Let's get to the meat of the subject and the reason I am here. I have something to tell the world.

I was born and raised with a Christian background. But I did not become a Christian until I was 25 years old. As every Born Again Christian knows, your background does not a Christian make. Oh, I could talk about God as well as the next person and swear that everything I said was gospel. Truth is, I wouldn't have recognized the gospel if they threw it at me. I knew what I was taught and was told not to question.

But that is just the beginning. God had other plans. Of course, in the beginning, His plans were not on my agenda. I was too busy living my life the way I chose, and not doing very good at it I might add. So, being the Gentleman that He is, He left me to my own devices. I had my share of Christian friends that tried to get me to go to their church or prayer meeting, and I was real good at making excuses. Once in a while I would give in, hoping that this would appease them and they would leave me alone for a while.

Well, the day came that God was waiting for. I stopped long enough to do some soul searching. Did I believe in the things I was taught about Him? Most of all, did I really believe in God? One of the things that had stuck in my mind while attending one of my friends' churches, was that you could talk to God just like you would any other person. So I decided that if there was a God and if you could talk to Him, then ok, here goes.

Now if you're reading this testimony and you are not a Born Again Christian I can just imagine what's going through your mind at this point. As a matter of fact, there may be a few Christians thinking the same thing. I accept that. But it doesn't change the facts. I called out to God and He answered. Three times I called and three times He replied. No, I don't hear voices and I'm not crazy. It would be impossible to explain in words what exactly happened that day. His reply was not so much a voice of sound as it was a voice of knowledge. I knew that He was in that room with me for I could feel His presence. I felt the warmth of the Holy Spirit burn inside me and right there I gave my life to God.

What has my life been like since that day? Outwardly, not much different than anyone else. In the last 25 years I've had to climb many a mountain and I've fallen into some deep valleys. I've even questioned God about many things in my life, thinking I knew better than God about how things should be. But through it all, I can look back and see how God has reshaped, molded and remade me, and I know He is not finished with me yet.

If you are a brother or sister in Christ that has just read this testimony, I don't need to explain what God can do in one person's life. If you are reading this and have not accepted Christ into your life then please do so now. God is waiting for you, just as He waited for me. There will come a day when you too will confess Jesus.

"Wherefore also God hath highly exhalted him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11

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