Other Notes

"My computer says, Press Escape to Continue. But what do I press to escape?"

- Benedict Ciantar, The Same Stories¹

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¹From Blithe House Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 1, posted online at http://www.blithe.com/bhq6.1/6.1.07.html.

"Harar: Taken to Twin Peaks"

by Edward Lacie

Table of Contents
Supplemental Documents

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Besides the notes on quotes which begin each "episode" the following citations are also noted:

_1. ¹real pretty: Tom Young, "Hey, You": see notes to Harar: Taken to Twin Peaks, by Edward Lacie.

²explorer: Melanie Klein, Love, Guilt and Reparation (1975), cited by Charles Nicholl in Somebody Else, "It has been found that phantasies of exploring the mother's body which arise out of the child's aggressive sexual desires, greed, curiosity and love, contribute to the man's interest in exploring new countries... In the explorer's unconscious mind, a new territory stands for a new mother, one that will replace the loss of the real mother."

³ears: Maury Terry mentions ritual use of dogs' ears in Satanic symbology in The Ultimate Evil (1987).

_2. ¹best minds: Allan Ginsberg, "Howl", "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness starving hysterical naked dragging themselves through the Negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix[.]"

²intolerability: "Rimbaud remained incapable of accepting life as he found it; its conditions he considered intolerable and he hated it because it was not what he had thought it was, and what he thought that it should be." Enid Starkie, Rimbaud, p. 439.

³season of secrecy and loss: Laura Z.Hobson, Gentleman's Agreement, "His laughter astonished him. The laugh, the bland face, the polite badinage [....] Here they were again, preserved all along in some indestructible camphor, ready to be donned and worn in this new season of secrecy and loss." p. 200.

_3. ¹theory...art: Enid Starkie, Rimbaud, "At the time of his belief in his new art he thought that poetry was the greatest element of magic, that it was the means of penetrating into the unknown and of becoming identified with God." p. 17.

²reading: Robert Bartlett Haas, A Primer for the Gradual Understanding of Gertrude Stein, "And then there was the question of conspiracy, whether it was a Communist plot or a heavily disguised Fascist plot, or again just a result of the social and psychological forces at work in Mr. Oswald's case history." p. 150.

³prayed: T.S. Eliot, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock": "But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed, [...] I am no prophet [...] And in short, I was afraid."

_4. ¹"The devil in the midst of the doctors": Léon Valade, letter, October 5, 1871, combines two descriptions he'd heard voiced about Rimbaud's reading of "The Drunken Boat" before a group, the first a Biblical reference to Christ among the rabbis.

²RAMJAC: a ficticious global conglomerate in Kurt Vonnegut's Jailbird.

³together: their duet "Enough is Enough" is echoed in subsequent lines.

_5. ¹footprints in the sand: "Footprints in the Sand" is the title of chapter 11 of Behind the Mask, by Dave Pallone with Alan Steinberg, subtitled "My Double Life in Baseball," a professional umpire's coming out story. The title is a reference to "an anonymous fable entitled 'Footsteps'" (p. 177), the last line of which ends "(W)hen you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I [Jesus] carried you." Behind the Mask, © 1990, Viking Penguin, first edition, hardcover.

²Scott in Portland: ibid. "Just before Thanksgiving, I visited Scott and some of his friends in Portland." p. 173. Scott, a romantic interest, died in an auto accident described in the subsequent pages. 

_6. ¹Socrates...Aegean: All these years later, nor Ed nor Luke knows what this reference may have been. (See Andrew Marvell?)

²supreme: Wallace Stevens title, "Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction".

³foreigner: The group Foreigner sang "Hot Blooded."

_7. ¹heilige: (HÎL-i-guh) (Germ.) holy

³musth: a male elephant's breeding "cycle" and the sweat produced by the elephant at that time, from the Sanskrit word meaning "drunk".

³sufficient: The phrase is from Eliot's "Four Quartets," not "The Waste Land."

_8. ¹ambassadors: The Ugly American, "(O)ur ambassador to Paris can speak German and our ambassador to Berlin can speak French." p. 230, paperback, fourteenth Crest printing 1965, © 1958 Eugene Burdick and Bill Lederer.

²ego: Enid Starkie, Rimbaud, "But to reach this happy state humanity will have to adopt a new and altered conception of the ego and banish the individualistic philosophy which has prevailed since the coming of Christianity, and it is this conception, accordiing to Lévi, which is at the root of the poetic failure of the West. This theory is one of the central and most important tenets of Rimbaud's aesthetic doctrine. It is the old conception of God, which is fast dying, which has produced the civilization which is dying too, and we can hope, says Lévi, one day to see the God of our barbarous fathers become the devil of our more enlightened children. The poets, with their newer and truer conception, will be the angels - messengers - of the men to come. [...] Real poets are emissaries from God and those who do not heed them will not be blessed by Heaven. Then everything which hitherto has been faulty will be reborn immortal and perfect." pp 109-110.

³exquisite corpse: Also the name of a San Francisco literary publication of the 1980s (edited by Steve Abbott). Exquisite corpses are a writing excercise for more than one person. Each participant adds a line to a continuing poem written on paper that is folded over to reveal only the previous line.

_9. ¹questions: Kurt Vonnegut, God bless you, Mr. Rosewater:

"'May I ask you a personal question?'

"'It's what life does all the time.'"

²writing: Blaise Cendrars, Sutter's Gold, Harpers, 1926 (with woodcuts and one color plate by Harry Cimino). From a letter by John Sutter to Monsieur Birmann, p. 124:

"'But what am I to do? This is why I am writing you.

"'Here is the situation.

"'I am a ruined man.

"'According to American law, half the value of all gold extracted belongs to me [....] All my estate has been invaded and laid waste[.]'" 

10. ¹magic: Enid Starkie, Rimbaud, "The real aim of magic is - as Eliphas Lévi says - the conquest of the 'point central', Those who reach this point are the 'thaumaturges' of science and they are masters of the riches of this world and of all other worlds. Nature obeys them because what they wish is the law of Nature, they are Nature itself, and they have reached the real Kingdom of God, the Sanctum Regnum of the Cabala. They have, on their own, attained in a certain measure, the omnipotence of God. Rimbaud came to believe that he too had been granted te privilege of reaching this stage, that he had been able to tear away the veil which hid the mysteries from view [....] Nature obeyed his behest and he was able to invent new flowers, new worlds, new colours. He imagined that he was to be granted the power of reconciling Christ and Satan, and of cutting down the tree of good and evil, in order to bring in universal love and brotherhood." p. 161.

²B: Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, "'Of course I am all right, Professor. I had to be. A is A.'" p. 1066, Signet 35th anniversary edition, paperback, © 1957, renewed 1983.

11. ¹backwards: Tracy Kidder, The Soul of a New Machine, "Alsing often heard West talk about flying upside down. It seemed to mean taking large risks, and the ways in which West used the phrase left Alsing in no doubt that flying upside down was supposed to be a desirable activity - the very stuff of vigorous life."

²kind: lyrics from "A Boy Like That" from West Side Story, music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, © 1956, 1957 by The Estate of Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim.

³venture: "Let's pretend that I want to write a novel concerning the people or some of the people with whom I grew up, and since we are only playing let us pretend it's a very long novel." - James Baldwin, "Notes for a Hypothetical Novel" (from Nobody Knows My Name).

12. ¹founder: Jorge Luis Borges, "The Secret Miracle", "The man does not exist who, outside his own specialty, is not credulous[.]" P. 144, Ficciones, 1962 ("The Secret Miracle," written, 1943), Grove Press paperback, first printing, translated by Anthony Kerrigan.

²The Pillar and the City: Gore Vidal's The City and the Pillar, © 1948, by E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., was rewritten; revised edition © 1965, E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. (Granada Publishing Ltd. paperback 1972, reprinted 1973, 1978). One ends in the main character raping another character; the other replaces the rape scene with a murder. Drastic revisions abound between the two versions, including "army" becoming "democratic army," alluded to in the coming lines.

³democratic army: Robert Scheer, in The Oregonian, May 25, 2003, F1, "Saving Pvt. Lynch: Rescue trumped up as U.S. propaganda, BBC report claims," "Eight days after her capture, American media trumpeted the military's story that Lynch was saved by Special Forces that stormed the hospital [....] However, according to the BBC, [...] the hospital's staff had informed the U.S. of this and made arrangements two days before the raid to turn Lynch over [.]" The The Los Angeles Times columnist continues, quoting Dr. Anmar Uday, "'It was like a Hollywood film. (The U.S. forces) cried "Go, go, go," with guns and blanks without bullets [...] (like) action movies (starring) Sylvester Stallone or Jackie Chan.'" and claims "The video was artfully edited by the Pentagon and released as proof that a battle to free Lynch had occurred when it had not."

13. ¹hill: Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, "[Secret Service Agent Clinton J.] Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the President's limousine. [...] Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where Mrs. Kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the striken President and Mrs. Kennedy as the President's car proceeded at high speed to Parkland Memorial Hospital, 4 miles away." pp. 21-22.

²seven: Nicholson Baker, The Size of Thoughts, "Lumber, i," "(A) sophomore in college, in 1975, wrote a paper on the numerical structure of Book I of The Faery Queen, in which he pointed out that the word seven appears for the first time in the poem on line seven, stanza 17, Canto vii of Spenser's proem, and appears in precisely the same context as surrounds the word seven in Revelations [sic] chapter 17, verse 7." From footnote, p. 219.

14. ¹Steinmetz, Arthur Rimbaud - Presence of an Enigma, p. ??.

²"Rabo Karabekian...Kitchen": Kurt Vonnegut, from "Author's Note" in Bluebeard, 1987, "This is a novel, and a hoax autobiography at that."

"A man named 'Fish,' farmer...half shell": In Seattle, I knew a man named "Fish" (reminiscent of two movies, "A Man Called Horse" and "A Fish Named Wanda"); Phillip José Farmer, using the pen name of Kurt Vonnegut's character Kilgore Trout, and with Vonnegut's permission to use the name, wrote Venus on the Half Shell.

³invisible theft: "The Invisible Theft" is a short story by Agatha Christie featuring fictional detective Hercule Poirot. It is one of four short stories in a book published under the title Dead Man's Mirror. A Berkeley Book, sixth printing, April 1986 (© 1931, 1932, 1936, renewed 1959, 1963), 230 pp., contains "The Invisible Theft" as the second of four stories, the first being the titular one. The New Dell Edition, first printing, 1966 (© 1932, 1936, renewed 1959, 1963) (previous Dell Edition #1699), 191 pp., contains "Dead Man's Mirror" as the first of three stories. The "missing" story is "The  Invisible Theft."

15. ¹Why: The letter "Y" is not a vowel in French like it sometimes is in English and thus is not assigned a color in Rimbaud's "Voyelles".

16. ¹knowledge alone: Walt Whitman, Calamus VIII, "I Thought That Knowledge Alone Would Suffice" (my thanks to Poet X for this selection - lme), from Walt Whitman, The Complete Poems, p. 608, Appendix 2, Poems Excluded from Leaves of Grass.

²Leaves of Calamus: Whitman's Leaves of Grass was issued in several editions, each an enlargement and edit of the previous (1855, 1856, 1860, 1865, 1865 Sequel, 1867, 1868, 1871, 1871 Second Issue, 1876, 1881, 1888, 1888 Complete, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1897).

³Calvino's book in Borges's library: Calvino's If on a winter night a traveller is intercut with other stories which, is claimed, change from reading to reading of the book; Borges's "The Library of Babylon" in which every book conceivable exists, including a version of each which is only one letter different and/or a version in which only one letter is the same.

17. ¹Zutists - construction on French mild profanity, "zut!" (equivalent to "damn"); a group of which Rimbaud was a member, they wrote profane and scatalogical parodies of "establishment" poets of the day and published them together in a sort of forerunner to a "'Zine" of their own which they called the "Zutist Album".

²sky: I'm not sure what this footnote is a reference to, possibly a long poem by E.A. Robinson entitled, "Man Against the Sky" (1919). (See also, "That Big O in the Sky," short story by Robert Burdette Sweet, The James White Review Vol. _, No. _.)

18. ¹Ali: Jean-Luc Steinmetz, Arthur Rimbaud - Presence of an Enigma, "At the beginning of 1883, Rimbaud {...} had a serious altercation with a shop clerk, Ali Chemmak. Rimbaud slapped the latter for refusing to obey him - a gesture he [...] mitigates [...] by declaring that it was done without violence. But Chemmak did not take it that way at all. After ripping Rimbaud's clothes and striking him in the face, he lodged a complaint with the municipal police while his friends threatened to kill his aggressor. Worried, Rimbaud alerted the French consul[.]" p. 287. Also, Time, August 4, 2003, "According to a former secretary to Saddam [Hussein], the strongman's second wife Samira is in Beirut.... Saddam and Samira are rumored to have had a son named Ali, but the family butler says there is no such person." p. 31.

²chrono-synclastic infundibula: Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan: 

"[T]he best brief explanation is probably that of Dr. Cyril Hall [....] The article is here reproduced [...] with gracious permission from the publishers: 

"'Chrono-synclastic infundibula - Just imagine that your Daddy is the smartest man who ever lived on Earth, and he knows everything there is to find out, and he is exactly right about everything. Now imagine another little child on some nice world a million light years away, and that child's Daddy is the smartest man who ever lived on that nice world so far away. And he is just as smart and just as right as your Daddy is. Both Daddies are smart, and both Daddies are right.

"Only if they ever met each other they would get into a terrible argument, because they wouldn't agree on anything. Now, you can say that your Daddy is right and the other little child's Daddy is wrong, but the Universe is an awfully big place. There is room enough for an awful lot of people to be right about things and still not agree.

"The reason both Daddies can be right and still get into terrible fights is because there are so many different ways of being right. There are places in the Universe, though, where each Daddy could finally catch on to what the other Daddy was talking about. These places are where all the different kinds of truths fit together as nicely as the parts in your Daddy's solar watch. We call these places chrono-synclastic infundibula. [...]

"Chrono means time. Synclastic means curved toward the same side in all directions, like the skin of an orange. Infundibulum (plural, infundibula - lme) is what the ancient Romans like Julius Gaesar and Nero called a funnel. If you don't know what a funnel is, get Mommy to show you one."

³see: The Yage Letters, pp 43-44, letter, William Burroughs to Allen Ginsberg: 

"Did you ever read H. G. Wells? The Country of the Blind? About a man stuck in a country where all the other inhabitants had been blind so many generations they had lost the concept of sight. He flips.

"'But don't you understand I can see?"

19. ¹away: Enid Starkie, Rimbaud, "One feels in [Rimbaud] a craving for rest, a weariness of the spirit in his self-imposed martyrdom and a longing that the bitter cup might be taken away from his lips." p. 159. Also Jesus Christ Superstar lyrics by Tim Rice, sung by the character Christ.

²F-word: See Baysans's "Wordsworth Meets Warhol" at members.tripod.com/~myrightmind/word.html.

³fool: Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, "These words were cut into the fountain rim: 'Pretend to be good always, and even God will be fooled.'" p. 189. Delacourt Press/Seymour Lawrence reprinted edition, hardcover; © 1965 (see also "The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot, line 162: "You are a proper fool, I said." Line 151: "Then I'll know who to thank, she said, and give [sic] me a straight look.").

20. "Blah, blah," the repeated phrase of this episode, is not a reference to what is presented as a complete paragraph in Kurt Vonnegut, Deadeye Dick, "Blah blah blah." p. 1, 1982, first Dell paperback printing, 1983.

¹"Is it safe?": Phrase spoken by Lawrence Olivier's character in the movie "Marathon Man" as he tortures Dustin Hoffman's character; also, the phrase was asked of Dan Rather when he was attacked in Central Park.

²two incognito lines: April 28, 2003, was the release date of Tom Robbins's latest novel, Villa Incognito; also, Steve Martin, "Writing is Easy!" from Pure Drivel, "You can safely use up to three sentences of someone else's work - unless they're friends; then you can use two.  The odds of being found out are very slim, and even if you are, there's no jail time." p. 8, first edition, hardcover, © 1998, 40 Share Productions, Inc.

³pie: Nicholson Baker, The Size of Thoughts, "Lumber," "v", "Pie is = as I happened to discover while looking for lumber in Froude's Short Studies on Great Subjects, Second Series, vol. II = a printer's term. In 'On Progress,' Froude writes: 'When a block of type from which a book has been printed is broken up into its constituent letters the letters so disintegrated are called 'pie.' The pie, a mere chaos, is afterwards sorted....'" p. 298.

21. ¹entertain you: "Let Me Entertain You" is a song on the Queen album "Jazz" - other songs from the same album mentioned in the surrounding lines are "If You Can't Beat Them," "Dead On Time," "In Only Seven Days," "Fun It," "Don't Stop Me Now," "Leaving Home Ain't Easy," all of which are "sampled" in the final song on the album, "More of that Jazz." Most of the lines are Queen song titles or title and lyrics from their many albums.

²Caan's: The specificity implies the movie version (starring James Caan and Kathy Bates in her Oscar-winning role) to the exclusion of Stephen King's book.

³sing and play/over the edge: William Johnston, The Monkees in Who's Got the Button?, "'I play and sing and these other three do an imitation of me playing and singing,' Davy told him." p. 206, © 1968, Raybert Productions, Inc. Robert Sidney Bowen, Hawaii Five-0, Top Secret, "Over the Edge" is the title of Chapter One, copywright 1969, Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. Both these books and The Gnome-mobile (and the Star Trek book quoted in an early chapter) are published by Whitman Publishing, a division of Western Publishing, Racine, Wisconsin.

23. ¹Souls: subtitle within Adventures in the Skin Trade by Dylan Thomas (short story), © 1955 by New Directions. © 1960 by The New American Library of World Literature, Inc., Fifth printing. The complete "episode" is a partial cut-up of said short story.

²death before bedtime: Edgar Box, Death Before Bedtime, © 1953, by E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., first paperback printing, Feb., 1954; first line: "'You know, I've never gone to bed with a man on a train before,' she said, taking off her blouse." Box is the pen name of Gore Vidal.

³white sidewalls: Kilgore Trout, Venus on the Halfshell, © 1974 by Scott Meredith Literary Agency, Inc., first paperback printing, Feb., 1975; pg. 100, "All except the leader were a solid purple. But when a young male overthrew the old leader, he would grow white sidewalls."

24. ¹"Ah! Sunflower": "The summer heat was on. Allen [Ginsberg] lay on his bed by the open window, reading William Blake. The book was open to the poem 'Ah! Sunflower,' from Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Allen had his pants open and was absentmindedly masturbating while he read." Barry Miles, Ginsberg, A Biography, p. 99 (1989, Simon & Schuster).

²correspondences: "(Rimbaud) believed, to speak in Swedenborgian language, that all things in the material world were a correspondence of things in the spiritual world, that they were only the imperfect images of heavenly beauty. The hidden and mysterious relation that binds the objects in the material world to those in the spirit world is what we call correspondences. And it is not possible for us to see the objects in the spirit world except indirectly through their symbols. These symbols are the language of nature, a hieroglyphic language spread out before us unread, or else only imperfectly read. Swedenborg thought that the great thinkers (F-B-M) were those who could see beyond the shell into the heart of things, who could decipher the mysterious hieroglyphics. And so all true art necessarily becomes the expression of aspiration towards perfect beauty, but it can only be the symbol of this beauty, its imperfect image, whose value will solely depend on the degree of spiritual development of the poet, on his power of divination." Enid Starkie, Rimbaud, p. 112.

³camera works: Cameraworks is a book displaying and describing David Hockney's photographic experiments from March, 1981, until June, 1983 (text by Lawrence Weschler, Alfred A. Knopf, 1984). The collages are very Cubist in nature.

25. ¹virus: "Word is image is virus, as Burroughs puts it." Harold Norse, Beat Hotel, p. 70.

²treasure diver: Treasure Diver by Julius Goodman, a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book, © 1984 by R. A. Montgomery, Bantam Books, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10103. "Choose Your Own Adventure" books allowed the reader to make choices as the story advanced, resulting, in the case of Treasure Diver, nineteen endings (as promised on the front cover). Of those, ten end in the death of the "adventurer;" another five are bittersweet endings, at best. Two of the possible nineteen endings are "grand prize" (treasure discovered, all live happily ever after) sort of endings. (#10 and #11 of the series, both by R.A. Montgomery, have 36 and 44 endings, respectively, and only once or twice are readers given a choice between three, rather than two, alternatives.) (#16 in the series, Survival at Sea, has 26 endings and, unlike in Treasure Diver, some pages permit three or four choices, rather than always being limited to two.) (In contrast, The Lost Tribe [#23 in the series] has 28 possible endings. Like Treasure Diver, the ratio of good endings to death endings is about the same, (combined they equal the number of ho-hum endings), and there are two endings which could be seen as "grand prize" endings. The Lost Tribe is written by Louise Munro Foley, © 1983 by Edward Packard ["Original conception of Edward Packard"].) (#27 in the series, The Horror of High Ridge by Julius Goodman, © 1983, has three pages which offer three choices to continue the story.) (#67 in the series has two pages with three choices, all other pages have tw choices if any; #85 in the series, Inca Gold by Jim Becket, © 1988, returns to the "two choices per branch" format of the earliest books.) (#1, The Cave of Time, © 1979 by Edard Packard, says of the author, "A graduate of Princeton University and Columbia Law School, Edward Packard [...] conceived of the idea for the Choose Your Own Adventure series in the course of telling bedtime stories to his children, Caroline, Andrea, and Wells." The first book has two pages where three choices are offered and one page where four choices are offered.) (My appreciation to Ed and Jim Post's neighbor Lara for informing me of the series which I'd not heard of before.) (A similar series, entitled "Twist-A-Plot" has been discovered: the tenth title of ten in the series, Mission of the Secret Spy Squad, © 1984 by Ruth Glick and Eileen Buckholtz, published by Scholastic Inc., contains such "choices" as "Flip a coin. If heads, go to page.... If tails, page...." and "If you are left-handed, go to page.... If right-handed...." and "If today is Saturday or Sunday, go to page.... If...." and has "over 20 endings!")

³Johann Peter Hebel: Poet-peasant of Basle, Switzerland. The poem appears, untranslated, in Sutter's Gold, by Blaise Cendrars, p. 10. (Translation by Greg Baysans: "Poet John Peter Hebel/ Has a pimple between his legs,/ And he who would grasp things better/ Has two big balls there instead.")

26. ¹October 26, 1979: "...one and two is not what it used to be since it's all coming back the numbers and with the birth of numbers comes the death of poetry it's all coming back the numbers and with the birth of numbers comes the death of poetry it's all coming back the numbers and with the birth of numbers comes the death of poetry it's all coming back the numbers and with the birth of numbers comes the death of poetry it's all coming back the numbers and with the birth of numbers comes the death of poetry it's all coming back the numbers and with the...." Richard Grossman, The Alphabet Man, pp. 223-237.

²band from Atom Heart: I see no reason for this line or association; Atom Heart Mother does not contain any songs with lyrics like "lonely hearts club" an obvious reference to The Beatles, not Pink Floyd. Rather than a mistake (Ed knew better, I know), I think it's a clue to something I can't decipher ("heart" and "sun" were spirit code words). - Lucas Moravagine Edwards

³disappeared: Italo Calvino, If on a winter's night a traveler, "Then from the very first page you realize that the novel you are holding has nothing to do with the one you were reading yesterday." p. 33 (for now), translated by William Weaver.

27. ¹work: Tracy Kidder, The Soul of a New Machine, "Some anecdotal evidence suggested, though, that [computers] might be used extensively to increase the reach of top managers crazed for efficiency and thus would serve as tools to destroy the last vestige of pleasant, interesting work."

²risen: "my body awakens I'm resurrected I'm risen/ watching bodies in stellar clusters" Harold Norse, "Mysteries of the Orgy" (from Carnivorous Saint, 1977, Gay Sunshine Press, p. 17).

³piano: Kurt Vonnegut's first novel, Player Piano (1952), concerns the usefullness of man after machines and computers have replaced most workers (except management, of course).

28. ¹train: See also "Vehicle Poetry" by Greg Baysans ("This train is bound for glory, that train."), his first prose poem.

²Sunday: Matthew 24:20 (see also especially Mark 13:14-20 for the Sunday reference): "But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house: And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment. But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter. For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days."

³...chose me: from Jesus Christ Superstar, lyrics by Tim Rice, these words are those of the character Judas as he is about to commit suicide.

29. ¹scientists: "Scientists have isolated nine different processing stages in the act of writing, from the initial idea to write, the so-called activation of intentions, to the selection of individual letters, then size and slant and position, to the bursts of neurophysiological activity required to coordinate the muscles in our arms, forearms, and hands." - Simon Worrall, The Poet and the Murderer

²Minot: "Minot is a small city, its population about 33,000. [...] The Air Force Base, where John Carr died, is about thirteen miles north of the city." Maury Terry, The Ultimate Evil

³N. Dakota: the geographical center of North America.

30. ¹Neal Cassady: indescribable, see "Howl" by Allan Ginsberg ("cocksman and Adonis of Denver" is Ginsberg's description of Neal).

²Dylan Thomas: died after consuming 18 shots of whiskey in New York City. (Add better documented facts here. - lme.)

³Sylvia Plath, "Daddy": "You do not do, you do not do,/ Anymore, brown shoe...."

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