Falconspire Castle Fly Falconspire [958x557] |
A---S---k---k---kD | S T---P | | 3-Dark Hallway S---R 4-Wide Stone Hall | 5-A Turn in the Hall G A-Armory | b-A Bedroom WU--o GD b WU bl-A Large bedroom | | | | | B-The Barracks o---o---B 4---G---4 3---3---3 Cl-Clan room | | | | | E-Entrance to the B---9---9---9 4---5 5---4 3---3---3---bl East Wing | | | | | | G-A Grand HAll K---M 8---I I---E b GD-(downexit dungeon) | | ricketty ladder 4---4 SU 4---4 I-An Intersection in | | | the Wall tc--L--tc k- | K-The Kitchen o L-Brightly Lit Cooridor | M-Mess Hall @ M-Mess Hall | o- Cl O-Open Hall S-Short Hall P-Private Study SU-Spiral Staircase (exitup) RD-(downexit) T-Before Throne rusty ladder tc-Turn in the cooridor