***** Welcome To Myskyns Page *****

Hello from Colorado!!! I'm a transplanted Southern boy who discovered this beautiful place about six months ago while on vacation. After forty years in the Deep South I thought it was time for a change and here I am. In the short amount of time I've been here I've made some great friends and had some great times. There's always plenty of things to do and see. On these pages you'll find some pictures of friends and family, some links and anything else I can come up with to put here. So sit back and have a cold one with me and take a look around. You never know what you might find.


Official Factory Page
Confederate Motorcycles
Check out the Confederado!!!
Biker Trash
Buy something from T-Bosch
Indian Motorcycles
Beautiful Bikes
Pattys Place
A Dear Friend in Florida

Other Pages

Four Corners Rally:
North Carolina:
Laughlin River Run:
More Laughlin:
The Trip Home:
Ron's Party:
Last Page:
Myskyn-The Early Years: