RE: A healthy cigarette
A healthy cigarette, is it possible? Yes, of course. When I lived in Toronto I noticed the expanding business of oxygen bars.Interested in smoking habits and cigarette from my background and concerned about health , business, practicality and efficiency I came up with this simple solution : an oxygen cigarette.
...Although there is "free radicals" to be aware of. Free radicals are an oxygen atom missing an electron, that unstable atom seeks an electron back and sometimes takes it from a healthy cell from the body wich destroy or "mutate" that cell. A remedy to this, is to take multi vitamins/minerals, so the unstable atom of oxygen can get its missing electron from the vitamin/mineral instead of a healthy cell.We get free-radicals from various sources such as pollution, smoking, intoxication and others.I do not know if " free-radicals" are related to the intake of pure/or high concentration of oxygen yet, I intend to find out soon. Anyone knows? Please let me know.:)
-Who I am,
My name is Claude Pelletier and my background related to cigarette smoking started in 1984 in my highschool where I was president of a non-smoking club. I remember some good times there such as giving an apple for anyone breaking and throwing away a cigarette. Our kiosk was quite original; we had built a huge cigarette that opened up like a coffin and took the skeleton from the biology class and layed it down inside.It was very descriptive on what cigarette is all about.( smile ). Since then, over the years I have looked for answers about the smoking situation and also lost a friend to it, from cancer.
- I did start smoking,
Over the years I actually started smoking , a movie I had seen influenced me to do so. Where a priest trying to make villagers stop smoking was asked to start smoking and then try to stop. The villager wanting to proove him it wasn't so easy. I am not glad I did start smoking, but I no longer smoke and I understand better smoking craving and the habits along with it.
- My conclusion,
I came up with this conclusion: If cigarette is bad for our health, and people keep on smoking, then cigarette must be good and bad at the same time. I thought nicotine was good and carbon monoxide and tar are bad. I was wrong but not far from the truth. Nicotine is the addictive and the rest is 4000 toxic chemicals ( anonymous deadly weapon!). At that point in time I knew about the behavioural aspects of smoking (including fascination of fire), so the idea came to my mind of a cigarette with only nicotine in it.I had that idea for years and wanted to approach the company Nicorette about it, but I did not have that business sense required and to my dismay was beated to it last summer when a friend of mine told me the idea, the inhaler, has been purchased from Nicorette for 3.5 millions. Wow! I felt great and terrible at the same time, my idea was good, but someone else got it first. But now I have another idea:
An oxygen cigarette,
The oxygen in our atmosphere is depleting due to pollution, people care about their health but the fast pace of life makes it hard to access an oxygen bar (also expensive), even worse trying to drive to the country fields for fresh air.The solution: portable, fashionable and socially accepted fresh oxygen intake on demand. I couldn't see people walking around with air masks and air bottles, but oxygen cigarette! Yes! Small, discrete, as needed per individuals, socially acceptable in any areas ,even fashionable (different design on oxygen cigarette). Add maybe mouth freshener, flavors and ultimatly, a healthy gas to inhale that would make colored smoke when exhaled! ( perfect for pubs) . As you see, I thought of everything: health,behavioural habit, attractive novelty, practicality , all that can make the oxygen cigarette easy to put on the market and be good to the population .People like novelties and they like to have something to do, to hold, and now it can be healthy to do so!
It would be the next stage for people trying to stop smoking ( God help them, even cigarette company owners don't smoke and admit it is unhealthy ). I beleive the steps are: 1- Get rid of the 4000 toxic chemicals by using gum, patch or inhaler. Wich are nicotine replacement. 2- Slowly wean off nicotine and find something else to do to replace the behavioural pattern like a new social activity, exercise and/or oxygen cigarette.
Oxygen cigarette can be good for people stopping smoking and by healthy people wanting more oxygen out of our polluted air.
PS: I recently read about Sulnofil, that binds with nicotine receptors in the brain and blocks cravings even more effectively then nicotine itself.Might be a good thing to look into! :)
Claude Pelletier
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