping her mouth with a paper napkin. "That was so

Scully had to admit, when Mulder had mentioned the destination he had in
mind for her meal, she'd had her doubts. But he'd given her the old "Trust
me" line, so what else could she do?

After allowing him to assist her to her room, he'd called their order in,
then left for something called "The Moosehead," and she'd wished she'd paid
closer attention to what he'd ordered.

He'd returned with chicken salad on toasted wheat for both of them, and a
quarter of the best dill pickle she'd ever eaten. "Mulder, you *have* to
find out what brand of pickle this is," she said, downing the last bite.

He gave her an amused smile, then rummaged around in his sandwich wrappings
until he came up with another spear. "I took a bite but you can--"

She snatched it out of his hand. "Don't be silly," she said, taking a
healthy bite. "I trust you, remember? Your germs are my germs."

A slow smile spread over his face. "I know a better way to spread germs."

"I doubt that," she said, around a mouthful. "Mulder, are you sure you
don't want this? It's absolutely heavenly. You don't know what you're

"Oh, I know, Scully. Believe me, I know."

Such a wistful tone for a pickle? She looked up. "Mulder? What is it?"

Despite his smile, her partner looked like he wanted to cry. Mulder shook
his head. "It's nothing." His eyes said otherwise.

Pickle suddenly forgotten, she covered his hand with hers. "Talk to me,

"It's nothing, Scully. Really. I just have this bad habit of seeing
something where there's nothing." He forced a smile and shrugged. "You know
how I am."

She nodded. She knew exactly how he was. Yet this time she sensed that the
something wasn't related to a case or even the all-important conspiracy. It
was her. What had he seen that had transformed his tender, gently-smiling
face into the self-deprecating, anguish-filled one before her now? What
could she have said to cause this reaction in him? They were talking about
pickles, for cripes sakes!

"Um... what were you looking for on the back?" The change of subject was so
abrupt that she could only stare at him, confused. Her mind had replayed
their last few minutes of conversation and just when she thought she'd hit
upon what had shaken him, he came at her out of left field.

"Back?" Her mind was stuck on the thought that Mulder had just intimated
that he wanted to kiss her--again--and from his reaction to her
non-reaction he'd been quite serious about it.

"Of the corpse."

Scully stared at him. There was nary a trace of the insecure Mulder of a
minute ago. The man before her was wholly focused on the subject at hand,
and Scully found herself peeved that he'd given up so easily.

"Scully? The corpse? The case? Remember?"

"Uh... yeah. Of course." Well, if he could brush it aside so quickly, there
was no reason her mind should linger on the myriad of ways she and Mulder
could share germs. She focused on him intensely, even angrily. "Of course,
I remember."

"And...?" he prompted. She wanted to hit him.

"There was a discoloration on the back." She paused. She'd just begun to
examine the area when the dizziness struck her. "Mulder, you didn't touch
his back when you were covering him, did you?"

"No. I didn't touch the body anywhere." He held up his hands. "No latex."
His brows furrowed. "Why?"

"Wait, wait, wait." An idea was taking hold, and she didn't want to let it
go to explain it to him. She thought about the other bodies. None of the
reports made mention of this discoloration. But the other bodies had been
shipped south an hour and placed in cold storage until a coroner could be
located. This body had been "warm" from the get-go. Could the other bodies'
early exposure to the cold somehow have inhibited this effect? Could it
have arrested it altogether? She looked quickly at her watch. While they
hadn't been able to get the body into true refrigeration, Dwyer had assured
them that the basement air conditioning, when cranked to maximum, would
keep the body plenty cool. Not cool enough, though, Scully thought grimly.
"We need to get back there, Mulder." Picking up her jacket, she headed for
the door.

Mulder, bless him, didn't say a word. Just grabbed up his coat and followed
her out. Handed her the car keys when she held a hand out for them. Stayed
silent until she calmed down enough to remember he was with her.

"It's inside him," she said. "Whatever killed him started on the inside and
is still making its way out."

She glanced over briefly to gauge his reaction. A hint of amusement lit up
his eyes. "So the fact that his head was nearly severed had nothing to do
with it."

She shook her head. "It was how he died, but it wasn't what killed him."

Mulder opened his mouth, then just as quickly closed it. His eyebrow raised
while his mind set to the task of matching current situation with past
x-files. After driving a few seconds, she saw his eyes blink. "Whatever is
inside him induced someone to slit his throat?" He paled noticeably.
"Jesus." His hand slapped against the dashboard. "It's another fucking

Scully nodded. "It's dissipating, and the decomposition is what caused me
to black out, I think."

His face turned even whiter. "What?"

"I was fine until I started to probe that area."

He wore the same face as when she'd told him about her cancer. "Then you--"

"I don't think so," she said quickly. "The fact that I'm still here and you
don't have the urge to kill me would seem to indicate that that effect, at
least, has worn off." She slanted a look at him. "You *don't* have the urge
to kill me, do you?"

His face took on that dreamlike quality that he'd worn earlier--except this
time he didn't try to hide it. "Far from it." Then his face lost its
playfulness. "Are you sure, though? For all we know, that could be how they
were infected."

"No." She shook her head. "There were needle marks on the victims. I don't
know from what, but now I'm pretty sure whatever it was, was injected
directly into the bloodstream.

"Let's hope you're right," he mumbled in a tone so openly scared that she
glanced over at him. He was wearing his 'I want to believe that so badly
but I'm afraid I'll be wrong' face.

She'd seen this particular face only once before, several months ago when
he'd proposed his "cure" for her cancer. She'd been under a death sentence
and had no comfort to offer him then. She couldn't bear to see him suffer
now, though, when there was no cause. "I'm sure I'm fine, Mulder. If it was
spread from victim to attacker, we'd have more victims than the four we
have. Except for this last one, they were all found in fairly-populated

Mulder stared at her a moment, processing. Then he nodded. "Sounds
logical." He pulled out his cell phone, dialed, and listened. "Shit," he
said, punching the 'end' button. "No answer at the police station."

They exchanged a glance, and Scully pressed down a little harder on the


End Part 4/7

Like a Turtle on Its Back (5/7)
by Jo-Ann Lassiter

Police Station
8:22 p.m.

As the car screeched to a halt in front of the building, Mulder leaped out,
slogged through the mounds of shoveled snow blocking his way, and ran up
the flight of stairs. He heard Scully behind him and paused with his hand
on the door handle.

"What are you doing?" She tried to push by him. "We've got to get in

"I think just I should go in," Mulder said.

"What? Mulder, those people may be sick, dying--"

"And that's why one of us should stay out here. To call for backup and give
a report on the situation."

"Fine. You stay, and I'll go in."

"No can do, Scully." Removing his hand from the door, he blocked the
doorway with his back.

"All right, that's it! I've put up with this macho shit from those
pinheads. I'm not going to put up with it from you."

"I'm not being macho, Scully. Actually, I'm being selfish."

"So what else is new?"

As true as he knew it was, it still hurt to hear it uttered so
off-handedly. He worked very hard to keep his emotions out of his eyes. "I
want you out here because you're better able to describe the situation than
I am. And I want you out here because when they haul my unconscious ass out
on a stretcher, they'll let you in the ambulance with me because you're a
doctor. If they took you, I'd have to get there on my own, and right
now..." His eyes gazed into hers. "I don't think I could do that."

At Scully's look of confusion, Mulder began to hope the fumes *were* toxic
so he wouldn't have to face her after it was all over. It was his own
fault, though. He'd thrown out so many sexual innuendoes over the years
that Scully couldn't distinguish an honest sentiment from an innuendo. He
turned away and grabbed hold of the door handle again.

"Mulder, wait. You can't go rushing headlong into the building like this."

"Why not? A second ago, you were ready to."

"I know, I know, but I wasn't thinking. We need to get some kind of

"Scully, you said it yourself: those people may be dying in there."

"Oh, and what? You have this burning desire to join them?" She said this
with such vehemence that he actually flinched.

"Of course not. But I can get in, assess the situation, and get them out if
they need help."

"And who's going to help you? Mulder, you might be overcome before you can
go two feet."

"I can hold my breath long enough to see if everyone's okay."

She still didn't release him, as she considered his words. "Okay, you go in
as far as the front desk. See if they're still alive, and then get the hell
out of there." The look she gave him melted the glacier that had formed
around his heart. "No heroics, Mulder. You can't help them if you're
overcome yourself."

"Okay," he said, softly. He tried to pull away, but she held fast.


"I'll be careful."

"I don't want to ride back in an ambulance with you."

For a moment he misunderstood, and was crushed at the thought that she'd
leave him alone when she had the option of accompanying him. Then he
tumbled to her true meaning: she didn't want him in an ambulance, period.
She didn't want him hurt at all. He smiled. "I'd like to avoid that trip,

"Good." She released him. Their eyes met one more time, then he drew in a
breath and opened the door.


Police Station
8:28 p.m.

Scully ended her call, glanced at her watch, then focused on the door in
alarm. Where the hell was he? It had been four minutes. Even Mulder
couldn't hold his breath that long. Unless everything was all right and he
was just making conversation, in which case if he wasn't hurt she'd kill

She considered her options. If there was no danger and he was just talking
to the officers, then she'd stroll up and shoot him. If not and he was in
danger... she sucked in a breath and yanked the door open.

Two steps in she knew he was in trouble. The station was eerily quiet--and
pitch black. She felt terribly frustrated. She couldn't even call out to
him. Inching her way along, she nearly lost her balance--and her
breath--when her toe struck a soft, immovable object. Kneeling down, she
felt it and immediately recognized the contours of her partner's body.
There was another body beneath him, and she shook her head as she pictured
him falling and succumbing to the fumes.

Her lungs felt about to burst, but she knew if she left him now it would
take her just as long to find him again. Feeling somewhat guilty about
leaving the other man, she started pulling Mulder toward the exit. After
only a few feet, though, she had to drop him and sprint for the door. She
burst through, falling to her knees, gulping down air until the
lightheadedness that had hit her lessened. Waiting impatiently until her
breathing slowed to normal, she held her breath and plowed back through the

Cursing at the precious time she wasted in locating Mulder again, she
grabbed him by the ankles and dragged him unceremoniously toward the exit.
She thanked heaven for the glass double doors as she homed in on the light
they admitted from the streetlamps outside. As she shouldered the doors
open, she debated the merits of leaving the door propped open. In the end,
she decided not to risk spreading the contaminant any more than they
already had by the opening and closing of the door. Letting the door close,
Scully pulled Mulder a few more feet beyond and dropped to her knees,

After a few seconds, Mulder began coughing and retching. Alarmed, Scully
hastily rolled him onto his side, not even flinching when his dinner came
up all over her coat.

His eyes opened, and he gazed at her blearily, his face reddening when he
caught sight of what he'd done. "Sorry," he whispered.

Very carefully, Scully unbuttoned her coat and tossed it to one side. "It's
all right, Mulder," she said softly, trying to suppress a shudder as the
cold night air hit her. Laying a hand on his shoulder, she looked into his
eyes. "Will you be all right? I want to go in and check on the man you
tripped over."

"I'll be fine. Go get him." She started away but halted at his, "Hey."
Mulder struggled to a sitting position.

"What?" she asked.

"Didn't you call for backup?"

She nodded. "I reached Chief Dwyer. He said he'd take care of it."

"Okay," he said, falling back down, his eyes closing. "I'll wait here." His
voice was becoming faint, and Scully bit her lip. She hated to leave him,
but if Mulder was in this condition from ten minutes' exposure, what must
the others be like? And where the hell was the ambulance?

"Mulder?" She took a step toward him.

"I'm okay, Scully."

His assurance, rather than encourage her, stopped her dead in her tracks.
His voice was shaking, and he was gasping for air. She ran back and knelt
by him. He looked up at her. His
eyes filled with water, then they closed and he stopped breathing.

"Jesus! Mulder!" She began CPR, and after the longest forty-five seconds of
her life, he sputtered and coughed and threw up on her again.

Once his coughing subsided, he groaned and regarded her through
heavy-lidded eyes. Overcome with relief, Scully wound her arms around his
neck and hugged him tightly.

"If I knew... that's what turned you on..." Mulder began, and she found
herself actually looking forward to one of his sorry sexual innuendoes.
Then she heard him gasping again. "Can't... breathe..."

Grabbing him by the lapels, she quickly pulled him upright and rubbed his
back vigorously. "Come on, Mulder. Breathe." He was trying hard, she could
tell; his wheezing sounded painful, and she had to blink back tears at the
thought that she could actually lose him. She looked around frantically.
Where the fuck was that ambulance?

"Scully... Scully!" Mulder's voice was desperate as he tried to pull away.
"Let me go; I'm gonna puke!"

"Okay. Okay." She released him, and he almost toppled over. Grasping his
shoulders, she held him up while he expelled the poison from his system.
Scully didn't mind that she was getting splattered; so long as Mulder was
breathing, she didn't care what she looked like.

After several minutes, he sat back on his heels, then fell backwards
against her. Wrapping her arms around his shaking form, she rubbed his
chest, trying to stimulate his breathing, afraid that if she didn't he
would forget to breathe and die on her.


Was that Mulder's voice? Was he speaking? Was he breathing? "Mulder?"

"Yeah." His voice was still quivering, but it had lost that winded quality.

"How're you doing?"

"Okay." He took a deep, shaky breath. "The stuff's gone from my system, I
think." He sniffed. "Uh... do you have a tissue?"

She nodded. "Yeah. In..." She patted her pockets then discovered that she
wasn't wearing them; her sight landed on the wadded up ball of cloth a few
feet away. " coat."

Mulder grimaced, then wiped his nose and mouth on his sleeve. "It needs to
be cleaned anyway," he said, his tone clearly embarrassed. He shrugged out
of the coat, and it sailed across the sidewalk to land next to Scully's.

"Mulder, you shouldn't have done that. We're still not sure what other
effects the toxin has. You should keep warm."

"I'm warm." He swiped a hand across his brow and looked surprised when it
came away wet. "I'm actually kind of hot." He started pulling at his
jacket. "My skin... Oh, God, Scully, it's burning!"

She would have thought he was being overly melodramatic were it not for the
sheer terror she heard in his voice. As she watched in horror, blisters
popped out and burst on his face and hands. Jumping to her feet, she hauled
Mulder up and pulled him toward the snow piled at the curb. "Lie on top,"
she directed him, and he dove in face down. She piled more snow on him, all
the while uttering, "I know; I know it hurts," in response to his quiet

Her own skin was starting to feel hot, and she plunged her hands into the
snowbank. She resisted as long as she could, but finally had to bury her
face, too, in the soothing snow.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed when she felt Mulder's hand gently
rubbing up and down her back. "Hey," he said softly. "You awake?"

"Yeah," she said, pushing herself up out of the snow. She staggered back,

"Easy," he said, placing an arm around her.

She heard the sounds of activity around them. "Help finally arrive?" she
asked, still feeling groggy.

"A few minutes ago. Considering what happened to us, I told them not to go
in there without some sort of protection."

"The men inside?"

When there was no response forthcoming, she forced her eyes open and gazed
up at him. The sadness in his eyes was profound as he shook his head. "I
don't know." He glanced over at the group of men. "That idiot, Dwyer, sent
one patrol car. No ambulance. No paramedics."

"What?" She couldn't believe it. "I specifically asked him to roll an
ambulance and a hazmat team."

His attention returned to her. "Well, guess what, Scully? He's a
bull-headed, obsolescent male chauvinist pig who can't take direction from
a woman." Her partner was shaking with anger. "I tried, dammit, but they
just can't see past their... maleness."

She had to laugh at that, coming from a male. "Oh, Mulder," she started,
then Mulder's face blurred and she felt herself going boneless.

"Whoa, there, G-Woman." She felt Mulder's hands holding onto her shoulders.

When her head cleared, the significance of his action finally hit her.
"Mulder! Your hands!"

He held them out in front of him. "I don't know how, but they're fine."
Reaching for her, he halted just short of touching her hand. "What about
you?" he asked.

Until he mentioned it, she'd forgotten that just a few minutes ago she'd
been calculating how many years of skin grafts she'd have to endure before
her hands and face returned to anything even resembling "normal." She
quickly gave her attention to her hands, turning them over and over; there
was no trace of the angry red burns she'd caught a glimpse of before
burying herself up to her elbows.

The sight of Mulder's beautiful face becoming disfigured struck her
suddenly, and Scully looked up at him quickly. Relieved and reassured that
it was unmarred, she reached out, taking his face in her hands. Except for
his evening stubble, it was smooth, the skin unbroken. She ran her hands
over his face, her fingertips cataloguing every dip, bump and wrinkle.

"Hey, Mulder, is she all right?" Scully dropped her hands quickly at the
chief's inquiry, and Mulder heaved a sigh before swiveling around to face

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"Your partner. I saw you pulling her out of the snowbank. Is she okay?"
Dwyer was focused wholly on Mulder, not even glancing Scully's way.

Mulder shook his head sadly. "No, she's not."

Scully started at his words, and Dwyer's eyes alit on her.

"She's dead," Mulder said.

"What do you mean, 'She's dead?' She's standing right there!" the chief

Scully had to suppress a smile when Mulder followed Dwyer's gaze and her
partner's mouth dropped open. "You can see her?" he asked.

"What the hell are you talking about? Of course, I can."

"Then address yourself to her! Not to me!" Mulder exploded. "I don't know
what the hell is wrong with you people! An agent phones in to you for an
ambulance and a hazmat team, and just because she happens to be a woman,
you totally blow her off, endangering her, me and your own men!" He sucked
in an angry breath. "And for the record, I may have helped her out of that
snowbank, but she pulled me out of that building." Her partner's eyes
darted to the front door of the police station, where white-suited men were
carrying out two bodies barely recognizable as men.

"Holy Jesus..." Dwyer whispered, getting a look at their faces.

The chief's expression was horrified enough; Scully didn't want Mulder
adding to it by advising him that he was most likely the reason they were
in this state. She caught his eye, and the tiniest shake of her head was
enough to halt his tirade against the chief.

The chief, however, wasn't about to let it drop. "How did this happen? And
where the hell were you when this was happening to my men?" Dwyer wheeled
on Mulder angrily.

"Where the hell were you?" Scully asked. "I called..." She glanced at her
watch. "...a good half hour ago. God damn it, Dwyer, you could have had
those men out twenty minutes ago!"

The man looked shell-shocked. He shook his head. "Women just don't have the
head for this kind of work. Always making everything an emergency. You
couldn't expect me to blindly obey without checking it out first."

"What--" Mulder stepped right into Dwyer's face. "Are you trying to lay the
blame for this on Agent Scully?"

The chief stumbled back a step, and when he glanced at Scully, she saw
confusion in his eyes. "No, no, but--" His gaze fell upon Mulder, and
Scully swore she saw a plea for understanding from a fellow male. "We have
*never* had a woman in any position of authority here. God forgive us, but
we tend to take everything they say with a grain of salt." Dwyer's eyes
drifted to the bodies of his men. "I was half asleep. It never registered
with me that this was an FBI agent calling. All I heard was a woman."

Dwyer shook his head slowly, his eyes still staring at nothing. His gaze
focused on Scully. "You were quite accurate in your description of the
situation and its dangers. It's my bad fortune..." His eyes settled on the
now-covered bodies being loaded into the waiting ambulances. "...and
theirs, that I chose not to hear a law enforcement officer." His eyes
returned to Scully. "I won't make that mistake again." He sighed shakily.
"I won't have the opportunity. This is unforgivable. I'll be giving up my
position as soon as a replacement can be found." He nodded to them both,
then started walking away.

"Chief, wait!" Scully called.

The man shuffled to a stop, then turned back around, a question on his

"We don't know for sure that twenty minutes would have made a difference.
We won't know until the autopsy is performed whether they could have been

Dwyer shook his head. "Doesn't matter." He offered them a sad smile. "I
should have done something, and I didn't. Whether or not they would have
died anyway is of no consequence. They died. That's all that matters." He
turned and walked away.


"Let him go, Scully." Mulder laid a hand on her shoulder. "When a man is
that grief-stricken, nothing anyone says will have any effect on him."

Scully looked at him. The voice of experience. She leaned in and rested her
head against his chest; his hands skimmed down her arms to gently hold her.
When her arms slid around his waist, he tightened his hold. She felt him

"Cold?" She pressed her body into his. "Or not cold?"

There was a slight hesitation before he answered. "Both."

She didn't know if it was a side effect of the toxin, but every cell of her
skin was tingling.

"Me, too."


End Part 5/7

Like a Turtle on Its Back (6/7)
by Jo-Ann Lassiter

Outside the Police Station
8:58 p.m.

Mulder was no fool. Scully was giving him a second chance, and he wasn't
about to blow it this time. He almost laughed at the absurdity of the
situation. What better place to express your love for your partner than at
a crime scene, amidst dead bodies, police, medical personnel, and the
cleanup of the latest deadly government experiment?

He couldn't think of a one.

Slipping his suit jacket off, Mulder draped it over Scully's shoulders,
somewhat proud of himself for having done so without having had to
relinquish his hold on her.

"Mulder..." she started to protest. "You're already cold enough--"

"I'm being chivalrous, Scully." He wrapped his arms around her under the
jacket. "Of course, if I can be chivalrous *and* warm at the same time..."
He shrugged, closing his eyes, enjoying the feel of her body next to his.

Her laughter into his chest sent a rush of heat straight to his groin, and
he felt himself growing embarrassed at this extreme reaction. If this is
what happened while standing fully clothed in a crowd of people, he
shuddered to think what she could do to him when they were alone and naked.

Oh, Jesus. That was definitely not the thing to think while standing fully
clothed in a crowd of people.

Scully pulled away suddenly and looked at him strangely. "Mulder, you're
hot and you're shaking. I think we'd better let the paramedics check you
out." Raising a hand, she motioned one of the attendants over.

"It's not that, Scully," he whispered hastily, feeling himself growing
hotter by the second.

"What, then?" she asked gently, caressing his cheek with her hand.

While thoroughly pleasant, her action did not contribute to alleviating his
present situation. The paramedic was coming closer and Mulder was even
harder than when Scully'd signaled the man. "It's you," he blurted. "It's
being close to you." The man was about twenty feet away now, and Mulder
looked at Scully pleadingly. Her brows lifted in enlightenment, her eyes
drifted down, and Mulder thought he might faint.

"I do that to you?" she whispered.

"Jesus, yeah."

Scully's eyes lit up--actually lit up--before she waved the paramedic off
with a, "Never mind. Sorry to have bothered you." She leaned down, her
breath tickling his ear. "I like it." Then she straightened and smiled at
him. "I've never known you to let... things... get so 'out of hand' before,
Mulder." Her eyes were twinkling now. "At least not while you're noticing
I'm noticing." Her knuckles brushed against him, and he sucked in a breath.
He couldn't ever remember being this sensitive.

"That's not helping, Scully," he whispered through gritted teeth.

"That wasn't meant to help," she whispered back, and he wondered why he'd
never noticed this sadistic streak of hers before.

She started pulling him toward the car and if he thought just standing
still was painful, walking was excruciating. He seriously considered taking
a much-needed detour into the snowbank.

"Oh, no, you don't, G-man." Very deftly, she steered him to the narrow
opening between the piles of snow. "I'm pressing my advantage while I've
got it." Scully smiled seductively at him. "So to speak."

"No pressing, Scully. Please. No pressing," he entreated, as he slid
gingerly into the passenger seat and closed the door.

As she got in and moved toward him, he began shaking, trying to keep
himself under control. She leaned across him, then sat back, his seat belt
buckle dangling from her hand. "Do you want to insert it, or shall I?"

His eyes closed. "Go ahead," he croaked. His nerves jumped as it clicked
home. He stayed quiet while Scully started the car and pulled away; he
swallowed hard when he heard her whistling happily. "You're enjoying this,
aren't you?"

"You wouldn't believe how much," she said with such glee in her voice that
he had to open his eyes.

"I have never been this cruel to you, Scully." He honestly felt like crying
at the torture she was putting him through. "I'm really suffering here, you

Something in his tone must have finally gotten through to her because the
smarmy expression she'd been wearing disappeared, to be replaced by one of
compassion. "Mulder, I'm sorry. I'm just getting back at you for all those

"I know. I know. I probably deserve it."


Oh, Jesus, this was not a time to argue semantics. "I deserve it. All
right? I deserve it. Just stop now. Please?"

"Okay. I think you've had enough." And she patted his knee. Just patted his
knee the way she'd patted his knee a hundred times before.

"Shit! Fuck!" The orgasm ripped through him so hard he was sure he'd
blasted a hole clean through his shorts and pants. His right hand grabbed
onto the door handle, and he nearly catapulted through the windshield when
she slammed on the brakes. He felt his left hand being taken by his
partner. "Oh, God. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck, Scully, I'm so sorry."

"Mulder, what..." As he peered at her through slitted eyes, he saw the look
of amazement cross her face. "Oh... my... God."

"Oh, Christ, this can't be happening. This is so embarrassing." And then he
lost his capacity for thought. All he was aware of was that her hand was
still holding his, that she hadn't let go in disgust, that she didn't open
the door and push him out. He closed his eyes and wished he were anywhere
but where he was.

When he recovered, he was too mortified to face her, so he just sat
silently until they arrived back at the motel.

"Hey..." Scully turned toward him in her seat. "You okay?"

He looked down at the stain on his pants. "I just keep finding newer and
better ways to embarrass myself in front of you, don't I?"

The look she gave him was a curious mixture of sympathy and guilt. "Oh,
Mulder, no. I think I know what happened to you."

He gave a short, bitter laugh. "No, really?" At her flinch, he sighed.
"Look, I'm sorry, but I'd like to drop it, please. I'm uncomfortable, and
you can't imagine the level of embarrassment I'm feeling right now."

Her hand took hold of his and he looked at their hands, surprised. He
thought for sure she wouldn't want to touch him until he'd had a long
shower--and maybe not even then.


He looked up at her.

"I know you're feeling ashamed, but you shouldn't. I... believe the
chemical from the corpse may have contributed to what happened. In fact, I
can almost say with certainty that it did."

This was unexpected. "How?"

She broke eye contact and licked her lips nervously. "I... Uh..."

He squeezed her hand. "What is it, Scully?"

She gazed at him squarely. "It happened to me, too."

"What?" He was struck dumb. "When?"

"Uh, almost immediately after you, uh..."

Was she just trying to make him feel better? "Why didn't I notice?"

A corner of her mouth twitched. "You were a little preoccupied." She leaned
forward. "Seriously, though, Mulder, you were hit faster and harder because
you actually inhaled that stuff whereas I hardly breathed it."

He looked up in alarm. "You breathed it? When?"

"Outside the door, I suspect, after exiting two times. Not too much, but
just enough to have an effect. And I didn't 'purge' it from my system like
you did."

Mulder shuddered. "You can be thankful for that."

She brought his hand up to her mouth and kissed his fingers. "You've had a
pretty rotten day, haven't you?"

His entire body was suddenly super-sensitive. "Oh, Jesus." He yanked his
hand out of her grip; there was no fucking way he wanted a repeat of that
earlier scene. He popped the door handle and stumbled out. "I gotta get
inside." Reaching in his pocket for his room key almost sent him over the
edge; inserting it into the slot proved to be impossible. When it clattered
to the ground, he stared at it in disbelief. "Shit, shit, shit!"

"Mulder, it's okay," he heard Scully saying, as she scooped up his key.
"It's the chemical. It's making you..." There was a tremor in her voice,
and he took a moment away from his misery to concentrate on her. A fine
sheen of sweat covered her face, and she was holding herself very stiffly.
"Making us..." She slid his key home and was rewarded with double green
lights when she pulled it out.

He gave a sigh of relief. "Scully, don't take this the wrong way, but--"

"No problem, Mulder." She pushed by him into his room, flung his key onto
the bureau and headed for the connecting door to her room. Turning the
knob, she barreled inside and slammed the door.

Feeling almost as sorry for her as for himself, he made a beeline for the
bathroom. Leaping into the shower, not bothering to undress, he turned the
cold water on full blast. The chemical would not be deterred, however; he
came so hard he was certain he must have ruptured something. He fell to his
knees, gasping, holding onto the side of the tub.

Oh, Jesus, he thought, as he felt himself losing consciousness. I hope
Scully's not going through this.


Castlenook Inn
9:45 p.m.

It had been twenty-five minutes, and Mulder's shower was still running.
Scully bit her lip and then opened the connecting door slowly, poking her
head through carefully. Seeing no sign of her partner, she came the rest of
the way in, her eyes sweeping the room before making for the bathroom.

She knocked on the slightly ajar door. "Mulder?" When only silence greeted
her, she pushed it open a little further. "Mulder?" Still no sign of life.
Not caring anymore whether or not she embarrassed him, she pushed it open
until it hit the wall.

"Oh, God..."

He was lying on his back, fully clothed, his face, thank God, out of range
of the spray beating down on him.. Scully quickly turned off the shower,
then tapped his face lightly. "Mulder." Another tap. "Come on, Mulder. Time
to wake up now."

She was never so happy to hear a man groan. "Scully?"

"I'm here, Mulder. What happened?"

After a moment of confusion, his face reddened. "I... I fell."

She wouldn't push it. Her last experience hadn't been particularly
pleasurable; at least she hadn't been standing when it had hit. "Are you
hurt?" she asked gently.

He held out an arm, and she helped him to his feet. "I don't think so."

His body shuddered, and she started unbuttoning his shirt. "Let's get these
wet clothes off you. You're freezing."

"R... right." He was able to shrug out of his shirt and T-shirt, and Scully
spread a towel over his shoulders.

He swayed a little when she helped him out of the tub, and she looked at
him with concern. "Dizzy?"

His hand rubbed his forehead. "Just a little."

She pointed to the closed lid on the toilet. "Sit."

He obeyed, and she pulled his shoes and socks off. Reaching for his pants,
she was surprised when he didn't offer any resistance, even standing
without her having to tell him. When she reached for his underwear,
however, he stopped her. "I can get the rest. Thanks."

His hand on hers was ice cold, but she wouldn't push the issue. She nodded,
handed him another towel, and left. The shower turned on again, and she
opened the door a crack. "Mulder, I don't know if that's such a good idea.
You said you were dizzy, and--"

"I need a shower, Scully," he said quietly.

She sighed. "I'll get you something to wear." She closed the door and went
to his top left drawer, where she knew he always kept his clean underwear.
Selecting a sensible flannel plaid, she waited a few minutes until after
she heard the shower switch off, then brought them over to the bathroom
door. Mulder opened the door a crack, and she handed them in.

A few seconds later, he emerged, goose pimples on every bit of exposed
flesh, his hair wild, unruly and dripping onto his chest and back. She
pressed her lips closed tightly when she found herself debating whether to
lick the drops off him or catch them before they landed. Mulder stopped
about six inches in front of her, and she felt her mouth salivating.
Catching them as they fell had its merits, but...

She watched, mesmerized, as one landed on his collar bone, trickled down
his chest, past his waist, to be absorbed into the soft fabric of his
boxers. She moistened her lips and swallowed.

Damned shorts.

It suddenly occurred to her that Mulder was standing there, in his
underwear, watching her watching him. Very slowly, she brought her eyes up
to meet his.

There was nothing but concern in his. No hunger, no thirst, no need.
Something about the pure innocence of his gaze made her want to devour him
whole. "Scully? Are you okay?"

She blinked, then froze when his hand settled on her shoulder. "Oh... No."


Castlenook Inn
10:01 p.m.

Mulder was scared.

Something was wrong with Scully, and it frightened him out of his wits.
Ever since he'd come from his shower, she'd been staring at him, totally
unresponsive to his repeated, "Scully?'s" and "Are you okay?'s" Until the
last one, and her reply to that was a shakily-uttered, "No."

"What is it? What's wrong? Is it the toxin?" Mulder very seriously
considered sticking his fingers down her throat, but decided to deploy that
method only as a last resort. "Scully?"

She was fixated on his head again, and he wondered what sort of side effect
made a person fascinated by wet hair. A drop of water trickled down his
face, past his nose, and into his mouth. Annoyed, Mulder flicked his tongue
out to lick it away; his eyes opened in shock to find that Scully's tongue
had beaten him to it.

Her hands reached out and grabbed either side of his face, then she ran her
tongue over his lips, pulled back and licked her own. He was frozen in
place, not daring to move lest she come to her senses and stop.

Feeling a familiar stirring in his groin--no chemical needed this time,
thank you very much--Mulder finally realized exactly what was wrong with
his partner. Wrong with her? Hell, wrong with *him.* It wasn't like him to
be so slow on the uptake, especially where Scully was concerned, but he'd
been as dense as antimatter. His mouth dropped open in astonishment.

Scully was seducing him.

And doing a damned fine job of it.


Castlenook Inn
10:03 p.m.

Scully wondered why in hell she hadn't done this sooner. Mulder was simply
delectable. Once she got around to tasting him, she knew she'd made the
right decision. The man was downright yummy.

He'd finally caught on, but that 'deer in the headlights' expression still
lingered. Even if their... liaison... proved unfruitful, that look on his
face was worth the price of admission.

Scully waited for that brilliant mind of his to kick into gear again, for
his brain to catch up to his senses. When she finally saw some spark of
recognition in his eyes, she was dismayed to see only sadness, not the
pure, unadulterated joy she had expected. She laid a hand on his arm.

His eyes met hers for the first time since she'd begun her little
indulgence. "We can't do this," he said softly, his hand reaching over to
cup her cheek.

Her initial response was anger, until she recalled his expression and the
other times she'd seen him wearing it. "It's not the toxin talking, Mulder.
This is all me." She squeezed his arm for emphasis.

He shook his head. "You can't be sure of that. *I* can't be sure of that."

She removed her hand from his arm and covered his hand where it rested on
her face. "I can. I am."

"No, Scully." Letting go of her cheek, he took a step back. "We may still
be under the influence of the toxin. And I don't..." He stopped abruptly,
as if he'd said too much.

She felt all the blood drain from her face. Dear God, was it all in her
mind? Was she the one seeing signs that weren't there? He'd only admitted
his feelings after he'd been affected. Had they truly been there before? Or
did she imagine them? Had she only seen what she'd wanted to see?

"Maybe you're right, Mulder," she said in a flat voice. "If you don't feel
the same way, that's okay. Maybe I won't either once it wears off."

"Oh, God, no, Scully. That's not what I was going to say." He closed the
gap between them once again. His hands brushed very delicately through her
hair. "I was going to say that I don't want there to be any doubts that
this is what we both want. I don't want you to doubt me, and I don't want
to wonder if this is what you really feel." He took a deep breath. "I have
no doubt of my love for you. It was there before, and it'll be there long
after the toxin wears off."


She saw the stab of fear in his eyes. "Yeah?" His voice shook.

She cradled his face in her hands, in what she hoped conveyed affection.
"It was there before."

He nodded nervously. "Yeah."

Silly man. She smiled gently at him. "No, Mulder. Me. It was there before
for me, too."

He stared at her, no expression on his face, yet she could see his brain
working. Finally, he blinked. "It was?"

She let her hands drop away from his face and took hold of his hands. "And
it'll be there a long time after."

He looked so choked up with happiness that she almost cried. He swallowed,
then broke out into an uncertain smile. "Um... Where were we when I so
rudely interrupted?"

She pulled back to get a better look at him. "Well, I don't know where you
were, but I was about to rip your clothes off you."

His eyes widened and the tiniest smile touched his lips. He moved a step
closer. "Go with it, Scully."


End Part 6/7

Like a Turtle on Its Back (7/7)
by Jo-Ann Lassiter

Castlenook Inn
10:22 p.m.

Scully clung to Mulder desperately, and Mulder held Scully tenderly until
the last of her spasms died away. He waited until she came back to herself,
then pulled out of her carefully, his penis still painfully swollen.
Flopping onto his back, he closed his eyes.

He tried not to flinch when she laid her arm across his heaving chest.
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Perfectly aware of how petulant he sounded, Mulder's shame
increased tenfold.

Bracing himself for Scully's scientific explanation as to why he was unable
to bring himself to climax, Mulder was surprised when she nestled her head
beneath his chin and hugged him tightly.

Although he'd yearned for this coupling for such a long time, the closer
he'd gotten to orgasm, the more his mind kept flashing back to an hour
earlier, and a pain so intense he'd blacked out. As hard as he'd tried, and
as much as he wanted it, he was unable to satisfy himself and, he feared,
satisfy Scully.

"I'm sorry," he said, barely loud enough for her to hear.

"I know, Mulder," she said, just as softly. "And I would tell you that it
doesn't matter, that I love you, but I know that's not what you want to
hear. At least not now."

He wasn't so selfish as to not notice that she was hurting, too; he slid
his arms around her and pressed gently. "I'll always want to hear you say
you love me."

She snuggled in a little closer. "That's good, because... I love you,

His throat closed up, and he had to swallow. "I... keep thinking it's going
to hurt. I know it won't... I can feel the difference, but I just can't..."

"You will," she said, gently. "Just give it a little time."

"*You* didn't have to." He couldn't keep the bitterness out of his voice.

"My reaction wasn't nearly as intense as yours, Mulder. I wasn't
traumatized like you were. And I didn't have someone watching me." Her
voice reduced to a whisper on the last line. "It should have been a very
private moment, and it wasn't. I'm sorry."

His face burned as he recalled what was, hands down, the single most
embarrassing moment of his life. "It's not your fault," he mumbled.

"Yours, either." Her hand stroked his arm tenderly. "I wish you would
remember that."

"I know," he said quietly. God, how he loved her.



"If this is all we did for the rest of our lives, I could be happy."

"Jesus! I hope not, Scully!" He opened his eyes and recoiled in horror;
Scully lost her grip, and she fell away from him, onto her side. "I mean, I
understand the sentiment, and I appreciate it." Gathering her again into
his arms, he stroked her back. "And if our roles were reversed, I would
love you just the same. I know that. I know I would be happy because I'd
have you. And I know that's what you mean." He sought out her eyes. "You
have no idea how much I love you for that."

She smiled. "I think I do."

His next words caught in his throat. Christ, how'd he get so lucky as to
have Scully fall in love with him? He felt like he could conquer
anyone--and anything.

Hugging her, he felt himself reacting. That tight band of fear he'd felt in
the back of his mind was thankfully absent this time. "Um, Scully?"

"Yes, Mulder."

He laughed. He should have known that words weren't necessary.

They'd already said the most important ones, anyway.


Saturday, March 14
Berlin, New Hampshire
Berlin University Hospital
Autopsy Bay 2
1:42 p.m.


"Jesus!" She jumped at the hand on her back.

"Sorry," Mulder apologized, rubbing his hand up and down her aching back.

"Mm... That's nice." She leaned into his arms, taking care to keep her
soiled gloves away from his clean suit.

"How's it coming?" he asked, and she wondered how he knew just where to
massage her to erase those kinks she'd gotten from three hours bending over
a corpse.

She sighed. "I'd say that extra 20 minutes made the difference. The air
conditioning cut out at about 7:30..." She looked at Mulder questioningly.
"What happened to it anyway?"

"An old building running AC and heat on the same circuit. Blew the fuse."

She nodded. "Well, that room wasn't too cold to begin with, but it was cold
enough to slow the spread of the chemical the body was producing. I'd say
it was maybe another half hour before the body began to really
deteriorate--and the contaminant to spread. You went in about 25 minutes
later, but I'd guess that it hadn't spread to upstairs much more than five
minutes before that."

Mulder looked sick; she couldn't say that she blamed him. "Have you told
anyone yet?"

She shook her head. "It's all conjecture on my part, Mulder. I don't know
if getting those men outside after thirty minutes would have saved them.
You were in there ten minutes, and look how it affected you. You were
lucky. You were able to get it out of your system before it could do any
real damage."

He grimaced. "I certainly didn't feel so lucky at the time."

She smiled sympathetically. "No doubt." She looked away. "You scared the
hell out of me, you know."

His arms left her back, and came around to encircle her about the waist. "I
know," he said, quietly. Releasing her, he stepped back as she stripped off
the gloves.

"Did you get checked out upstairs?" Since there had been no recurrence of
any of the aftereffects the remainder of the evening, they had decided that
they could wait until morning to get examined.

He nodded. "Clean bill of health. You?"

"The same. Did you know we absorbed that toxin through our skin as well as
breathing it?"

He shivered. "I should have guessed. I have never had something that felt
so good hurt so bad." His lips pressed together thoughtfully. "Um... any
speculation as to why we were affected in that particular way?"

She nodded slowly. "Apparently it... enhanced whatever feelings were
strongest at the time."

He couldn't disguise the delight in his voice. "Yeah?"

Suddenly, she was glad she'd removed her gloves because she needed to hold
him. She needed to take him in her arms and hug that little boy in him. She
needed to crush him to her because she adored him and she needed him to
know that. But mostly she needed to hold him because she missed the feel of
his body pressed to hers. "Mulder."

"Yeah?" His reply was hesitant and his expression was wary; could it be the
growl in her voice that threw him off-guard?

"You're too far away."

His face scrunched in confusion, then he laughed. "So I am." Yet he made no
move to come closer.

"Well?" she rumbled, and his eyebrows shot up into his forehead. "Are you
going to do anything about it?"

"Um..." God bless him, he actually looked nervous. "Are you going to ravage
me if I do?"

She gave him her best feral smile. "Yes."

He reached her in one stride.


Sunday, March 15
The Puffin Stop
Lancaster, New Hampshire
11:06 a.m.

Mulder groaned when Scully turned into the entrance to the gas
station/convenience store. "Oh, God, Scully, not this place again."

She gave him a smile of apology. "It's hit or miss up here in the
mountains, Mulder. I had to go with a sure thing. This place has food, gas,
and bathrooms. Everything I need." Her smile became sultry. "At this

He felt a stirring in his groin and quickly tamped it down. "Scully, you've
got to stop doing that."

"Why?" Her expression was pure innocence. "You've been doing it to me for
five years."

"Yeah, but it never... You didn't have to worry about..." The import of her
words finally hit him. "I have?" He felt horrible. The past several months,
his remarks had taken on more significance, but up until that point, his
innuendoes had been just that: innuendoes. Had he been tormenting her all
these years like she was now tormenting him?

"Whoa, G-man. I know where that mind's going. I meant you've been slinging
the smut, not that I've been taking them the way *you're* taking them.
Jesus, Mulder, were you always this horny?"

He felt his face heating up, then he wondered what planet she'd been on for
the past 34 years. "I'm a guy, Scully."


He broke out in a grin at the realization that she really had no idea.
"Guys are *always* horny."

At her expression of disgust, Mulder began to worry. Did he just nose-dive
below her boundaries of good taste? He'd all but forgotten about her
Catholic upbringing. Was she--"

"But were you always *this* horny?" She gestured to his crotch area. "Or am
I just looking more?"

What? He was sure he'd nipped that little problem in the bud; he looked
down quickly.

"Made you look," she laughed softly into his ear.

Turning his head swiftly, he captured her lips with his own. "You make me a
lot of things, Scully, the least of which is 'look.'"

Pulling back, she gazed into his eyes. She didn't move a muscle, but he
could have sworn she was smacking her lips. "Such as?"

He swallowed as he felt his control slipping. "Well, horny, for one."

She nodded and kissed him. "That goes without saying." Her hand covered his
where it rested on the seat. "What else?"

"Happy. You make me very happy."

Another kiss. And a smile. "I'm glad."

"You make me..." As he stared into her eyes, he began to feel flustered.
"...tongue-tied. Full of love." The look in her eyes made his heart
quicken; he swallowed. "Loved. You make me feel loved, Scully." He felt
himself tearing up and turned his face away.

"Hey." Her hand tightened over his.

He felt like an idiot, becoming so maudlin over something so commonplace.
People fell in love every day. People *loved* every day. Why should saying
such a simple, ordinary word cause such an upheaval in his emotional


"Yeah?" He sounded like a thirteen-year-old boy on the verge of puberty.
Jesus, Scully was about to discover that she'd fallen in love with a
squeaky-voiced teenager.

"I love you."

He faced her, as ever, amazed by the depth of feeling she was able to
convey to him with just a look. "You do," he said, still a bit in awe that
she could, and that she did.

Her finger traced his lips. "And you love me."

He smiled. "I do."

Scooting closer to him, she kissed his cheek, then trailed her tongue up to
his ear. Her breath was warm, and made him shudder right down to his socks.

His brain had switched off. He was aware only of sensations: the feel of
her hands on his chest, the touch of her lips on his ear. Barely able to
remember where he was, let alone *who* he was, he answered, "Yeah?"

"Buy me some food? I'm starving."


His head turned to her, eyes wide in disbelief. "Jesus, Scully, you sure
know how to kill a mood."

She gave him her best apologetic smile. "I'm hungry, Mulder."

He shook his head, sighing. "You *owe* me for this." His hand flipped open
the door handle, and he paused half in, half out of the car. "What do you

Thinking a moment, she finally gave up and shrugged. "Whatever you got last
time was fine."

He nodded, then got out, closing the door. She watched him through the back
window, then sighed and exited the car. After filling the tank, she ambled
toward the store, wondering what scene she'd happen upon this time.

She groaned to herself when she saw the same two men behind the counter.
What had they done to poor Mulder this time? Pushing through the door, she
began walking toward the refrigerator case at the back of the store.

"If you're lookin' for that tall fella, he's in the john."

Stopped by the deep voice, Scully turned around and walked to the counter.
"Can I have the key to the ladies room, please?"

The stockier of the two men was already holding it out. "He was gonna take
it to you when he got back."

"Thank you." Scully took the key, all the while wondering about the
newfound respect these two morons seemed to have for her partner. A vision
of her brother bragging about his latest "conquest" suddenly came to mind,
but Scully dismissed the thought almost as quickly as it appeared. Mulder
would never stoop so low just to get in good with a pair of dim-witted

As she approached the back of the building where the rest rooms were
situated, she came upon Mulder exiting the men's room. "Hey," she called.
"I already got the key."

He altered his path and came over to her. "You didn't pay for the gas, did

She shook her head. "Um... Mulder? Promise me you won't take this the wrong
way, but what did you say to your friends in there?" She gestured toward
the store. "I noticed a distinct absence of..." How to put this so as not
to hurt his feelings? "Er..."

Mulder began to fidget, and she began to worry. "I, uh..." He took a
breath. "The last time we were here I 'accidentally' let them catch a
glimpse of my weapon."

She laughed, relieved and then ashamed, and then sorry for him. "They
really got to you, didn't they?" she asked, softly.

His eyes met hers for an instant and quickly darted away; he shrugged. "I
was having a bad day."

Edging up beside him, she rubbed a hand up and down his arm. "I remember."

He stilled her hand by covering it with his. "In retrospect..." Looking
thoughtful and somewhat penitent, he continued. "I might have handled it
differently." He looked at her, genuine sorrow in his eyes. "I might have
handled a lot of things differently." He let out a breath. "Hell, they're
lucky I didn't shoot them."

"Are you talking about those two in there, or the Concord office?"

His surprise was written clearly all over his face. Staring at her a
moment, he sighed. "I'm in big trouble, aren't I?"

He'd made the connections so quickly that she had to smile. "You know it,
lover boy."

A slow smile crept over his face; he looked like he'd swallowed three
million canaries. His arms pulled her to him and she felt the whole length
of his body along the whole length of hers. She felt herself responding to
him, and then she really started to worry.

He wasn't the only one in trouble.


The End

End Part 7/7

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Thanks for reading!