MUUIP's Favorite Quotes:

DO anything

You can do just about anything. Think about that. Consider the
extraordinary capabilities which come from simply being alive. Then
add the vast amount of knowledge and the powerful technology at your
disposal. The possibilities are virtually endless for a positive,
creative, fulfilling life.

When you're faced with a challenging problem or difficult situation,
keep in mind that you can do anything, and you have a world full of
resources available to you. Avoid focusing too much on the problem
itself, because that will limit your perspective. Make an effort to
consider the nearly limitless possibilities available to you.

Always keep in mind that your very nature is to be flexible, creative
and effective. Just being alive and able to think for yourself, gives
you incredible capabilities. Make the most of them. Remember, you can
do almost anything.

-Copyright 1998 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. Used by permission.
From "The Daily Motivator" at
"We think therefore we are" -Rene Descartes

"We envision, therefore we become" -Claude Pelletier
"Imagination is better then knowledge" -Albert Einstein

"Imagination is the fruit of organisation."-Author unknown

"War is humanity in search of happiness" -SwOrD13

"Freedom is actually a bigger game then power. Power is about what
you can control. Freedom is about what you can unleash."-Harriet

"Life is too much fun! :) I don't have time to play games."- Claude

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing
would suffice to solve most problems of this world."-Mahatma Gandhi  


  "Wealth is not his who has it but his who enjoys it."- Benjamin

"We are not physical being having a spiritual experience, we are 
spiritual being having a physical experience".-Dr Wayne W Dyer


Free screen saver of Quotes to raise your spirit :): Once there scroll to the bottom of the page.
